Im about to watch it, Anyone seen it, what did you think?
Im about to watch it, Anyone seen it, what did you think?
It was not what I thought it would be at all, but it was entertaining.
So, not saying it's bad, just not what I imagined it would be.
I thought it would be good but I was really disappointed.Not enough killing.
Yeah I heard it was alright worth watching it but Saving Private Ryan was more action killing !
i downloaded it over the weekend. it was a decent movie. worth seeing but not the greatest war style movie out.
If you've never been deployed you wont appreciate as much, I remember leaving the theater with that same shitty sick to my stomach feeling that I dealt with everyday during my first deployment, course the girl is was seeing at the time was a huge slut so....
i thought it was boring as hell, not very entertaining, but my friend says its very similar to how that life really is...
that movie freakin sucked, i'm sure american soldiers are anything but bored in Iraq now
the idea around the movie was trying to tell the audience about how soldier's are trained to want to kill enemies in combat & how the media glorify's it
"Platoon" is a much better movie on the subject, about how a kid wants to go fight for his country and realizes war isn't as glorifying as he thought, plus there are sub-plots between characters which give greater meaning as well
I would have rather ate racoon shit then watched it.
hell yeah platoon was the shit. king and charlie sheen were badassOriginally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
full metal jacket....
i didn't like it so much
i heard it was quite homoerotic... seriously, not being crude at all.
Made me sick the way they made our soldiers look like a bunch of murdering grab ass weirdo's, FFFFFF jarhead, (should of knew it would be bad, jamie(sp?) foxx was the same dipshit that tried to make tookie look like Mother Theresa.)
Originally Posted by ManWhore
on jarhead.My cousin is a medic over in iraq and I find the damn movie a sick joke
im pretty sure it was supposed to take place during desert storm, or is my memory totally shot...but anyway my boy tells me that he cant wait to be deployed just cause he so frustrated and sick of the shit he has to put up with he wants to kill them...what these movies doesnt portray that well is that the people over there are mostly 18-19 year old goin to war, thats crazy shit...Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
i thought it was a pretty good movie !
haha. yah. jarhead, imo, was completely inaccurate. read the bio on the guy who wrote the book. Idiot.Originally Posted by swizole
Full metal jacket is the best war movie to me. It is about Vietnam. It is good shit, everyone should check it out. I went and saw jar head when it first came out expecting it to be good. It sucked donkey dick!
the guy who wrote it served in the first Gulf War, it's his story, comparing it to Vietnam movies doesn't make much sense.
I agree, I enjoyed itOriginally Posted by farrebarre
Not at allOriginally Posted by bigbouncinballs
memoirs or not, it is still storytelling - which i may add, the biographer's author "Anthony Swofford" has been accused of vastly exagerating.Originally Posted by breacherup
I was referring to the broader sense of depicting war in the modern age on the human level
it has nothing to do with the present iraq was a good movie but not a good "war" movie because he wasnt caught up in the "war"
I was simply referring to the timing of the release of "Jarhead", yes, it takes place during Gulf War 1, the new war in Iraq is RADICALLY different. I would much rather hear the story of a career enlisted infantry soldier serving in the last 10 years, than hearing about an enlisted infantry soldier during the operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm period. I also think it would be more relavent to the public, so civilians can identify more with war veterans.Originally Posted by lucabratzi
Last edited by GQ-Bouncer; 03-22-2006 at 02:28 AM.
i liked the way something in the way was used in it. I don't think any song would have suited that scene better
I really liked it... but I think it is better suited for those that have been in the Marine Corps or in a similar situation. Almost like a Full Metal Jacket for the new millenium...
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