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Thread: Inside the mind of me; I will CRUSH everybody at BB competition on Nov.2 AT ALL COSTS

  1. #201
    Quote Originally Posted by vacarski
    You wont get your picture taken in trunks at your own gym because your a homophobe, but your going to get on stage under bright white lights, with hundreds of people watching and thousands of pictures being taken by everyone in the audience with them on.
    I was going to write the same thing but I had to take off..very true

  2. #202
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    ok mr. of iron, you keep going on about WINNING AT ALL COSTS (always in capitals), do you not think all your competitors will have the same mindest, and will all have worked just as hard, if not harder than you? and dont give me the dramatic, over the top response im expecting, which, typically, will be in block capitals and be worded like your cutting a pro wrestling promo, and contain the phrase "NOBODY COULD POSSIBLY WORK ANY HARDER THAN ME, I AM LORD ALMIGHTY" seriously your posts are getting thoroughly annoying. i appreciate the fact that in competitive scenarios we must be confident, as a simple change in mindset helped me win many more wrestling and shootfighting bouts, but going about it the way you have, and writing a load of retarded shit on a message board is kind of stupid and immature

  3. #203
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    ok mr. of iron, you keep going on about WINNING AT ALL COSTS (always in capitals), do you not think all your competitors will have the same mindest, and will all have worked just as hard, if not harder than you? and dont give me the dramatic, over the top response im expecting, which, typically, will be in block capitals and be worded like your cutting a pro wrestling promo, and contain the phrase "NOBODY COULD POSSIBLY WORK ANY HARDER THAN ME, I AM LORD ALMIGHTY" seriously your posts are getting thoroughly annoying. i appreciate the fact that in competitive scenarios we must be confident, as a simple change in mindset helped me win many more wrestling and shootfighting bouts, but going about it the way you have, and writing a load of retarded shit on a message board is kind of stupid and immature
    There is a difference between confidence and being full of oneself. Look at King Kamali and the shit he has talked. Other modest bbders have done much better.

    By the way Will of Iron. Some judges read this site. How do they think they will score you reading that you think you're the hottest 19 year old to ever step on stage? Good luck with that.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  4. #204
    thats a very good point Im just waitin for those pics..

  5. #205

    I talk the talk and walk the walk

    When I say im going to do something, I will...I am a man of my word, and here are the pictures I promised you all. 5"9 248lbs, 19 years old only on 2nd week of 1st steroid cycle ever with sustanon 250. This is my base on what I look naturally now..but not for long...when the juice starts kicking in around week 3+ I can guarantee you, by the end of the cycle, I will be 2 times as big+ripped. I will squeeze in about 3-4 short cycles of extreme dosages between now and Nov 4th. On that day, I WILL CRUSH EVERYBODY AND BRING HOME TROPHY. That is my mentality, that is my mindset, I will achieve physical and mental superiority over my competitors on that faithful day. Some day....Some day I will be in the IFBB...I can promise you guys that.
    What do you guys have to say about my physique? I believe sterouds will greatly enhance this natural base that you see on the photos.
    Now do you believe me????
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  6. #206
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  7. #207
    and this is for you HATERS
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  8. #208
    Join Date
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    a small room
    The dark guy to the side looks like a bro I his name Will???

  9. #209
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    The dark guy to the side looks like a bro I his name Will???
    u 2 huh?

  10. #210
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    if u crush everyone but bring back a trophy.. whose gonna be left for you to prove the win too?

  11. #211
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    You dont really have any muscle...your kind of tubby...

    I really cant think of a kind way of saying it...

  12. #212
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    BTW here is your competition @ 19 yrs old

  13. #213
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I think he might look much better if he becomes much more ripped. The photographs aren't the best. Hard to judge.

  14. #214
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    BTW here is your competition @ 19 yrs old
    LOL, good call, I was thinking the same thing. Well man I am not gonna be an asshole and flame you. But you are really not in a good position to talk the smack you talk. You Have a big build yes, but lack a lot of muscle definition. You are truly not going to be anywhere near 275 in competition unless you enter retaining a ton of water and 15+%bf...the same place you are at now, but with some added muscle from the cycle. I wish you luck in your competition because I honestly think you will need it for a victory.


  15. #215
    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    You dont really have any muscle...your kind of tubby...

    I really cant think of a kind way of saying it...
    I dont have ANY muscles? Wow. Newkid, you wouldn't mind showing me a picture of your back now would ya? Let's see it! Please keep in mind that this body is still a natty, as steroids dont really do anything the first week...
    btw, thanks for linking me to that thread of the other 19 year just gets me ready mentally and psyches me up! My goal is to get on that stage looking a solid 270lbs with at least twenty inch arms...260 may be okay as well...
    I know my arms are small and they lack clarity and definition. I am contemplating on using small amounts of synthol to jack it up a bit...I know...if I go on stage with those scrawny arms, that black dude is gonna kill me haha

  16. #216
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    Quote Originally Posted by Will of Iron
    I dont have ANY muscles? Wow. Newkid, you wouldn't mind showing me a picture of your back now would ya? Let's see it! Please keep in mind that this body is still a natty, as steroids dont really do anything the first week...
    btw, thanks for linking me to that thread of the other 19 year just gets me ready mentally and psyches me up! My goal is to get on that stage looking a solid 270lbs with at least twenty inch arms...260 may be okay as well...
    I know my arms are small and they lack clarity and definition. I am contemplating on using small amounts of synthol to jack it up a bit...I know...if I go on stage with those scrawny arms, that black dude is gonna kill me haha
    Im not going to get into it with you...I said my peice...

    ROFL @ synthol use

  17. #217
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    You do have muscle of course, for your height and age etc it is impressive. However I just think you need to look at things more realistically. Getting on stage at 270 or even 260 will not be possible if you are in competition shape. I mean I hate to keep going back to the same example but **** man, you have to realize how impossible that really is for you after on cycle. Again, Jay Cutler is all I have to say, he is your exact same height and he competes in the 260lb range. Do you honestly think you are going to be that size?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  18. #218
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Bro your 250 and to be ripped you could easily drop to 215....and you want to come into the competition at a "shredded" 260-270....thats putting on 40 pounds of almost straight muscle in less than 8 of luck. I mean why 8 months? Why not make it a little more of a realistic goal?

  19. #219
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    You dont really have any muscle...your kind of tubby...

    I really cant think of a kind way of saying it...
    Yeah man, me too.

    Not to be insulting, but you don't appear aesthetically pleasing in the least sense.

    I'm very sorry.


  20. #220
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    The worst part is you starting steroids in THAT CONDITION.

    We're all here to better ourselves, and you wanted a critique, and the honest critique is that you're no where near ready for steroids, a show, or any formal event.

    You are ready for a good 5 years of solid training/diet/bringing it all together naturally. That is a goal I would shoot for. I'm giving brutal honesty, not saying "you're diesel bro" and shit like that, because that would be a bold faced lie.

    Good luck to you!


  21. #221
    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    Bro your 250 and to be ripped you could easily drop to 215....and you want to come into the competition at a "shredded" 260-270....thats putting on 40 pounds of almost straight muscle in less than 8 of luck. I mean why 8 months? Why not make it a little more of a realistic goal?
    You know..I was thinking this to myself, and I may be having unrealistic goals after all. It's just that I want to win, and can not imagine the possibility of someone else beating me...that would be a very very terrible nightmare for me, and I seriously find life WORTHLESS without bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is my is my blood. I felt that I was born into this world just to bodybuild and compete and WIN...its all I think about mind revolves around bodybuilding all of the time. I even whack off to the thoughts of lifting weights, thus connecting my sexual desire to winning and "connecting the 2 concepts" together into 1 merged goal.
    The reason I want to go on that stage a ripped 270 is because my genetics are average to say the least, and I feel the need to make up for my average genetics by being extra big, extra freaky, a little "Marcus Ruhl" tone to myself really. This will be my first competition, and I really want to win this...really do, and I will really do anything to win it. Sure there are thirsty blood out there that want the same as me...but I really dont think anybody can outweigh the power of my mind which is fortified with raw iron. I will start cutting down now, will do cardio 3 times a week in the morning on an empty stomach..will clean up my diet a bit (no more triple whoppers king size, with cheese and bacon added, no more 2 liters of ice cream a day). I saw my own pics and think I may be getting a bit chubby so to I will start getting leaner but staying at my current weight of 247. I will even try to introduce some winstrol and anavar to the end of my cycle...sound good?
    Thank you guys for bringing this flaw to my attention....

  22. #222
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Will of Iron
    I even whack off to the thoughts of lifting weights, thus connecting my sexual desire to winning and "connecting the 2 concepts" together into 1 merged goal.
    Now I can kind of understand where the issues are.


  23. #223
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    You also have this very mis-guided idea about steroids and what you think they are going to magically do for you.

    I can't take time to go into details, but you will be VERY disappointed in what reality actually "is" compared to your perception of that reality.

    Looking like Marcus Ruhl would require you to train naturally for a good while, then use grams of test a week, androgens out the ass, GH, IGF1, T3, SLIN, etc., for YEARS on end as well, costing THOUSANDS of dollars monthly, year in and year out.

    Again, way more to it, but you'll eventually learn that as you are only 19. With age comes wisdom, or at least you hope.


  24. #224
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    HMMM and they say women r nutz

  25. #225
    This guy is the funniest bro on this site!!! Don't flame this guy, He is too funny... Even if you hate him, you gotta admit, you love to hate him!!! He is the king of drama kings, and personally, I am a fan... Do a search of his threads... a whole nights worth of entertaining reading...
    Last edited by MasterShake; 03-21-2006 at 09:17 PM.

  26. #226
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by Will of Iron
    You know..I was thinking this to myself, and I may be having unrealistic goals after all. It's just that I want to win, and can not imagine the possibility of someone else beating me...that would be a very very terrible nightmare for me, and I seriously find life WORTHLESS without bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is my is my blood. I felt that I was born into this world just to bodybuild and compete and WIN...its all I think about mind revolves around bodybuilding all of the time. I even whack off to the thoughts of lifting weights, thus connecting my sexual desire to winning and "connecting the 2 concepts" together into 1 merged goal.
    The reason I want to go on that stage a ripped 270 is because my genetics are average to say the least, and I feel the need to make up for my average genetics by being extra big, extra freaky, a little "Marcus Ruhl" tone to myself really. This will be my first competition, and I really want to win this...really do, and I will really do anything to win it. Sure there are thirsty blood out there that want the same as me...but I really dont think anybody can outweigh the power of my mind which is fortified with raw iron. I will start cutting down now, will do cardio 3 times a week in the morning on an empty stomach..will clean up my diet a bit (no more triple whoppers king size, with cheese and bacon added, no more 2 liters of ice cream a day). I saw my own pics and think I may be getting a bit chubby so to I will start getting leaner but staying at my current weight of 247. I will even try to introduce some winstrol and anavar to the end of my cycle...sound good?
    Thank you guys for bringing this flaw to my attention....

    Bro, the diet forum is your best friend, not the steroid forum. If you took winny and anavar now they'd do nothing for you. They wont transform your body into a masterpiece. Dieting is more important than exogenous substances.

  27. #227
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    your body is immature, as well as your mind..get your mind right you got alot of training ahead of you before your even close.

  28. #228
    You say will of iron. I dont think so. Cardio 3 times a week and cleaning up your diet? You sound pretty uneducated to me. You are more than 15% bodyfat that is for sure. Your back width is good..thats about what I can see. Adding var and winny at the end of your cycle? That won't do shit for you. Var and winny will really only give you good results if you are very lean and your diet is on tune which yours is clearly not. I think you should start looking around the forum more because you have a lot to learn. I don't even think you are ready for steroids because number 1, you haven't been training naturally long enough with a clean bulking diet and number 2, you are too young in the first place. Get a good grasp of diet and training, train naturally for years, and THEN think about steroids.

  29. #229
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Will of Iron
    When I say im going to do something, I will...I am a man of my word, and here are the pictures I promised you all. 5"9 248lbs, 19 years old only on 2nd week of 1st steroid cycle ever with sustanon 250. This is my base on what I look naturally now..but not for long...when the juice starts kicking in around week 3+ I can guarantee you, by the end of the cycle, I will be 2 times as big+ripped. I will squeeze in about 3-4 short cycles of extreme dosages between now and Nov 4th. On that day, I WILL CRUSH EVERYBODY AND BRING HOME TROPHY. That is my mentality, that is my mindset, I will achieve physical and mental superiority over my competitors on that faithful day. Some day....Some day I will be in the IFBB...I can promise you guys that.
    What do you guys have to say about my physique? I believe sterouds will greatly enhance this natural base that you see on the photos.
    Now do you believe me????

    I'm not going to flame. I'll just say, you're going to lose A LOT of mass/weight to cut your body fat down to competition level. A lot.

    You're also doing the hardest show of the year. You're doing a national qualifier. This is the last chance of the year to qualify nationally. Do you realize guys come from all over to do this show?

    If you want to win a show I think it will take longer than 8 months. Pick a show next year. Spend the next 8 months reducing your body fat and adding size and creating perfect symmetry. Once you've done these things you'll be ready to win a show.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  30. #230
    Join Date
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    a small room
    Who is the guy giving the finger...? He looks old but I guess not very mature...good that someone has your back like that I guess...

  31. #231
    Join Date
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    Bronx NY
    lol this kid is a complete idiot..hey "Will of Iron" look at my avator and im only 20...I should be your goal LOL..get real kid and please be-friend the diet forums...

  32. #232
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

  33. #233
    Join Date
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    No flames going to come from me just my thoughts. I just want to know if you can post some pics showing your legs and also how about something without a shirt it is very hard to see muscles when they are all covered with clothing.

    I do have to agree that you have a wide back but that is about it.. The rest you is just bigger but I am guessing a lot of fat covering your muscles since there is not a lot of shape. I would listen to Carlos on this one and wait until next year if you really want to try to dominate the stage.

    It is good to have a strong mindset when going into something like this but you need to have a level head and and really think the whole process through.

    Last edited by oldman; 03-22-2006 at 06:38 AM.

  34. #234
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK

    ur goals are very unrealistic, you think steroids will magically transform you, they wont. you are carrying WAY more than 15% boyfat, you will not be in anywhere near the shape you plan on being in within the next year. good luck, and embrace maturity when it gets here

  35. #235
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Will of Iron
    I even whack off to the thoughts of lifting weights, thus connecting my sexual desire to winning and "connecting the 2 concepts" together into 1 merged goal.
    Bro I am not quite sure if this is normal


  36. #236
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    im sure its just a case of him trying to make out that this is how dedicated he is lol, just makes him look kinda weird

  37. #237
    Join Date
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    lmaoooa @ wacking off..he MUST not be straight if he's picturing other men lifting weights in his mind when hes "wacking"

  38. #238
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    im sure its just a case of him trying to make out that this is how dedicated he is lol
    LOL, I hope so for his sake bro.


  39. #239
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    LOL, I hope so for his sake bro.

    if not then id never want this guy to spot me on flat bench lol. he mite try and tea-bag me, mid set

  40. #240
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Enough of this whack ass shit.

    You've lots of work to do, YEARS, so start now.


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