This sucks..
went out last night, and to my suprise this girl i knew for 5 years came along, she is a hottie, and always thought she looked great, but she used to date a friend of mine 4 years ago, so was just a person i used to chill with..
anyways.. i've dated girls over the last 3 or 4 years, but i never made deep connections with any of them. So it was easy to dump them, or when getting dumped didnt matter much.. Last time i actually felt i was in love was like 5 years ago..
anyways, i havent been on a cycle for the last 3 years or so too, i am now.
Now when i saw n talked with this girl last night, we def connected in some weird way, and i'm still taking it super slow with her, but i would predict next time i see her its just gonna keep on heating up and heating up, even if i don't see her for a couple of months..its gonna go there.. but the way we both are, i'm not gonna press for nothing, and she won't either..Cause i'm not trying to get a date with her, not yet atleast, versus a girl i hardly know i woudl try n score a real date n fast...
anyways, i hate feelings, especially of love..they make me feel vulnerable and make me wonder if i'm just being deliousinal, which i would hate to be.
so i will discount anyhting i feel toward her, and will do a good job after a few days of doing it to rebalance everything and keep myself neutral..
but i'm just wondering if this could be TEST related.. where a ton of test makes u maybe act more like a 18 year old or something.. versus 25 now.