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Thread: Rant

  1. #1


    Ok, Starting back in feb of 2005 my now fiances step dads best friend decided to call us and invite us to his 3 year old Bday party, half way thru his message he decided to go about and say how he will kill me and cut my head off ect.. I never but once even met this loser and never spoke to him on the phone, he then went and left 3 more messages in a row all very nasty. Even thou I could of went and hurt him, I went to the cops, gave them the sound files on CD of his voicemails and the state took him to court. He got set to probation and a NO CONTACT order with me or my fiance. Well lately he decided to start sending us threat emails and he even made a myspace page (hes 39years old) to just talk crap about me and my fiance. Last night at 130am michigan time he decided to come over, I goto the door and he starts running back to his buddys car waving a gun at me saying how I am goin to die, so I followed them and called the police, the police went to his house and he acted like he was sleeping and kept showing the cops his car saying look the hoods cold, but he did not come in his car to my house and the cops know that and told me thats wierd he would keep pointing out his car was cold when they never asked him anything about it. But like most michigan police they are slow and have not even assigned a dective to the case, now I have to sit at my house with my 12g hoping he does not come over again cause I will have to shoot him. Im only 25 years old and allready have a no contact order with this pathetic 39 year old and he wont give up.

    Here is his myspace link



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I hit the "report inappropriate content" button and said....

    "Something has to be done, NOW, this guy is just too damn ugly to be able to have a space like this. Make him take his picture down, or charge him for obstruction of attractive bandwidth".

    Status: Single.

    Ummm, yeah, that's a pretty safe bet there!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    i'm confused though. why does he hate you so much? did he have a thing with her before you did?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by hotstuff
    i'm confused though. why does he hate you so much? did he have a thing with her before you did?
    No he never had a thing with her before hand, he dont like me because I come form a more upperclass family, and my fiances mother and everyone else in her family hates me because they think im wrong for thier daughter. Even tho when I met her she was into drugs bad and now shes been clean for almost 2 years!!!!!

    Last edited by the_rebirth; 03-20-2006 at 05:53 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    that sucks bro..honestly be very careful what u do with that gun...bad things can happen once u bring weapon in the game...there is self-defense but if he came into ur home with no gun and u smoked him, ur done...

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    that sucks bro..honestly be very careful what u do with that gun...bad things can happen once u bring weapon in the game...there is self-defense but if he came into ur home with no gun and u smoked him, ur done...
    I know.. But one good thing is within 2 weeks were off to Las Vegas where we bought a house. Doubt he could ride his bicycle that far. LOL

  7. #7
    wtf that dude is ugly.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    yeah he's really homely. so this guy is your fiance's step dad's friend? why isn't her dad doing anything about this??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    keep ur fingers crossed nothing happens till then...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I think you are allowed to shoot someone if they break into your house.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    **** that i can't read any of the crap on his site with Tyra in the background.......seems like a nutcase, be careful dude

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    **** that i can't read any of the crap on his site with Tyra in the background.......seems like a nutcase, be careful dude

    were trying to , we live in Michigan, but within 2 weeks were out to Vegas.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I hate to say this, but he seriously solidifies and validates the phrase "WHITE TRASH".

    He's white, and someone w/that attitude and lack of intelligence carrying himself the way he does just seals that deal.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    from personal experience with ppl i know, if you initiated a "no contact" order with the police, that equals malicious intent on his part in court and no jury would even slightly consider convicting you of anything (especially with him being on probation) if this guy steps a foot on your property, shoot him below the waist and tell the cops he was threateniing to kill you and wouldnt leave. you have a get out of jail free card, any attorney will tell you. only thing that will set this dumb ass straight is to shoot him, i wouldnt think twice about doing it. when the cops ask you why you did it, just say cuz his myspace page said he wanted to meet john gotti, fvckn worthless fag i hate trash like that.

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