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  1. #41
    Myka's Avatar
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    said response

  2. #42
    IronAdonis is offline Associate Member
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    I like the msn messenger better but more people are on aim.

  3. #43
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
    RuhlFreak55 is offline Purveyor of Thor's Hammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    said response
    don't know you're talkin to her

  4. #44
    Myka's Avatar
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    yea we are now

  5. #45
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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  6. #46
    Myka's Avatar
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    talking about logic vs. feeling now

  7. #47
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    hmmmm......sounds deep

  8. #48
    Myka's Avatar
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    says shes a golddigger

  9. #49
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
    RuhlFreak55 is offline Purveyor of Thor's Hammer
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    yeah prolly......she likes money and has quite the underwear habit

  10. #50
    Myka's Avatar
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    underwear habit?

  11. #51
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    she collects it

  12. #52
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    any kind you're aware of she has, i'll put money on it

  13. #53
    Myka's Avatar
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    8,542 after sex?

  14. #54
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    no she buys it......lingerie i guess.........she's got hundreds of outfits i'll bet

  15. #55
    Myka's Avatar
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    she didnt block me...and she is still online...but she stopped talking to I said my goodbyes and went response

  16. #56
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    hmmm......why would you go offline?

  17. #57
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    i'm never offline on AIM......she's blicked me alot though

  18. #58
    Myka's Avatar
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    well I dont like being online...cause I dont always wanna talk..

  19. #59
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    it's IM ing.......not a big deal

  20. #60
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    an no one usually initiates conversation with me i guess

  21. #61
    Myka's Avatar
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    its not about that...its just I dont wanna feel tied down you know?

  22. #62
    Myka's Avatar
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    I would talk to you if I had aim

  23. #63
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    tied down.....nope, i'm lost

  24. #64
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    well i have MSN fruitcake

  25. #65
    Myka's Avatar
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    feeling like I have to talk to them

  26. #66
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  27. #67
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    you don't have to

  28. #68
    Myka's Avatar
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    I have to get classes together tonight to show to my advisor

  29. #69
    Myka's Avatar
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    I dont have to what?? I hate the 30 sec rule!!!

  30. #70
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    have to talk to's not required

  31. #71
    Myka's Avatar
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    wouldnt you feel bad?

  32. #72
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    nope......i rarely feel bad about my actions

  33. #73
    Myka's Avatar
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    8,542 you want to see the convo we had??

  34. #74
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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  35. #75
    Myka's Avatar
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    Im not getting enthusiasm!!!!! its not quite the same outside of the whore thread

  36. #76
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
    RuhlFreak55 is offline Purveyor of Thor's Hammer
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    yes post the convo damnit!!!!!!

  37. #77
    Myka's Avatar
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    okay this is the best I could do hahahaa

    4/4/2006 6:25:30 PM Micah [email protected] hi
    4/4/2006 6:26:58 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) HELLLOOOO????
    4/4/2006 6:27:20 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah hello?
    4/4/2006 6:27:29 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) So....I know someone that likes you...rofl
    4/4/2006 6:28:16 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah what is rofl
    4/4/2006 6:28:22 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah and i know you know kyle
    4/4/2006 6:28:29 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) is inviting you to start Remote Assistance. Do you want to accept (Alt+C) or decline (Alt+D) the invitation?
    4/4/2006 6:28:29 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) wants to use the Remote Assistance feature with you, but you need to update your version of Windows Messenger first. Please go to the Windows Messenger update site to install the latest version.
    4/4/2006 6:28:42 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) rolling on floor laughing
    4/4/2006 6:28:46 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah whoa sorry don't know what i clicked
    4/4/2006 6:28:48 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah oh
    4/4/2006 6:28:55 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah this is funny to you?
    4/4/2006 6:29:03 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) I assumed you knew that I know kyle
    4/4/2006 6:29:08 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) what is funny??
    4/4/2006 6:29:30 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah you are rolling on the floor laughing that you know someone that likes me
    4/4/2006 6:29:48 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Its just an offends you?
    4/4/2006 6:29:53 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah no
    4/4/2006 6:30:02 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah just didn't see the humor
    4/4/2006 6:30:26 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah so what are you gonna tell me
    4/4/2006 6:30:28 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah to date him?
    4/4/2006 6:30:42 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) do you consider yourself to be accepting of many different types of humor
    4/4/2006 6:30:51 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) stop typing so fast rofl...Im slow
    4/4/2006 6:31:05 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah yes but tone is not available on the net
    4/4/2006 6:31:15 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah so its hard to distinguish humor
    4/4/2006 6:31:21 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) true
    4/4/2006 6:31:38 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) why would I tell you to date him? I thought you are dating someone
    4/4/2006 6:31:50 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah not anymore
    4/4/2006 6:31:56 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah then what do you want with me
    4/4/2006 6:32:24 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) You r someone that Kyle knows...I thought it would be okay for you to speak with
    4/4/2006 6:32:35 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah sure if there's a purpose
    4/4/2006 6:32:59 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) is inviting you to start Whiteboard. Do you want to accept (Alt+C) or decline (Alt+D) the invitation?
    4/4/2006 6:32:59 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) wants to use the Whiteboard feature with you, but you need to update your version of Windows Messenger first. Please go to the Windows Messenger update site to install the latest version.
    4/4/2006 6:33:14 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Im afraid I dont have a purpose right off go to brother is at MU...
    4/4/2006 6:33:25 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah what is his name
    4/4/2006 6:33:34 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) aiint that grand...Justin
    4/4/2006 6:33:53 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah last name?
    4/4/2006 6:34:14 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) What year are you...have you taken bio 101 yet...I think its boring but kind of interesting...rofl
    4/4/2006 6:34:30 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah i'm a first year sophomore
    4/4/2006 6:34:39 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah and those numbers aren't national
    4/4/2006 6:34:40 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) do you ever eat in the school caf? can be gross
    4/4/2006 6:34:48 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah what is your last name
    4/4/2006 6:35:07 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Im not sure I want to tell you that...why would I trust you with that?
    4/4/2006 6:35:12 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah oh god
    4/4/2006 6:35:16 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah like i'd stalk you
    4/4/2006 6:35:24 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) I didnt say that...
    4/4/2006 6:35:30 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah i'm trying to see if i know your bro
    4/4/2006 6:36:04 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) This is his first year...and he doesnt get out probably wouldnt know him
    4/4/2006 6:36:16 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah whycan't i have his last name
    4/4/2006 6:36:21 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah i want to look him up on facebook
    4/4/2006 6:36:33 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) you wont find him on facebook
    4/4/2006 6:36:39 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah oh
    4/4/2006 6:36:41 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah why?
    4/4/2006 6:36:50 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) it was pretty where I am today....what about you?
    4/4/2006 6:37:11 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) what does it mean when someone you dont know honks at you?
    4/4/2006 6:37:21 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah you're hot
    4/4/2006 6:37:25 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah where are you?
    4/4/2006 6:37:36 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) AR...dont laugh...its nice here
    4/4/2006 6:37:47 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah what school
    4/4/2006 6:37:52 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Harding
    4/4/2006 6:38:01 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) what if theyre guys?
    4/4/2006 6:38:18 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah then you did something to piss them off
    4/4/2006 6:38:29 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah and if theyre pants are tight then you're hot
    4/4/2006 6:38:32 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah *their
    4/4/2006 6:38:50 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) But Im too nice to piss someone off
    4/4/2006 6:39:00 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah you're pissing me off
    4/4/2006 6:39:12 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) oh ...why ?
    4/4/2006 6:39:30 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah bc you don't answer my questions
    4/4/2006 6:39:44 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah and you constantly type meaningless ones of your own
    4/4/2006 6:40:12 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) I was trying to get some cottage cheese today and some girl was in my way...Im sorry my words are meaningless...rofl
    4/4/2006 6:40:19 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) are you a serious type?
    4/4/2006 6:40:54 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah i'm a brutal bitch
    4/4/2006 6:40:57 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah and a smartass
    4/4/2006 6:41:02 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah and i don't like wasting time
    4/4/2006 6:41:06 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah me in a nutshell
    4/4/2006 6:41:13 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) are you wasting it now?
    4/4/2006 6:41:28 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) I dont like to waste time per se ...but I do it a lot
    4/4/2006 6:42:41 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah i don't know if i'm wasting it
    4/4/2006 6:42:50 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah thats why i was clarifying what you wanted
    4/4/2006 6:43:00 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) do you know now?
    4/4/2006 6:43:08 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah so you could give me your thoughts about kyle and we can go on
    4/4/2006 6:43:17 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah no bc you won't answer the questions
    4/4/2006 6:43:22 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah so i prob will stop talking
    4/4/2006 6:44:17 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) dont want to talk to just thought I would come on here and say you should date kyle and you would listen and then block me?
    4/4/2006 6:44:36 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah exactly
    4/4/2006 6:44:46 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) rofl...okay
    4/4/2006 6:45:09 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah okay so do it
    4/4/2006 6:45:58 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) that wasnt my goal...I didnt really want to talk about kyle...but its okay if you dont want to talk to me at all...I understand it gets annoying...
    4/4/2006 6:46:19 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah why is it you want to talk to me?
    4/4/2006 6:46:54 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) I like getting to know new people...thats all...some of the people around here are weird...haha
    4/4/2006 6:47:21 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah i can tell
    4/4/2006 6:47:46 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) haha yea I guess Im pretty that your conclusion of me?
    4/4/2006 6:48:06 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah thus far
    4/4/2006 6:48:37 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) what were you going to say?
    4/4/2006 6:49:07 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah ???
    4/4/2006 6:49:18 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) you were about to type
    4/4/2006 6:49:27 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah no
    4/4/2006 6:49:32 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) oh
    4/4/2006 6:49:56 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) I havent spoken to my best bro in a long time...
    4/4/2006 6:50:45 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) So...are we aloud to talk about long as Im not being a salesman...Im just curious about stuff sense me and him spoke about it a decent amount....I understand if you dont want to
    4/4/2006 6:51:14 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah thats about all i'm comfortable talkint to you about
    4/4/2006 6:52:01 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) you dont want the conversation to stear away from kyle???
    4/4/2006 6:52:15 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah we have nothing else in common
    4/4/2006 6:52:17 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah so y
    4/4/2006 6:52:39 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) it sounds like your glad
    4/4/2006 6:52:52 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) did you have a nice day? or was it not so great....
    4/4/2006 6:53:41 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah i thought we were talking about kyle
    4/4/2006 6:53:56 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) I changed the subject
    4/4/2006 6:54:02 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) see?
    4/4/2006 6:55:00 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) why dont you have a picture?
    4/4/2006 6:55:08 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) see my o rly owl?
    4/4/2006 6:55:09 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah i don't even use this
    4/4/2006 6:55:16 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah no i don't see anything
    4/4/2006 6:55:21 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah i use AIM
    4/4/2006 6:55:39 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) pppppffffffftttttttttttttt...aim...
    4/4/2006 6:55:51 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) I tried using that....blaa
    4/4/2006 6:56:26 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Im a member of a board where K*** is a member...
    4/4/2006 6:56:32 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) we talk about fitness
    4/4/2006 6:56:38 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) and the like
    4/4/2006 6:56:45 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah yes i know
    4/4/2006 6:56:54 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah so your take on the situation is what
    4/4/2006 6:57:14 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) my take is that its a well put together board
    4/4/2006 6:57:16 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) rofl
    4/4/2006 6:57:20 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) are you into fitness
    4/4/2006 6:57:34 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) *???????????
    4/4/2006 6:57:37 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah would kyle talk to me if i weren't?
    4/4/2006 6:57:45 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) idk
    4/4/2006 6:57:56 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah i'm not a dyke if thats what you mean
    4/4/2006 6:58:05 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah you guys like big manly chicks
    4/4/2006 6:58:21 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) it means : i dont know
    4/4/2006 6:58:34 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) I like small girls that are a little chunky
    4/4/2006 6:58:45 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) not muscly and definately not skinny
    4/4/2006 6:59:13 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah thats even grosser
    4/4/2006 6:59:27 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) chunkies?
    4/4/2006 6:59:34 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah yeah
    4/4/2006 6:59:49 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) what are you? just thin?
    4/4/2006 7:00:10 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah no i'm chunky
    4/4/2006 7:00:28 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) so youre gross?
    4/4/2006 7:00:40 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah up
    4/4/2006 7:00:43 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah *yup
    4/4/2006 7:01:14 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) rofl...sorry...I consider myself to be handsome...but I try not to be boastful...hehe
    4/4/2006 7:01:21 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) do you think youre pretty?
    4/4/2006 7:01:27 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah i'm decent
    4/4/2006 7:01:32 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah nothing special though
    4/4/2006 7:01:47 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) wow you have a bf right now?
    4/4/2006 7:02:09 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) what makes you think youre basically unattractive?
    4/4/2006 7:02:43 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah i broke up with him a week or two ago
    4/4/2006 7:02:47 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah i don't know
    4/4/2006 7:02:52 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah i've just seen better
    4/4/2006 7:03:50 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) so when you see a girl that you think is assume she is prettier than you?
    4/4/2006 7:04:30 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah she can be pretty and uglier than me
    4/4/2006 7:05:15 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) but I thought you said you were decent?...thats below pretty...and before that you said you were in are pretty at least...right?
    4/4/2006 7:05:35 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah nope
    4/4/2006 7:05:38 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah decent
    4/4/2006 7:05:43 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah which is in the middle
    4/4/2006 7:06:31 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) most people think they are above average...which is statistically I guess that would make you...realistic
    4/4/2006 7:06:44 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah i'm very realistic
    4/4/2006 7:06:48 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah thats what pisses kyle off
    4/4/2006 7:08:08 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) when you start to have feelings for someone...say a hypothetical bf...would you treat the relationship logically and make decisions based on that...or do you let your feelings guide you ?
    4/4/2006 7:08:23 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah logical
    4/4/2006 7:08:30 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah i'm also a golddigger
    4/4/2006 7:08:35 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah so i'm very logical
    4/4/2006 7:09:10 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) golddigger...rofl...about the logical...what would be a percentage of your logical to feeling decision making...guess
    4/4/2006 7:09:56 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah 85
    4/4/2006 7:10:16 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) where in life is the 15 used?
    4/4/2006 7:11:15 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah with ppl i trust
    4/4/2006 7:12:09 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) so I guess your feelings are never hurt...if you only use them on ppl you trust...
    4/4/2006 7:13:18 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) I just spilled water on myself
    4/4/2006 7:13:34 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) you can laugh at me if you want
    4/4/2006 7:13:43 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) **tears**
    4/4/2006 7:15:27 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah hmmm
    4/4/2006 7:15:56 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) thoughts?
    4/4/2006 7:16:14 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah no
    4/4/2006 7:16:16 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah nothing to say
    4/4/2006 7:16:19 PM [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) Micah space filler
    4/4/2006 7:16:35 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) oh
    4/4/2006 7:18:52 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) you dont want to talk to me anymore do you......
    4/4/2006 7:19:32 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) rofl...I guess its pretty can talk to me if you feel like sometime though...
    4/4/2006 7:19:50 PM Micah [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) *feel like it

  38. #78
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    im on aol..kinna pointless but o well

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