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Thread: dateing a girl with a kid ???
04-17-2006, 07:46 PM #1
dateing a girl with a kid ???
Alright another girl dateing Q"S .........theres this girl i was kinda set up with through a fried she just moved to my area and was divorced aboput 1 year ago, she has a 2 year old i have not meet the child but, shes a sweet girl real cute with a good job all the good stuff, i dont think the father is in the picture but i dont wanna ask either..
So has anyone dated someone with a kid ? i mean does it get in the way, im sure it does im not trying to sound mean but how bad is it ?? i guess im saying i just dont wanna take the daddy's driver set but then again i whould like to see her get what im saying ?? i just dont wanna have her bring along the little one when we go out say to the movies or something like thatLast edited by steve0; 04-17-2006 at 07:49 PM.
04-17-2006, 07:53 PM #2
Originally Posted by steve0
I have only dated 2 women that did not have children. My advise would be to be honest up front about what you want etc...After all this is not just about you and her, its also about the child. I have found that single parent women vary their dating style alot, one might like to get out alot while another does not want to leave the child alone for nothing. You might want to feel it out and see where she falls, hell go ahead and ask her.
And then make your mimd up if it is something you can handle, not to mention the father will be brought up and will be in the picture even if rarely. It was hell on wheels for me to bond with my ex's 2 year was a full time job but it got better with time but still bothered me that i took care of her more than her father and i felt it was not my job. It was hard to see her react so well to a man that is never around, i wish i could of had that parent/child bond with her but i could'nt ever have that. Its rough. Then i could never understand why that dumb bitch banged him and got knocked up..after thinking about, **** them both.(Told you i am stll bitter)
I am no longer with my ex of 1 year since 2 weeks ago so i am a bit bitter about this subject but you need to decide real quick if you can handle the drama that comes along with a woman that has a kid.Last edited by Panzerfaust; 04-17-2006 at 07:56 PM.
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04-17-2006, 07:54 PM #3
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Yes, the child gets in the way.... but it's really what type of person you are and your maturity level... what you want out of the relationship. There were times where my step-son's mother called my (now) husband and said "you can see him tonight" and he'd call me and break our plans (when we 1st started dating) to spend time with him. Being younger and very selfish... it pained the relationship. I wasn't one to like having plans broken... but more so to a child of all people. Alot of dates will have to be made in advance for child-care... no weekend trips here or there... no spontanity. But... the love of a child - irregardless if she's yours biologically or not is a very rewarding thing. If this is your time to considering settling down and playing the family man then... no she won't get in the way at all. If you're the Saturday night go out on the town, take weekend trips to the beach for bbqs and kegs then... better walk away now before feelings are hurt.
04-17-2006, 07:55 PM #4
Originally Posted by muriloninja
04-17-2006, 07:57 PM #5
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04-17-2006, 08:07 PM #6
well, i guess i really am not sure yet on what im going to do, i will be seeing her this weekend for sure i know that kid or no kid, dont get me wrong i do have my friends and we can get get a little wild at times but i can easly keep it under controle, i mean you say is i like to party here or there then i better not go ahead with this, but her child is not my responsibilty so how whould my lifestyle get in the way of hers, i guess i just thought most if are time whould be spent togather at either ones house's
and 1 more thing i forgot to mention i have a roomate and he prolly wont like the idea of a 2 yr old hanging out at his house very often if not at all.
i think i may have to abort this mission.
04-17-2006, 08:08 PM #7
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Just dont treat the kid like shit.
04-17-2006, 08:10 PM #8
Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
why on earth whould i do that ?????????
04-17-2006, 08:14 PM #9
Don't abort it'll be ok, I've never gotten to serious with someone with kids but dated them, just expect more late night dates at home and watching a movie or whatever......oh and you'll proby have to get up early before the kid wakes up (and they wake up early)
04-17-2006, 08:15 PM #10
I date a girl with a kid and lemme tell you that this kid is a handful. He's no normal kid, he is the devil himself. He's 3 years old and his name is Damian.....yes Damian like the Devil. He's extremely hyper active. Honestly tho i dont see what the big deal is. yeah its hard to have some privacy and go out and do some things sometimes but overall I like it.
04-17-2006, 08:15 PM #11
if you're asking, you're probably not ready... as other's said, it really is about the kid, the two year old is the innocent... if you date her, you date both, the one can reason the other can't and if you spend any time with that child, they won't understand when/if you decide to walk away... I personally made it a rule never to date a woman with a child period... that is until my wife and I got together... but it was in my late twenties and was ready to settle down before I ended up dead somewhere... she had a kid..ended up falling in love with him and eventually got to adopt him after we were married so I was lucky as I am dad and don't have to deal with a third party. But it is different as other's mentioned and once after dating for a couple of years seriously thought about breaking it off and it was my dad that set me down and said "What about the kid? How are you going to explain it to him?" and that's when it all made sense... Make sure it is what you want and can handle because any relationship has the potential of turning into a lifelong commitment...
04-17-2006, 08:15 PM #12
Originally Posted by GreenLantern12
thats fine it saves me money, and i dont mind getting up early either
04-17-2006, 08:19 PM #13
very well put squatdaddy, and greenlatern12, i agree i guessim just gonna ride this one fore a while and see what comes of it but if i know its gonna get to deep then i will step back and let her know whats up.
04-17-2006, 08:28 PM #14
I dated a girl with a kid when it first started I had to be out early but that wasn't a problem I start work at 6am the problem was I got really attacted to the kid and things didn't work out with us and it killed me to stop seeing the kid.
04-17-2006, 08:37 PM #15
i was with my last girl who had a child that was 6 years old. she had him at 18. at first it really wasnt an issue but things started to get serious and i really wanted to be with her. i would plan events and then id remember "shit her son will have to come with" and it would totally ruin it. so basically date her if you want but DO NOT get very serious with her.
04-17-2006, 08:48 PM #16
we like i said im gonna feel this out see how it goes and so forth, i think it will be ok but i cant see her bring the little one over to the pad, just not my cup of tea
04-17-2006, 09:35 PM #17
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Originally Posted by steve0
Im not saying I think you would, Im just sayin....
04-17-2006, 09:37 PM #18
I was having sex with a girl that had a kid if that counts
04-17-2006, 09:51 PM #19
it counts
04-17-2006, 10:31 PM #20
Originally Posted by steve0
Listen bro, I used to always tell myself I'd never date a girl with a child, and I'm actually marrying one in 3 weeks. Dont rule it out, give her a chance. My girl may have had a kid with somebody else, but she is more faithful, loving, loyal, than anybody I've ever been with. Alot of these types of women care more about little things in life and quality time, not materialistic bullshit all the time. You may go through some confusion or slight resentment at times, it happened with me. But one day my step daughter told me she loved me, and then ran off on the playground to tell her freinds "thats my stepdad, look at all of his muscles, he's a real firefighter" and now all can do is embrace it.
04-17-2006, 10:37 PM #21
Man, there are way to many girls out there to pick one who already has some baggage..... thats my opinion though...
04-18-2006, 05:42 AM #22
My sister is engaged to a guy with a child and i can tell you it's an uphill battle
04-18-2006, 11:58 AM #23
i see you point SS and agree, its now hard to find somwone that suits you let alone dosnt mind my lifestyle, i.e---not drinking, always eating to perfection and training 5-6 days a week there is not alot of time on my hands for a rel;ationship, let alon one with a child but i guess you have proven it can be done..
and Mizfit what do you mean by an uphill battle ???
04-18-2006, 12:03 PM #24
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Originally Posted by muriloninja
And def agree with kif--you end up getting really attached to the kid. It was just his b-day, and Easter and shit, and I couldn't see him.
04-18-2006, 02:35 PM #25
well you know they screw! thats why chicks with kids rock. it's like a fuc* trophy!
04-18-2006, 02:39 PM #26
yeah thats what i was thinking but she use to be married and her husband was abusive apartly so hse left him and moved i'll get more details tommorow
04-18-2006, 03:12 PM #27
i wouldnt.. but thats just me.. if i was ilke 30+ then yes
04-18-2006, 06:00 PM #28
Originally Posted by taiboxa
well Tai looks like your day is comin thenjk bro
04-18-2006, 06:02 PM #29
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Dating someone with a child is not always a difficult situation. I think 90% is on the mother... She's the one who will the situation good or bad. (ie: how she raised her child, how she confronts the child on "mommy's new friend", if she chooses sides or not... and her relationship with daddy". If she's a loyal, faithful, mature adult and embraced motherhood with pride and dignity then she will be looking for a partner to "complete her family triangle"... if she's a teenage mommy who has no job she's "finding her baby a daddy". It goes just the same with guys... did he want a child or was he too lazy to use protection. There are SO MANY gray areas -- saying someone has baggage just because they have a child... is so narrow minded. Some people are just family orientated -- and there's NOTHING wrong with that.
Go with your gut buddy, I think you want to give her a fair chance.
04-19-2006, 06:59 AM #30
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Originally Posted by novicenovicen
04-19-2006, 07:51 AM #31
I think the question that you have to ask yourself is why? Are you ready for a serious relationship? Are you just looking to get laid. If she is good mother she will insulate you from her child until she feels that this will lead somewhere. If she allows you to be around her child from day one, then she is allowing every man to meet her child. To me, that would be a red flag. Then you also have to look at motive on her part. Is she looking for a dad? Will the real dad now present a problem? Lots to think about. I would stay away unless I was ready to deal with the aggravation.
But I'm just a dirty old man (48) who prefers young and uncomplicated!
04-19-2006, 01:34 PM #32
waaaaaaaaaaaaah quit crying about it and try it. won't hurt yah.
04-21-2006, 02:20 PM #33
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I say do her and do her..In the name of her child. Just bang the broad and then when things get sour bounce..
04-21-2006, 02:25 PM #34
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Originally Posted by Mizfit
What`s the battle? Could you expand?
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