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  1. #1
    livewire57's Avatar
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    What's your number up to

    I'm up to 26. I was bored today so I thought I would list all the girls I have been with, man it was hard to dig up some of their names some of these chicks go back six or seven years. I think I have them all listed now. I made a word document with four columns: the number, the girl's name, the year and her rating on a scale of 1-10. My best year by far was 2003, with 2005 a close second. 2006 sucks so far, I am slowing down. On average I have been with 6's and 7's, with a few 9's and two 10's. I have been with an equal number of 2's and 3's haha. I then graphed this data in a Frequency x Year chart.

  2. #2
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    33,788 number.........yeah.........a big whopping zero..........kill me now

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by livewire57
    I'm up to 26. I was bored today so I thought I would list all the girls I have been with, man it was hard to dig up some of their names some of these chicks go back six or seven years. I think I have them all listed now. I made a word document with four columns: the number, the girl's name, the year and her rating on a scale of 1-10. My best year by far was 2003, with 2005 a close second. 2006 sucks so far, I am slowing down. On average I have been with 6's and 7's, with a few 9's and two 10's. I have been with an equal number of 2's and 3's haha. I then graphed this data in a Frequency x Year chart.
    dude you need to dome something more...go out more, lift more, read a book...something

  4. #4
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    i think around 8...nothing special by any means...i think my number is so low is becuase girls and people think i am an asshole by the way i not ugly i just have a pissed off look on my face all the time, then when they meet me they think im a big teddy bear sweatheart...

  5. #5
    Polska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 number.........yeah.........a big whopping zero..........kill me now
    Fack. that sucks bro. is there a lack of available wet holes where you live?

  6. #6
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 number.........yeah.........a big whopping zero..........kill me now
    whats the matter ruhl, how old are u....go to a local bar and find the drunkest chick...

  7. #7
    Polska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    i think around 8...nothing special by any means...i think my number is so low is becuase girls and people think i am an asshole by the way i not ugly i just have a pissed off look on my face all the time, then when they meet me they think im a big teddy bear sweatheart...
    Around 8? How can you be unsure with a single digit number? not knocking you bro; just curious.

  8. #8
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    whats the matter ruhl, how old are u....go to a local bar and find the drunkest chick...
    19..................everyone pretty much thinks i'm an asshole that doesn't know me real well.......and all the girls i know really well have boyfriends........bad situation

  9. #9
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polska
    Around 8? How can you be unsure with a single digit number? not knocking you bro; just curious.
    well i've been havin sex for about 5 years...and i dont really count them that often....last time i sat and thought and wrote out all of them i think i had like 8-9...mostly one i forget about them...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    i think around 8...nothing special by any means...i think my number is so low is becuase girls and people think i am an asshole by the way i not ugly i just have a pissed off look on my face all the time, then when they meet me they think im a big teddy bear sweatheart...
    same here...i have been going for five years...i'm picky and i've turned a lot of sluts down, im not ashamed by anymeans

    the number of people you have had sex with does not make you a man, tough, cool or respectable.

  11. #11
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunTotingHipGangster
    the number of people you have had sex with does not make you a man, tough, cool or respectable.
    yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.... ...

  12. #12
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    ruhl my advice to you is wait until its with a good girl...don't go looking for a slut

  13. #13
    USfighterFC's Avatar
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    73.....i have herpes, gonorrhea, syphillis, anal warts....i mean genital warts, chlamydia, hepatitis A<B<C<D<E< and yes even F through Z. My penis has fallen off several times, and when I get mad I throw it at people.

  14. #14
    Polska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    19..................everyone pretty much thinks i'm an asshole that doesn't know me real well.......and all the girls i know really well have boyfriends........bad situation
    That's not really that bad bro. you don't want to get with the girls you 'know really well'. bc they will consider you as their 'friend', unless you are better looking and/or have higher social standing than them.

  15. #15
    livewire57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunTotingHipGangster
    same here...i have been going for five years...i'm picky and i've turned a lot of sluts down, im not ashamed by anymeans

    the number of people you have had sex with does not make you a man, tough, cool or respectable.
    it doesnt?

  16. #16
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    i think around 8...nothing special by any means...i think my number is so low is becuase girls and people think i am an asshole by the way i not ugly i just have a pissed off look on my face all the time, then when they meet me they think im a big teddy bear sweatheart...
    ditto. people always tell me I have a pissed off look on my face, too.

    yah, livewire, sounds like you put a lot of work into and no, being with a lot of women is really nothing to be proud of

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunTotingHipGangster
    same here...i have been going for five years...i'm picky and i've turned a lot of sluts down, im not ashamed by anymeans

    the number of people you have had sex with does not make you a man, tough, cool or respectable.
    same way bro..the ones that go for me are sluts and black girls...i wish i could switch it to respectable and spanish...i turn down about 3-4 sluts a year...i honestly get more pleasure out of banging a girl that is good lookin and respectabel then a whore...i used to try to bang anything then i got into college and settled down i guess. i grew up way to quick...

  18. #18
    USfighterFC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    same way bro..the ones that go for me are sluts and black girls...i wish i could switch it to respectable and spanish...i turn down about 3-4 sluts a year...i honestly get more pleasure out of banging a girl that is good lookin and respectabel then a whore...i used to try to bang anything then i got into college and settled down i guess. i grew up way to quick...

    I love whores. Most girls I date are Spanish, Puerto Ricans. To be honest they're all to quick tempered and their vaginas are revolving doors. Around here anyway.

  19. #19
    novastepp's Avatar
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    1. and i hope she's the last.

  20. #20
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    1. and i hope she's the last.
    Good man, honestly man. I respect this the most. Not like I have any less respect per se for people who sleep with like 5 or so. But I am no way into random ****s myself (although it has happened). But the way I look at it is when I get married I would much rather have a wife that hasnt been with 30 guys, by the same token I would not wanna say ya I banged about 30 girls before I found my wife. To be honest I havent been to a bar in months, havent even gone out once this entire semester at school.
    But hey if guys dont have a problem getting laid often and are cool with it than by all means do what ur doing. Just not for me.

  21. #21
    NYGIANTS21's Avatar
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    Some Fort out there...
    I hope you don't have a gf if so don't leave that list floating around. get rid of it to save you from problems if she finds it.

  22. #22
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    keep the list at work in a locked drawer.

    Not something any one wants to see.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunTotingHipGangster
    dude you need to dome something more...go out more, lift more, read a book...something
    LOL you beat me to it bro. WTF is this. Read a book or something

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Good man, honestly man. I respect this the most. Not like I have any less respect per se for people who sleep with like 5 or so. But I am no way into random ****s myself (although it has happened). But the way I look at it is when I get married I would much rather have a wife that hasnt been with 30 guys, by the same token I would not wanna say ya I banged about 30 girls before I found my wife. To be honest I havent been to a bar in months, havent even gone out once this entire semester at school.
    But hey if guys dont have a problem getting laid often and are cool with it than by all means do what ur doing. Just not for me.
    I respect women too much that I never could use one for my own pleasure. and when I found her we began to trust and respect one another. there is no reason a man can't take care of a woman if she is willing to take care of him, and i fell in love with her so it wasn't just for me, or just for her. we both wanted it and now it's something we can keep between us as being both of our firsts...yeah i'm 20 and it may sound ridiculous to some that i'm talking that way so early in my life, but no one tells you when you can or can't be angry, tired, happy, or sad...and no one had to tell me that i was in love with her. i knew.

  25. #25
    JAYROD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    keep the list at work in a locked drawer.

    Not something any one wants to see.
    i agree and apologize to any woman who see's this crap. guy's you can call me a f*g or whatever the hell you want but i have too much respect for the females i know to sit and count out the # and then rate them.

  26. #26
    D7M's Avatar
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    indeed. there def seems to be a certain lack of respect for women that comes with this type of thread

  27. #27
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by derek7m
    indeed. there def seems to be a certain lack of respect for women that comes with this type of thread
    Everyone is different. They all have a different view on this topic and alot of it has to do with their personal experience and why they dont treat them with respect. Maybe they got ****ed over many many times, we dont know that.

  28. #28
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    i have been w/ 7 .. and im proud of not being a slut.. but all my relationships ended up to be long term or even marriage which really slowed me down.. i look at it as a good thing kuz who KNOWS how many std's i would have by now ><

  29. #29
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    I respect women too much that I never could use one for my own pleasure. and when I found her we began to trust and respect one another. there is no reason a man can't take care of a woman if she is willing to take care of him, and i fell in love with her so it wasn't just for me, or just for her. we both wanted it and now it's something we can keep between us as being both of our firsts...yeah i'm 20 and it may sound ridiculous to some that i'm talking that way so early in my life, but no one tells you when you can or can't be angry, tired, happy, or sad...and no one had to tell me that i was in love with her. i knew.
    Thats the shit I like to hear man. Me and my ex were the same, eachothers firsts, we stayed together over two years but then it just couldnt work nemore. I wish it could have, marriage was talked about but I moved and things got hard. But you are a lucky guy, cherrish that lady my man.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
    Everyone is different. They all have a different view on this topic and alot of it has to do with their personal experience and why they dont treat them with respect. Maybe they got ****ed over many many times, we dont know that.
    He;s not canadian

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    He;s not canadian
    lol thats true, he has to take a trip to Canada or better yet Toronto to meet all our wonderfull hot stuckup,bitchy,cocky,rude,materialistic females hmmmm....

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Thats the shit I like to hear man. Me and my ex were the same, eachothers firsts, we stayed together over two years but then it just couldnt work nemore. I wish it could have, marriage was talked about but I moved and things got hard. But you are a lucky guy, cherrish that lady my man.
    thanks brosef, and if things don't work at least it will be something i will be able to be honest about with the woman i marry. i have no regrets.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
    lol thats true, he has to take a trip to Canada or better yet Toronto to meet all our wonderfull hot stuckup,bitchy,cocky,rude,materialistic females hmmmm....
    Hey.. don't talk about my freinds like that.. They r just misunderstood..

    U should hear how much fun i make of them when they turn into princesses...

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Hey.. don't talk about my freinds like that.. They r just misunderstood..

    U should hear how much fun i make of them when they turn into princesses...

    Its really funny eh, one second they are stuck up the next second they put on a fake act like ohh I'm nice and sweet and it doesn't last long because they get sick of trying to be nice. Then they go back to the biaatches they were

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    Also whats so funny is now days even the UGLY girls in Toronto have become stuck up lol. You as might as well go gay or something were running out of options.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
    Also whats so funny is now days even the UGLY girls in Toronto have become stuck up lol. You as might as well go gay or something were running out of options.
    Yes those type of chicks r my friends.. pretty ones with attitudes.. but sad part is alot of guys eat it up

  37. #37
    AnabolicAndre's Avatar
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    Probably like 100.

    who cares mannnnn.

    The worst feeling is waking up next to a girl and being like wtf, and trying to get out of bed without her noticing and when she sees you leaving shes like uhhh where you going..?

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Yes those type of chicks r my friends.. pretty ones with attitudes.. but sad part is alot of guys eat it up
    faaaak that. I dont give them the time of the day. I became cocky and rude thanx to them and because of them. I wouldn't lower my self to their level. Mehh not wroth it. Bitches liek that come and go and they will be the ones with 5 divorces by the time they are 30.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicAndre
    Probably like 100.

    who cares mannnnn.

    The worst feeling is waking up next to a girl and being like wtf, and trying to get out of bed without her noticing and when she sees you leaving shes like uhhh where you going..?
    LOL, I take it your an alcoholic my friend.

  40. #40
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    aww just like when little boyz make thier list for santa claus.. how cute!!!!!

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