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Thread: rant about work
03-31-2006, 05:24 PM #1
rant about work
Finding a job in sweden for the summer for a student ****ing sux. There is just about only one kind of job aviable and that is as personal assistant to disabled/old/retarted people.
I dont think there is anything more depressing than working with that. I worked with it for 14 months and I hated each and every day of it.
Wiping the ****ing ass of some old whiny shit, cleaning there ****ing place, cooking there food and doing everything for them for a SHIT salary and those ****s show no freaking gratitude at all.I dont think there is a more degrading job.
I already get depressed thinking about working with that this summer. I dont mind manual labor or anything like that. Hell I would enjoy some heavy manual labor during the summer as a change from the studying at the rest of the year. But there is NO ****ing jobs like that at all.
How do the rest of you university students survive summer??
03-31-2006, 05:30 PM #2
i picked up an additional partime job with the skyhawks pertty much working with little kids and sports. i also work full time during the school year proabally why my grades are so shitty
03-31-2006, 05:31 PM #3
working full-time and going to school full-time fuking blows.
03-31-2006, 05:32 PM #4
Originally Posted by THE_DOME
I could not imagine squeesing in a job anywhere in my schedual. I study 8 hours a day.
that parttime job sounds like a blastthats something I would love to do.
03-31-2006, 05:36 PM #5
yea school full time full time job i get to study at work though. and the gym and a girlfriend. full load it sucks, my school work suffers the most
03-31-2006, 07:52 PM #6
after you graduate from school, you will look back and laugh about the shitty jobs you worked before you graduated, i worked some really shiity ones, a good one i did was a pool lifeguard, easiest job in the world, you meet lots of girls and you get a tan. worst jod i worked was a mainteance man for a city, alot of crappy work and early hours and got paid crap. another one i had was undercover security guard at a clothing store, i got paid well and got to dress however i wanted, i was supposed to catch shoplifters , instead i did absolutely nothing except watch tv and walk around the mall, and sleep. that may have been my best pre graduation job
03-31-2006, 07:58 PM #7
I have an on campus job during school, I work in a computer lab on solidworks and matlab, but for summer Im having a rough time gettin something for 3 months
04-01-2006, 05:57 AM #8
Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
yo bro can you take a look at my thread in the pl forum??
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