Ladies, we all know a good man is hard to find. Here are 50 boyfriends so bad you'll toast to being single!
Tired of watching your man play X-Box all day? Does he cruise when you're not home? When he takes you back to his place, does his mother answer the door? 50 Boyfriends Worse Than Yours is a hilarious collection of these painfully familiar boyfriends, men we've all had the misfortune to meet.
There's Thrifty, who thinks taking you out to Chuck E. Cheese is charming; Goth Casual, who borrows your makeup; Large-Pet Owner, who wears his python around the house. Rounding out the list are The Surprise Sadist, The Comedian (who's using you for material), One-Position Peter (enough said), and Losing His Hair and Sensitive About It.
Isn't revenge sweet? Funny, irresistible, and instantly relatable, 50 Boyfriends Worse Than Yours is the perfect gift.