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Thread: girl i met

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    girl i met

    after 5 years in a relation ship i broke up with my girl about a month a go. so after a month of dry spells i meet this girl shes a figure skater and a swimsiut model (no shit) and she is keen on me

    but... she has a bf i don't know if i should go there ... like if she does that to the other guy why would'ent she do it to me? your thoughts .

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by n4529359
    after 5 years in a relation ship i broke up with my girl about a month a go. so after a month of dry spells i meet this girl shes a figure skater and a swimsiut model (no shit) and she is keen on me

    but... she has a bf i don't know if i should go there ... like if she does that to the other guy why would'ent she do it to me? your thoughts .
    Those are my thoughts man, you took it straight from my head. I wouldnt put myself in that situation, just take it easy and remain friends with her etc., if they break up on their own terms go for it, but if she jus dumps him and wants to be with you the next day it would set off alarm bells with me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    damn same thing i was going to say that too, and best advice is, stay away, i wish i had done the same.

  4. #4
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    "keen on you?" try to be less vague please, sounds like your not too sure yourself how to interpret her interest in you. bf's mean nothing to me unless they are my friend, and evenso your doing your friend a favor in the long run. and jmo, dont worry what she might do to you, let her worry what you might do to her. you run the show.. not her.

  5. #5
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    and if you cant have an emotionally detached friends with benifits relationship and are one of those ppl who falls in love after 5 dates than yeh do what the above ppl suggested.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    "keen on you?" try to be less vague please, sounds like your not too sure yourself how to interpret her interest in you. bf's mean nothing to me unless they are my friend, and evenso your doing your friend a favor in the long run. and jmo, dont worry what she might do to you, let her worry what you might do to her. you run the show.. not her.
    You really look at relationships in a different way eh. I've been reading the g/f issues on a bunch of the threads and in all of them you have a very different approach and view of it. The other thread I think you mentioned its okay to have a couple gf's at once. LOL.

    I like your approach in a way, but how are you ever going to get seriouse and settle with someone if this is how you look at it.

  7. #7
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    well she made it pretty clear when we were out she liked me
    then the next day she asked for my nu mber sorta confirmed it

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Id just **** her and leave and have her as a bed duddy and nothing else. Don't get to attached

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by firmechicano831
    Id just **** her and leave and have her as a bed duddy and nothing else. Don't get to attached
    makes sense to me

  10. #10
    Stay away..that happened to me too. She left the dude and still talked to him ed

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    I found myself recently in a similar situation.

    you're right, if she'll do it to him, she'll prob do it to you. so keep it cool, bro. like you said if they break up on their terms, and seeks you out, then you're good to go.

    personally, I'm not down w/ the whole friends w/ benefits thing anymore, now that i"m getting older, ya know

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Stay away..that happened to me too. She left the dude and still talked to him ed
    that's crazy. same thing (kinda) happened to me. My ex broke up with me, and she still calls me ed, and we still hook up once in a while (and she's w/ this other dude). fvking women, man

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Toronto Canada
    Everyone now adays seems to be attached to someone, looking for someone else ..

    Relationships r not where they used to be or where they should be

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    bahh... do whatever ya think man.

    Bone her, dont bone her. Its all the same shit.

    Maybe she genuinely likes you, maybe she's a whore. Either way, your in charge if youve got the balls to be. Have fun.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    If your looking to get balls deep, then go for it. If your lookin for love, dont go there.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
    You really look at relationships in a different way eh. I've been reading the g/f issues on a bunch of the threads and in all of them you have a very different approach and view of it. The other thread I think you mentioned its okay to have a couple gf's at once. LOL.

    I like your approach in a way, but how are you ever going to get seriouse and settle with someone if this is how you look at it.
    good question, just from what ive experienced ive concluded a few basic things about women.
    1) words are just noises that come from thier mouth, and im not saying im gonna live the rest of my life not trusting or believing what they say, im just not gonna let my self-esteem ride on someting as illogical and unpredicatable as a woman, and i will at one point in my life know what women really want and how to please them (and not all this bullshit we are conditioned to believe from society and our mothers who want us to be good HUSBANDS and not someone who realizes some women are really confused and need a man whos not afraid to call them on thier shit and not give them this control thats all made up in our minds and really doesnt exist, if you can understand that. like the way a beautiful girl comes into class and some guys draw drops and he loses all his self control and respect and will do anything to get that woman even if its self-degrading.)
    2) people DO get involved in relationships entirely too quickly in a lot of cases. and i see SO MANY dysfunctional relationships everywhere i look, maybe 1 out of every 5 i can honestly say are stable or secure and have 2 mates who are really compatible and for the majority.. sane.
    3) my goal is one thing, EXPIERIENCE. The second i feel myself getting attached to a woman i ask myself some serious questions. What logical things can i think of that are truley special about her and not some made up bullshit things i attach to her personality so i can feel better about myself and go around telling my friends i met the hottest girl in the world. Beauty at this point doesnt impress me, she has to have something serious to bring to the table besides looks. I just want to meet a lot of different women so when i get older and do decide to settle down the one i pick may actually be good for me. It all because maybe i see what our societies coming to with the divorce rate, and men becoming more feminine and women compensating by becoming more masculine or more outspoken and aggressive. I just believe that for a lot of men, the sacrifice of actually being a real man, is too much for them. Maybe im warped idk, but its whats kept be sane all these years and its this mentality that gives me such a control that drive women nuts and makes them wonder what makes me tick, its just what works for me.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 04-02-2006 at 09:00 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    well said, mizfit. yah, it's crazy, I attribute it to our society, seems like we're never satisfied with anything (entertainment, for instance, movies have to be more violent than the next

  18. #18
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    bojangles69, I thought from ur previous post that you had some skewed views on women, but ur right on some things in that last post....
    1. that she has something to bring to the table besides looks
    2. that men are becoming more feminine and women more masculine

  19. #19
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    Ontario, Canada & IRAN
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    good question, just from what ive experienced ive concluded a few basic things about women.
    1) words are just noises that come from thier mouth, and im not saying im gonna live the rest of my life not trusting or believing what they say, im just not gonna let my self-esteem ride on someting as illogical and unpredicatable as a woman, and i will at one point in my life know what women really want and how to please them (and not all this bullshit we are conditioned to believe from society and our mothers who want us to be good HUSBANDS and not someone who realizes some women are really confused and need a man whos not afraid to call them on thier shit and not give them this control thats all made up in our minds and really doesnt exist, if you can understand that. like the way a beautiful girl comes into class and some guys draw drops and he loses all his self control and respect and will do anything to get that woman even if its self-degrading.)
    2) people DO get involved in relationships entirely too quickly in a lot of cases. and i see SO MANY dysfunctional relationships everywhere i look, maybe 1 out of every 5 i can honestly say are stable or secure and have 2 mates who are really compatible and for the majority.. sane.
    3) my goal is one thing, EXPIERIENCE. The second i feel myself getting attached to a woman i ask myself some serious questions. What logical things can i think of that are truley special about her and not some made up bullshit things i attach to her personality so i can feel better about myself and go around telling my friends i met the hottest girl in the world. Beauty at this point doesnt impress me, she has to have something serious to bring to the table besides looks. I just want to meet a lot of different women so when i get older and do decide to settle down the one i pick may actually be good for me. It all because maybe i see what our societies coming to with the divorce rate, and men becoming more feminine and women compensating by becoming more masculine or more outspoken and aggressive. I just believe that for a lot of men, the sacrifice of actually being a real man, is too much for them. Maybe im warped idk, but its whats kept be sane all these years and its this mentality that gives me such a control that drive women nuts and makes them wonder what makes me tick, its just what works for me.

    Amazing post bro. I now know where you comming from I'm going to have to agree with you on alot of the point you made....such as.....

    "some women are really confused and need a man whos not afraid to call them on thier shit and not give them this control thats all made up in our minds and really doesnt exist"

    "people DO get involved in relationships entirely too quickly"

    "my goal is one thing, EXPIERIENCE."

    "for a lot of men, the sacrifice of actually being a real man, is too much for them."

    1) When a men calls out a women, she disagrees with him 90% of the time. The reason for this is that women need to feel that they are right, they dont want no one controlling them or telling them whats right and wrong. They feel like they are the boss and even though they will give you this crap line about I like to compromise, me and my b/f are different bla bla in the end, 90% of the women (which is almost all of them) think and feel this way. As soon as you tell them something which is true or even is considered to be common sense, they will begin to say "noo your wrong", "you have an "attitude", "relaxe", bla bla and keep on denying it as always.

    2) People get involved in relationships way too fast because they are afraid of being alone. As soon as an oppertunity comes by, they jump on it with out having to actually sit down and get to know your partner for a long period of time (well say atleast a month). This results into arguements, conflict, fights, break up. THE END. I would recomend to actually sit down and get to know your partner before actually having to be officialy together. You'd be surprised how people really are/act once they are officaly with you.(There true personality/colours begin to come out)

    3) TIME= EXPERIENCE.........EXPERIENCE = Knowledge/Preperation
    It will only benefit you when you have more experience. In your experience you will learn how different women are and what their interest/likes/dislikes are and how they react a certine way and why they choose to act this way?
    Once people learn this shit through experience (even though it can take along time and be really confusing) you will then end up with the right person, by making a smart and wise decision. By this time you will know who is looking for a serious comitted longterm relationship and who just wants to **** around. So you wont be seting your self up to get heart broken.

    4) "for a lot of men, the sacrifice of actually being a real man, is too much for them."
    I totally agree. 95% of guys are BITCHES. They are PUSSYWHIPPED. They will lose there minds as soon as they see a women that is decent looking. I understand we have a dick and it needs to be used but some of the things I see some guys do or say are ****in pathetic. Yes you have to be nice, sweet, caring, honest, faithfull, trust worthy to your partner, if not of course the relationship wont work out.
    However this doesn't mean that you must hand your pay cheques to yur gf's or some women you just met, kiss there ass and compliment them 100 times a day, do as they say all the time 24/7, take orders like a bitch. Act and talk soo desperate and hurting and horny all the time.
    This in my opinion is the main reason that women have and are acting like they are stuck up and bitchy now days in our society's. The main thing here is, when a guy acts this way then it gives the women POWER and CONTROL. Once they have power and control they feel like they own you and every other guy. So basically when you dont do as they say, then guess what



    hmmm just my 2 cents and personal experience.
    Last edited by juiceboxxx; 04-02-2006 at 09:33 PM.

  20. #20
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    You hit A LOT of shit right on the head, the problem is men are tortured by thier sexual impulses, everyone senses subconciously mens job is to court women, womens job is to choose. very few men actually CHOOSE women, they simply make themselves available to them. so within everyman exists a primal rage that many suppress and it comes out in other areas of thier life, ie: being a bitch, letting women walk all over them. the rage stems from our need to spread our seed, and the choice that we dont have to voluntarily do it at free will when WE choose. any semi-ug (like borderline between ugly and average) can get the best looking of man to have sex with, and on the other hand ive seen brad pitt clones get turned down by these same women. the thing is when a man doesnt care, or when a women senses (which they do a lot of) that she cant hurt the mans she with, and that he cares for her but she still knows she doesnt control his well being, it becomes a threat to her nature, afterall women dont have as much opportunity in society as men do, so their only real compensation is sexual power. to be robbed of that power by a man is what truley drives her nuts, and makes HER lose her mind, and obsess about you every waking moment of the day. thats what i see our job as men is, to stop pleasing women the way they think they want to be pleased but the way we know we're suppose to please them, by complimenting thier womenhood by being the ultimate man, thats what makes a women feel like a women and thats all she really wants from life.
    and yes i agree with everything you say : )

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    hahah interesting take on things

    i've decided that ill go on a date with to figure her out a bit
    from what i've seen of her shes a genuinly nice girl

    and her current bf is from oseas going back ssoon so might not be to serious naywayz

    from that i can decide to pursue or whether to give it to her hard either way..

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    You hit A LOT of shit right on the head, the problem is men are tortured by thier sexual impulses, everyone senses subconciously mens job is to court women, womens job is to choose. very few men actually CHOOSE women, they simply make themselves available to them. so within everyman exists a primal rage that many suppress and it comes out in other areas of thier life, ie: being a bitch, letting women walk all over them. the rage stems from our need to spread our seed, and the choice that we dont have to voluntarily do it at free will when WE choose. any semi-ug (like borderline between ugly and average) can get the best looking of man to have sex with, and on the other hand ive seen brad pitt clones get turned down by these same women. the thing is when a man doesnt care, or when a women senses (which they do a lot of) that she cant hurt the mans she with, and that he cares for her but she still knows she doesnt control his well being, it becomes a threat to her nature, afterall women dont have as much opportunity in society as men do, so their only real compensation is sexual power. to be robbed of that power by a man is what truley drives her nuts, and makes HER lose her mind, and obsess about you every waking moment of the day. thats what i see our job as men is, to stop pleasing women the way they think they want to be pleased but the way we know we're suppose to please them, by complimenting thier womenhood by being the ultimate man, thats what makes a women feel like a women and thats all she really wants from life.
    and yes i agree with everything you say : )

    My boyyyy, We think exactly a like bro. Been there...down that....experienced it all just like you. Living the single life enjoying it (till if and when something proper comes along) not forcing my self in a relationship with some women, just because I dont want to be alone. FUUK that. I'm not setting my self up to be heart broken. Patience pays off in the end

  23. #23
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    I wouldnt be thinking if she would do it to you, but rather that if you were the guy she was dating. Would you like some schmuck pushing up on your girl? Find one that is single.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
    My boyyyy, We think exactly a like bro. Been there...down that....experienced it all just like you. Living the single life enjoying it (till if and when something proper comes along) not forcing my self in a relationship with some women, just because I dont want to be alone. FUUK that. I'm not setting my self up to be heart broken. Patience pays off in the end
    woooo hoooo, my long lost twin.. haha lol

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    woooo hoooo, my long lost twin.. haha lol
    Dude we should hit a strip club 1 day and bring a bucket full of penny's to tip the strippers and say here's are appreciationa nd payback biaatch

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
    Dude we should hit a strip club 1 day and bring a bucket full of penny's to tip the strippers and say here's are appreciationa nd payback biaatch

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    in a hole
    stay away!

  28. #28
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    shes too hot for me to not consider it

  29. #29
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    [QUOTE=~fuelforfire~]damn same thing i was going to say that too, and best advice is, stay away, i wish i had done the same.[/QUOTE

    DITTO! not worth the hassel.

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