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Thread: can a gift be reported as stolen property

  1. #1
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    can a gift be reported as stolen property

    Does anyone know and/or give resources to, thanks

  2. #2
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    gift/loan i should say

  3. #3
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    what you lose bro?

  4. #4
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    I am sorry but I seriously cannot figure out what you are trying to say/ask.

  5. #5
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    okay, i gave my girlfriend a $300 camera, i want it back, basically

  6. #6
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    More info would help. Did you give someone something and now change your mind and they won't give it back so you're reporting it as stolen?
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  7. #7
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 03-MASTERBLASTER-11
    okay, i gave my girlfriend a $300 camera, i want it back, basically
    Exactly what I said.

    What did you two break up? It was a gift. Be the bigger man and leave it. Asking for shit you gave her back is petty.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  8. #8
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    hahaha INDIAN GIVER

  9. #9
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    You can't report it as stolen since you gave it to her as a gift.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Exactly what I said.

    What did you two break up? It was a gift. Be the bigger man and leave it. Asking for shit you gave her back is petty.
    Yeah Carlos_E hit it right on the head . Or you could get Tyrone Biggums to get it

  11. #11
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    I gave my ex GH for his birthday and a whole lot of other shit. I found out he was cheating and wanted the stuff back and money for the GH. But, that is petty. I was angry. It's my fault for giving it, not his for accepting it. When you break up with someone and go through petty shit it just draws the whole thing out. It's better to just cut your losses and be done with it and move on. Next time be more careful who you give shit to. Make sure they're worth it.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  12. #12
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    not really a gift, i let her use my camera, now she will not return it, i bought it for myself but let her use it and i continued to use my old one, yes asking for gifts in return is petty, i also bought her a 150 pair of sunglasses, i'm letting that one go

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 03-MASTERBLASTER-11
    not really a gift, i let her use my camera, now she will not return it, i bought it for myself but let her use it and i continued to use my old one, yes asking for gifts in return is petty, i also bought her a 150 pair of sunglasses, i'm letting that one go

    First you said you are saying oyu let her use it

    IF you still have the box that would be a good way of showing it wasn't a gift...if she has the box it came in (all the packaging material)that shows your gave it to her, and you need to let it go.

    You honestly need to charge it to the game and prolly just take a loss on this one though.

  14. #14
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    she is playing it off as a gift to the police

  15. #15
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 03-MASTERBLASTER-11
    she is playing it off as a gift to the police
    Does she have all of the packaging? How did the police get involved and how did it get to this point that you're asking for things back and she's trying to keep it. More details would help.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  16. #16
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    i bought that camera for myself, i brought the whole thing, box and all, to her house to show her, ended up leaving it over there, if i was giving it to her as a gift, i would have also provided her the receipt, i kept the receipt for this specific reason, i'm trying to clear up that i'm not being a bitch about this, i think i have good reason

  17. #17
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 03-MASTERBLASTER-11
    i bought that camera for myself, i brought the whole thing, box and all, to her house to show her, ended up leaving it over there, if i was giving it to her as a gift, i would have also provided her the receipt, i kept the receipt for this specific reason, i'm trying to clear up that i'm not being a bitch about this, i think i have good reason
    Who called the police and what happened between you and her?
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  18. #18
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    we broke up, which is half the reason i let her carry it on her in the first place because we were always together, now that we will not be together, i need my camera. police got involved because she called my bluff, which wasn't one.

  19. #19
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    she lied about some stupid shit, where, she was at on two occasions which i don't give two shits what she does without me, just don't lie, b/c that tells me your hiding something. even after i caught her without a doubt, to me that showed some charater traits that i don't want in a girl, if she'll lie about little shit, what will she do if she ever really ****s up

    i definitely see what yall are saying, i don't care about the sunglasses, i do but i'm going to let that one go, i'm in college, i can't charge shit to game but i need that camera

  20. #20
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 03-MASTERBLASTER-11
    we broke up, which is half the reason i let her carry it on her in the first place because we were always together, now that we will not be together, i need my camera. police got involved because she called my bluff, which wasn't one.
    You're gonna have a hard time proving that one. And she's a c unt for keeping your camera if you really didn't give it to her.

    Quote Originally Posted by 03-MASTERBLASTER-11
    gift/loan i should say
    Here you said it was a gift/loan. If it was, it's her right to keep it. Leave it and move on.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  21. #21
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    You cannot take back a gift. Unless you 'lent' it to her and gave her authorized permission to 'borrow' it, you can't get it back legally.

    You can, however, take her to civil court and plea your case. However, the paperwork/admin fee and possibly losing a days work just don't make it worth it.

    My advice, cut it as a loss and move on if she's not willing to give it back.

    PS. You can always go to court and lie that you let her 'borrow' it, but then you're gonna get busted for perjury and trust me when I say the truth always comes out.

    Good luck to you.

  22. #22
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    Why exactly do you NEED the camera?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by 03-MASTERBLASTER-11
    i bought that camera for myself, i brought the whole thing, box and all, to her house to show her, ended up leaving it over there, if i was giving it to her as a gift, i would have also provided her the receipt, i kept the receipt for this specific reason, i'm trying to clear up that i'm not being a bitch about this, i think i have good reason
    Didn't read this part, if this is the case then you can legally have it back IF you can prove that you let her borrow it as a gift.

    Either way, be prepared for an uphill battle my man. Just by having the reciept doesn't prove anything.

    I would work this angle...

    State that the receipt is proof that the camera is rightfully yours, when asked how, state that if it was gift you would've provided a gift receipt as well in case she didn't appreciate the 'gift' giving her the option to return it. Now it's her onus to provide the gift receipt if she claims you gave her one as a defense.

  24. #24
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    my original title should have been how do i combat someone playing off a loan as a gift which they will not now return

  25. #25
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 03-MASTERBLASTER-11
    my original title should have been how do i combat someone playing off a loan as a gift which they will not now return
    A loan and a gift is 2 different things. It's one or the other. So far you have said both.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  26. #26
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    Do u have proof of purchase?
    Does she have proof of purchase or proof of gift (whatever that could be)

    Basically man... If u wanna take it small claim court or something, u'd prolly win if u can prove that u're the one who purchased it.

    Cops won't solve this one for you, i believe.. but they will file a Stolen property report, that u can use in court. I would think.

  27. #27
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    i really need that camera b/c i could barely afford a new but my mom wanted one so i was going to give her my old one and keep my new one, so now if i suck it up and buy anothger one, my retailed price of 300 is now going to 600but as pussy usually goes i told her my mom said that she would rather lindsey over herself. Besides, at the time, i did not see us breaking up. So I didn't see the harm letting carry around with her since we were always together. No that were not together anymore. That's why i also let her keep the box with all of the cable in it

  28. #28
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    If you take her to court for a $300 camera you're going to spend more money just taking her to court.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  29. #29
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    there is real confusion here, i apologize for that. she told the cop that it was present, done deal i can't get it back, i told the cop it was given with idea that if werre not together anymore i would get it back

  30. #30
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    Sorry bud, but it sounds like you won't get it back. If you had told the police something like "I let her borrow it for a weekend, and now I want it back" that would have sounded better. Going to court may cost you more than what the camera is worth. Tell your mom she can't have your old camera, and keep that one.

  31. #31
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    you're ****ed out of a camera if she doesnt return it. go to her place and steal it

  32. #32
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~fuelforfire~
    you're ****ed out of a camera if she doesnt return it. go to her place and steal it
    Bad advice.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  33. #33
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    if the gift was conditional you can lay claim to it. in this case it was a gift, she gave value for it, its hers case closed. had it been an engagement ring you could get it back. the difference there is that the law sees the ring as a conditional gift, the condition being your getting married......

  34. #34
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    Yes, anything can be reported stolen. Rather it is the truth is for a court to decide. If someone gives you something, but keeps the receipt or has proof they bought it, they may be able to lie and convince a court that you simply borrowed the item. The court may rule in their favor even if in reality it was a gift.

  35. #35

  36. #36
    well live and learn that will teach next time, i hope.
    Last edited by Mike_Huck; 04-24-2006 at 06:38 PM.

  37. #37
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    No, but you can still get her.

    Quote Originally Posted by 03-MASTERBLASTER-11
    Does anyone know and/or give resources to, thanks
    Unless the gift was given in contemplation of marriage it was a gift. Report her to the IRS because under Section 61 of the IRC, he receipt of the camera was in return for services and is income. Of course I am not telling you to lie but IF the "gift" was really payment for services, then she must report it on her taxes. Failure to do that is tax fraud and gets you fined and or jail time.

    Disclaimer: Grappler13, Esq. provides legal humor and is not licensed in many states and or jurisdictions that this site is read. Check with a licensed atty in your state before acting on any advice you may think I have given.....unless you're in MD, then I'll represent you at my modest hourly rate.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grappler13
    Unless the gift was given in contemplation of marriage it was a gift. Report her to the IRS because under Section 61 of the IRC, he receipt of the camera was in return for services and is income. Of course I am not telling you to lie but IF the "gift" was really payment for services, then she must report it on her taxes. Failure to do that is tax fraud and gets you fined and or jail time.

    Disclaimer: Grappler13, Esq. provides legal humor and is not licensed in many states and or jurisdictions that this site is read. Check with a licensed atty in your state before acting on any advice you may think I have given.....unless you're in MD, then I'll represent you at my modest hourly rate.
    She already has proof that this isn't the case. The police filled out a report on the incident and all she would have to do is get a copy. Also, he would have to receipt to prove this as well because without it, it's his word against his.

  39. #39
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    Paging Dr. Freud

    Quote Originally Posted by 03-MASTERBLASTER-11
    That's why i also let her keep the box with all of the cable in it

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