anyone coming to egypt soon ?
anyone coming to egypt soon ?
Hellll Noooo
i wish....i like egypt......well ancient egypt anywayOriginally Posted by fitguy
yah i wish, too. would love to see the pyramids
Can't say it's on my list of things to do.
I would advise against it, especially Americans to go at this time,I have spent enough time in the Middle East to get the that feel.We are increasingly more becoming a target.I am not being overly dramatic, just been there, done that.
Probably Sharma Sheik if I did... but going to Egypt and not seeing the pyramids seems pointless. Next unplanned vaccation would be next Spring... just got back from Lebanon last month (crazy frickin' drivers but beautiful area)... and I head back to the US in the Summer...
If you want to know about Egypt, I know a few Egyptians...
heeeeeellllllll an american
I have been to egypt 5 times and honestly i can say that the first time was cool but every other time was just annoying. cairo is so freakin dirty. i got sick almost every time i went. i had to wash my hands constantly, especially after handling money. although the bazaar market is dirtier than ever, its still pretty cool to walk around it and hagle with the vendors. i went to sharma sheik once and wow, i understand why they say it is some of the best scuba diving in the world. it was unreal.
Originally Posted by Warrior
Yeah - Cairo has the pyramids but I have heard many times it's quite filthy...Originally Posted by heavyrotation92
I was thinking about one of those cruise ships in the East Mediterranean one day... leaving Cyprus (been there - Larnaca is a great place to chill and eat greek) and hitting places like Egypt (never been, want to see the pyramids), Lebanon (been there but would like to see more of the old ruins) and Isreal (never been, have to see it for its historical value if anything)...
Egypt is on my list of places I want to see....
its definitely worth seeing,the pyramids are awesome especially if you go inside,you should have no problems fitting in the tight passage after youve had your limbs blown off in cairo,as you can see i have no bottom half.want to do the valley of the kings next looks great.
how are you in M31? unless you've created some new way of communication then you're transmitions are like thousands of years old
subspace communication dude its all the rage
bump ..hehehee
bump again
I'm coming to egypt in June
what are u going to visit bro ?
I am going with my dad. He goes there about every 2 months. He does business there. I know I'll be in Cairo. Not sure where else we're going to be. If interested in meeting up, pm me or drop me an e-mail.
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