Not to highjack the original thread but another annoying critter at the gym is the "look at me" guy
this species is usually fairly well built but whatever respect you would give him is lost by the show boating
things to look for when observing this species:
tank top that comes off after a couple of pump sets
the constant mirror attention given to himself
the loud theatrical wailing on a set that is obviously more than he should handle
the strut
him trying to make eye contact (when not engaged in a mirror) to make sure you notice him
this species might also have a couple of feeder fish (lackeys) that feed his attitude and follow him around
the above can no way be misconstrude as the serious lifter that assess himself and his weak points in a mirror to objectively critique what needs work
no no no
this is the lifter that has an OK physique but obviously much better in ther own eyes and loves to show boat...
hate it, and yes I usually just concentrate on my set and "live and let live" but that shit gets under my skin