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  1. #1
    coldone51884 is offline New Member
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    ace certfied trainers please help

    hey guys. im currently studying for the ace certification exam. i was wondering if i could hear some advice from u guys on what will be on the exam, what type of problems mostly consist from and so forth. any help would greatly be aprciated or even if its possible to get an actually copy of the exam or a study guide. i heard its mostly breaks down to the ethics code pretty much, (is this true?) i dont wanna spend a terrible amount of time on an area that wont really be covered and not spend enough time on an important area. thanks alot.

  2. #2
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    I actually just took the test in March and I'm awaiting the results. but here are my main helpings for you

    there is NO ANATOMY on the whole test so you can basically whipe out the first 4 chapters or so of the big text book.

    I highly recommend you take the 2 day workshop, it helps you out a bunch.
    and be sure to work on the program development and design and as far as the back of the book with all the legal issues and crap i wouldnt worry about it basically really grind the center of the book or take the 2 day workshop and it breaks it all down for you

  3. #3
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    i could be wrong but i the last i remembered ace wasnt an accepted cert to most employers.

  4. #4
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by anaBROLIC
    i could be wrong but i the last i remembered ace wasnt an accepted cert to most employers.
    that is wrong. ACE is only 1 of 3 that is actually acredited by the American School of Education and ACSM i believe it is. ACE is one of the best. one of the most difficult, but best

  5. #5
    steve0's Avatar
    steve0 is offline NASM~AFPA~CPT
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    there is no best cert !!! this topic has been debated many time, some of the best trainers out there dont carry a cert, the only reason health clubs are picky i.e- Goldsgym, 24 hr, is because they have a deal worked out with these corparations i use to be an assit GM at a golds in Austin and we whould not hire anyone without an NASM cert, if you really wanna get out on your own and make a buisness out of training i recomend AFPA, the whole book is on the buisness side of personal trainig.

  6. #6
    coldone51884 is offline New Member
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    well i agree with you im not really arguing what is the BEST cert. im just using ace cuz its reconizable and cheap. so i do agree with you. and i would agree it would be great to take an exam dealing with hmore of teh buisness side, however that would be more hhelpful towards creating your own personal training buisness .but the purpose of this thread isnt to argue this, its just to help me out with studyin for the exam, cuz i was never a good test taker, or good at studyin skills thats why i was asking for input on ace cert. trainers for what will be on the exam.

  7. #7
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve0
    there is no best cert !!! this topic has been debated many time, some of the best trainers out there dont carry a cert, the only reason health clubs are picky i.e- Goldsgym, 24 hr, is because they have a deal worked out with these corparations i use to be an assit GM at a golds in Austin and we whould not hire anyone without an NASM cert, if you really wanna get out on your own and make a buisness out of training i recomend AFPA, the whole book is on the buisness side of personal trainig.
    well i didnt specify a best one, im just saying is one of the best. ACE, CSCS, NASM, ISSA, and about 3 or 4 others are the best. Outside of those it gets to small ghetto online companies, thats what i meant by it

  8. #8
    steve0's Avatar
    steve0 is offline NASM~AFPA~CPT
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    there the best at what ?

  9. #9
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Certifications actually mean nothing unless you are looking to use it to gain employment at some already established location.

    If that's the case, it's best to find out what that location deems acceptable as far as certifications go. Some only accept one kind of cert., while others believe that another cert. is better.

    I'd look into being your own boss and you don't have to worry about others dictating what it is you should do.


  10. #10
    steve0's Avatar
    steve0 is offline NASM~AFPA~CPT
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Certifications actually mean nothing unless you are looking to use it to gain employment at some already established location.

    If that's the case, it's best to find out what that location deems acceptable as far as certifications go. Some only accept one kind of cert., while others believe that another cert. is better.

    I'd look into being your own boss and you don't have to worry about others dictating what it is you should do.


    WORD !! could not have said it better myself, and AFPA totally tackles the whole buisness side of training, thats mostly what there books about.

  11. #11
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Certifications actually mean nothing unless you are looking to use it to gain employment at some already established location.

    If that's the case, it's best to find out what that location deems acceptable as far as certifications go. Some only accept one kind of cert., while others believe that another cert. is better.

    I'd look into being your own boss and you don't have to worry about others dictating what it is you should do.

    thats true to an extent. but for practical purposes how would you market yourself? I understand you became very sucessful at what you do with training and stuff, but for the general public of trainers who arnt as lucky as you are. how can someone market himself without having any certification to back him up? what will he put on his business cards/flyers/ads, etc.. "I really know my stuff...."
    Having a credidation and being able to put... "C.J. O Donell ACE Certified Personal Trainer", looks alot better and more valuable than "C.J. O Donell I know my sheet"

  12. #12
    coldone51884 is offline New Member
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    hmm.....and can anyone give me alil advice if they have taken the ace cert. exam? thanks.

  13. #13
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by coldone51884
    hmm.....and can anyone give me alil advice if they have taken the ace cert. exam? thanks.
    did you not read the 2nd post?

    you have all the books and the guidelines right?

  14. #14
    coldone51884 is offline New Member
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    ya i did thanks i apreciate it, just was asking anyone else for some more imput as well, thanks alot SVT aprciate it!!

  15. #15
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    how can someone market himself without having any certification to back him up?
    1) Pictures of himself in fantastic shape.

    2) Being IN fantastic shape.

    3) Before/after samplings of clientele he has assisted.

    4) Testimonials about working with him from people he has assisted.

    Those 4 are a good start.


  16. #16
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    In the most recent format, you have the written simulation which accounts for 25% of the exam. Go to the ACEfitness web site and make sure you understand the written simulation format. If you can't find it somehow (in fact, the website is a little busy and cluttered), call them at their toll free # and they'll tell you how to find it.

    In addition to getting quite a few questions on ethics in the multiple choice part of the exam, on the written simulation, it's likely you'll get a question that tests your understanding of ethics. I recall a particular question that says something to the effect of "Joe, who pays for his wife, calls you (the personal trainer) to ask if she is making the sessions (or maybe how she is doing progress-wise). You are then given a number of options for how to respond to Joe and then you pick one. After picking one, the written simulation shows Joe's subsequent response and then you in turn may respond to that. It works like a dialogue. It's basically common sense kind of stuff.

    In this particular example, I think the right response is to not share info with Joe because that would violate the trainer-client privacy (or how ever it's termed) dispite the fact that Joe is the paying party. Nevertheless, Joe is paying so you have to deal with him a little bit - maybe by diplomatically explaining the boundaries established by the ethical standards you are obligated to follow (regarding privacy). You can say, "it's just policy and unfortunately I'm required to follow it." Something like this should be one of your options.

    If you go to the sample written simulation and thoroughly understand those answers, I think you'll be covered in this area. The rest of the 300 items, I found them to be disappointingly easy. If you were to compare the text to a three credit college course, you'd walk away thinking that this was the easiest prof. you've ever had.

    Keep in mind that the text material is not evenly represented on the exam. The appendix shows to what degree each chapter is represented. Study accordingly. The toughest chapter which, I think were Chapter 2 and 3 which related to biomechanics got maybe one question and I recall only one anatomy question about hammer curls and the brachialus.

    In general, it's a matter of paying close attention to the test format and studying the text accordingly. Don't stress it. If for some reason it doesn't work out this time, retake the exam and just be prepared next time. I'm sure you'll do well. Having an academic background is advantageous because you're accustomed to test taking. If you don't have this background and you don't pass the test, you may want to take their exam prep course next time. Good luck!

    Quote Originally Posted by coldone51884
    hey guys. im currently studying for the ace certification exam. i was wondering if i could hear some advice from u guys on what will be on the exam, what type of problems mostly consist from and so forth. any help would greatly be aprciated or even if its possible to get an actually copy of the exam or a study guide. i heard its mostly breaks down to the ethics code pretty much, (is this true?) i dont wanna spend a terrible amount of time on an area that wont really be covered and not spend enough time on an important area. thanks alot.
    Last edited by Mike Dura; 04-02-2006 at 08:44 AM.

  17. #17
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    This has a grain of truth to it. At the very least, however, a national certification should be the minimal standard. The Gold's I recently applied to wants their PT's to have NASM which is a bit more thorough then ACE - so it may depend on the particular employer. Typically, a national certification is good enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by steve0
    there is no best cert !!! this topic has been debated many time, some of the best trainers out there dont carry a cert, the only reason health clubs are picky i.e- Goldsgym, 24 hr, is because they have a deal worked out with these corparations i use to be an assit GM at a golds in Austin and we whould not hire anyone without an NASM cert, if you really wanna get out on your own and make a buisness out of training i recomend AFPA, the whole book is on the buisness side of personal trainig.

  18. #18
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    1) Pictures of himself in fantastic shape.

    2) Being IN fantastic shape.

    3) Before/after samplings of clientele he has assisted.

    4) Testimonials about working with him from people he has assisted.

    Those 4 are a good start.

    Ok those first 2 are understandable, but the other 2 kind of show what i was talking about. you can have testimononial's without no clients and its obtaining that first group of ppl is the difficult part.
    yes its possible to build a clientale without a certification but alot easier and makes you look better if you are cerifited

  19. #19
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    its obtaining that first group of ppl is the difficult part.
    True, that's why you gotta have your hustle hat on. No one said it would be easy.

    Be hungry, find people to transform, etc. We'll all take diff. routes to get there, but the hustle's just the same, it's how much work you are willing to put into the game.


  20. #20
    Myka's Avatar
    Myka is offline Made Of Sugar
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    you can also make ppl up...(bunch o liars)

  21. #21
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    I'm ACSM cert. and just got my first few clients and it's a great feeling but like swole said you really gotta hussle for those clients and look the part 80% of the ppl i did my ACSM class with looked like they never worked out a day in their lives.

  22. #22
    pattymac931 is offline Junior Member
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    what a about the issa cert?

  23. #23
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    you can also make ppl up...(bunch o liars)
    Yeah, but then how do u get before/after pics to showcase?


  24. #24
    Myka's Avatar
    Myka is offline Made Of Sugar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Yeah, but then how do u get before/after pics to showcase?


  25. #25
    coldone51884 is offline New Member
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    thanks alot mike dura i aprciate ur help very much u helped me out alot. good pic by the way 2

  26. #26
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    A belated "your welcome" and thanks for the compliment.

    Quote Originally Posted by coldone51884
    thanks alot mike dura i aprciate ur help very much u helped me out alot. good pic by the way 2

  27. #27
    SCMedic is offline New Member
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    I'm NASM, ACE and ISSA and I can tell you that starting up is the hardest part. Once you have a good client base, you can weed out the ones you don't want and keep the ones you do. I personally enjoy sport specific training. That's my background. I enjoy working with athletes.

  28. #28
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    How did you get educated for a sport specific background.

    Quote Originally Posted by SCMedic
    I'm NASM, ACE and ISSA and I can tell you that starting up is the hardest part. Once you have a good client base, you can weed out the ones you don't want and keep the ones you do. I personally enjoy sport specific training. That's my background. I enjoy working with athletes.

  29. #29
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid


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