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Thread: Fish Tank

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Fish Tank

    Went tanning yesterday with my girl, and she took forever in the bed, SO I went next store to the pet store to B.S..... Anyway for some reason I was amazed at all these different types of fish. I felt very dreamy and peacful just looking at them. Either that OR I was hungry for my PWO meal!!! Anway 5 mins later I bought the works. $500 dollars worth of stuff for this fresh water aquarium. Today I just got a couple of fish to put in. Anyone have any advice or tips for my new hobby? Also when My girl came out of the tanning salon, she thought I was on crack, cause I never once had any interest in this!!!

  2. #2
    lol, Yea I have a 92gallon saltwater, lots of fun but a pain to keep up.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    in debt
    i use to breed Japanes GaintgoldfisH Bandas was my life but dude they had better healthcare than me .......the UV light to kill the all the bact. all the damn filters bags and the food (also the autofeeder with the timer ),also the water heater and cooler to mantian s stable temp. all the pumps in the living rooms it started to sound like the maintance shack of an olympic pool .I started with a 15 gallon tank i ended up with 200 gallon tank in the middle of the living room .......IT's a avery ADDICTIVE huppy but cool... I had a 100 salt water tank with like 1000 dollars worth of stuff and gave it to my bother ......LOL now hes wife hates me .....she tells me that he eats,naps,and work in front of the damn thing

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    i work in animal specialty at petsmart
    1) always let filter run 2 or 3 days before buying fish to get through new tank syndrome.
    2) add fish gradually 2-4 every week so bacteria cultures can keep up and break down ammonia. otherwise ammonia rises, fish weaken, stop producing bacteria, ammonia stops breaking down even more, fish die.
    3) buffers are always good in a new tank to keep ph stable, actual ph depends on type of fish.
    4) cloudiness is always natural the first week or 2 of a new tank as bacteria spawns it cloud the tank, eventually it established cultures in the filter, dont buy water clarifier or you slow down the bacteria maturation process and wind up making the water cloudier longer, chems like cycle help speed up the process.
    5) dont over feed
    6) have good circulation in the water to avoid decay and uneaten food from settling in the bottom and rotting, air bubble and jets help keep waster flowing into the filter
    7) bring water into your local petsmart for free water tests the first few weeks and talk to someone competent who know what they're talking about.
    how do you know if they're competent?? theyll mention all the things i just did.
    much luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Prol
    i use to breed Japanes GaintgoldfisH Bandas was my life but dude they had better healthcare than me .......the UV light to kill the all the bact. all the damn filters bags and the food (also the autofeeder with the timer ),also the water heater and cooler to mantian s stable temp. all the pumps in the living rooms it started to sound like the maintance shack of an olympic pool .I started with a 15 gallon tank i ended up with 200 gallon tank in the middle of the living room .......IT's a avery ADDICTIVE huppy but cool... I had a 100 salt water tank with like 1000 dollars worth of stuff and gave it to my bother ......LOL now hes wife hates me .....she tells me that he eats,naps,and work in front of the damn thing
    I am addicted also. I was looking online and wanted to put a Koi pond inside as well, But after realizing I know nothing about this hobby, I might have to wait some time!! Anyone else

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    When I was younger we had a 55 gal fresh water tank. We had some many fish over a period of time. My two favs where the Texas Perch and the Managuense.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    After 2-3months when your aquariam has proper bacteria and gets in a good cycle (amonia-nitrite-nitrate) get some BICHIRS!

  8. #8
    hey i have had my tank for about five years if you give some more detaol im sure ive got some good advice for you.

  9. #9
    Also let me know what kind of fish your looking for. It is very relaxing just watching those little shits swim around

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    i work in animal specialty at petsmart
    1) always let filter run 2 or 3 days before buying fish to get through new tank syndrome.
    2) add fish gradually 2-4 every week so bacteria cultures can keep up and break down ammonia. otherwise ammonia rises, fish weaken, stop producing bacteria, ammonia stops breaking down even more, fish die.
    3) buffers are always good in a new tank to keep ph stable, actual ph depends on type of fish.
    4) cloudiness is always natural the first week or 2 of a new tank as bacteria spawns it cloud the tank, eventually it established cultures in the filter, dont buy water clarifier or you slow down the bacteria maturation process and wind up making the water cloudier longer, chems like cycle help speed up the process.
    5) dont over feed
    6) have good circulation in the water to avoid decay and uneaten food from settling in the bottom and rotting, air bubble and jets help keep waster flowing into the filter
    7) bring water into your local petsmart for free water tests the first few weeks and talk to someone competent who know what they're talking about.
    how do you know if they're competent?? theyll mention all the things i just did.
    much luck
    Your on point bro. How many fish do you think I can keep in a 12 gallon Nano dx cube?. I think I am going to switch and get the 24g instead. But what about the 12, how many fish?..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The Bay, California
    I have never had a tank but would like to get one for my new house. I actually am looking at a 200 gallon. I would like salt fish and do you think I would have alot of trouble if I have never had anything like that?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    University Ave
    Quote Originally Posted by kman
    Your on point bro. How many fish do you think I can keep in a 12 gallon Nano dx cube?. I think I am going to switch and get the 24g instead. But what about the 12, how many fish?..

    what kind of fish did you get? i have a 50gallon tank full of tiger oscars. i used to have irridesant sharks, bala sharks, clown loaches, and tin foil barbs. the oscars dominated the tank and have killed every other type of fish i have put in the tank.

    about to get rid of those fukkers and get an assorted variety of african ciclids.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by AnatomicallyBlessed
    what kind of fish did you get? i have a 50gallon tank full of tiger oscars. i used to have irridesant sharks, bala sharks, clown loaches, and tin foil barbs. the oscars dominated the tank and have killed every other type of fish i have put in the tank.

    about to get rid of those fukkers and get an assorted variety of african ciclids.
    I got these cool looking fish called ghost fish, you can see right throught them, also a little mini angel fish. Next week I am going to put in 2-3 more anyone have any ideas? Was thinking of getting an algae eater, not sure though..

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    pleco's are cool and durable, but get HUGE... atleast they grow slow

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    my frind just did the same thing. spent over $1300. i went to his house one day, he's like"come doewnstairs!" so i did and there it was. i was like "Dude. You got a fishtank!...............why?"

    "cuz its awesome!" he said

    after i asked him how much he spent, i was like "WTF, you coulda put that towards gettin your tit fixed!damn!"

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    i have spent over 5 grand on my AQ's and fish .. wouldnt take one bit back i love em

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    Quote Originally Posted by kman
    I got these cool looking fish called ghost fish, you can see right throught them, also a little mini angel fish. Next week I am going to put in 2-3 more anyone have any ideas? Was thinking of getting an algae eater, not sure though..
    in any size tank a good rule of thumb to follow is 1 inch of fish per gallon, however that only applies till the fish start growing and youll eventually need a bigger tank unless you get one to start. But one thing is your ghost fish/glass fish may eventually get eaten by the angelfish as they grow bigger because angels are semi-aggressive and ghostfish are community fish.
    If you dont know theres 3 classifications of freshwater fish, aggressive, semi-aggressive and community fish. The less aggressive the fish the more you can violate the 1 inch per gallon rule as peaceful fish dont tend to fight as much when overcrowded compared to the cichlids. ALWAYS have a pleco and a catfish, pleco to keep uo on the algae, catfish to eat uneaten overfeed from the other fish. But in your tank now i recommend you get rid of one type of fish either the semi-aggressive or the community fish, than when you decide what level aggressiveness you want, you can start thinking about what kind of fish you want.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Can i raise mu own sushi?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    do you mean seaweed??

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    No i wont to raise my owen tuna squid and snapper.

    I guess it would have to be a big tank.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    yeh youd prob need something big enough to swim laps in..

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    i work in animal specialty at petsmart
    1) always let filter run 2 or 3 days before buying fish to get through new tank syndrome.
    2) add fish gradually 2-4 every week so bacteria cultures can keep up and break down ammonia. otherwise ammonia rises, fish weaken, stop producing bacteria, ammonia stops breaking down even more, fish die.
    3) buffers are always good in a new tank to keep ph stable, actual ph depends on type of fish.
    4) cloudiness is always natural the first week or 2 of a new tank as bacteria spawns it cloud the tank, eventually it established cultures in the filter, dont buy water clarifier or you slow down the bacteria maturation process and wind up making the water cloudier longer, chems like cycle help speed up the process.
    5) dont over feed
    6) have good circulation in the water to avoid decay and uneaten food from settling in the bottom and rotting, air bubble and jets help keep waster flowing into the filter
    7) bring water into your local petsmart for free water tests the first few weeks and talk to someone competent who know what they're talking about.
    how do you know if they're competent?? theyll mention all the things i just did.
    much luck

    Now there is a man who knows his shit.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    in any size tank a good rule of thumb to follow is 1 inch of fish per gallon, however that only applies till the fish start growing and youll eventually need a bigger tank unless you get one to start. But one thing is your ghost fish/glass fish may eventually get eaten by the angelfish as they grow bigger because angels are semi-aggressive and ghostfish are community fish.
    If you dont know theres 3 classifications of freshwater fish, aggressive, semi-aggressive and community fish. The less aggressive the fish the more you can violate the 1 inch per gallon rule as peaceful fish dont tend to fight as much when overcrowded compared to the cichlids. ALWAYS have a pleco and a catfish, pleco to keep uo on the algae, catfish to eat uneaten overfeed from the other fish. But in your tank now i recommend you get rid of one type of fish either the semi-aggressive or the community fish, than when you decide what level aggressiveness you want, you can start thinking about what kind of fish you want.
    Cool thanx again, also I went to 2 different pet stores today, and some say I need a heater, and others say not. Would an Angel fish need a heater? Could you list me cool colorful fish that need heaters, and some that don't. I am torn between getting a heater now, not for the price, but the fish..Thanks again bro

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2005
    University Ave
    as far as color goes (for fresh water fish) i like the african ciclids. you can get them at just about any fish store i've been to. they are more colorful than alot of saltwater fish i have seen.

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