My weekend starts today at 4:30 p.m. CST Today. Its my best friends bachelor party and my birthday. Heres the schedule so far. Also any bros from K.C./Overland Park look out thats where will be.


9:30 am, Big upper body workout with one of my friends down at 24 hr fitness. (The one that used to be a theater in O.P.)

12:00 Grab some Lunch and do a little shopping. Probably pick up some nice cigars for tomorrow.

1-4 eat and chill out at grooms house till everyone else gets into town.

Friday evening.

Go to Culvers and eat like shit, Go to Costco (only 33.00 for half gallon of Jagermeister.) GET TRASHED and drive up to Ameristar Casino and blow some change. Probably hit up some strip club action before we head back to drink at home.


Texas hold em tourney at house, Grooms future wife is gonna make us lunch, Get drunk again, maybe pass out for a couple hours?

Get ready to go out, Eat some BBQ at Gates, or Arther Bryants get on a party bus that we rented for the night, drink some more, Hit up Westport area, Go to the irish pup (Murphy's?) Dark Horse, who knows, go home raise hell,


Cry, just cry all day long. Prolly Throw up on each other too.

If anyone here finds me out ill buy you a drink, Ill be the guy in the shirt.