My first cycle I was dating a guy who was TOTALLY against it. He's a doctor and wouldn't give me a script!!!
Anyway, I went ahead and did it. I wake up in the middle of the night to eat so I would eat and sneak my shot at the same time. He slept so deep I never woke him up. Well, one time, I'm in the bathroom doing my shot and hear him up walking around. So in a panic, I pull out the syringe, don't know what to do with it so I lifted the toilet seat and threw it in the toilet. He was up because he had to take a piss. Walks in and lifts the toilet seat and there is a syringe floating in the bowel.
He flipped out. It was one of the reasons we broke up. Now when I meet a guy, if we start to get serious I tell him up front I cycle and if he has a problem with it and doesn't want me to then we're not meant for each other. I let them know then and there I'm not going to stop.
Last edited by Carlos_E; 04-19-2006 at 01:18 PM.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete