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  1. #1
    ya_man's Avatar
    ya_man is offline Member
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    Angry Broke my hand...dieting for summer...??

    hey guys, was out with friends last night...buddys bday...was having a great time!

    we all no abuse towards women is wrong, so whenever i see it, i do what i can to stop it! last night there it is...some guy beatin his woman out behinid the bar...i went over told him to stop, he swung at me...and i cracked him...drop like a sack of potatos....any ways...just got in from emerg...5 hours later with a cast on my right hand....doc says 4-8 weeks before heald....

    shitty thing is, dieting was going what do u recommend?

    i was thinking of working what i can, legs, calves, abs and cardio basically..cardio at about 1, 1.5, 2 hours per day?? and keep the same diet...
    comments, suggestions, anyone been in this situation before?

    Thanks in advance bros.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    shitty deal, even legs is hard to do, get to have fun with cardio i suppose.

  3. #3
    ProtienShak3 is offline Junior Member
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    let me guess you broke your 4th or 5th metacarpal ?(bone behind pinky or ring finger knuckles)

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    Quote Originally Posted by ProtienShak3
    let me guess you broke your 4th or 5th metacarpal ?(bone behind pinky or ring finger knuckles)
    most likely, same thing happened to a guy i know, never healed properly either

  5. #5
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    You don't need your hands for leg press, hack squats, leg extensions, leg curls, calves. It's time to get your legs big. You have no excuse now.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  6. #6
    ProtienShak3 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    You don't need your hands for leg press, hack squats, leg extensions, leg curls, calves. It's time to get your legs big. You have no excuse now.
    lol! 6-8 weeks of leg day for you .. your gonna get tree trunks man!!!!

    Anyway yea the metacarpal is most likely what you broke .. i did the same thing on a brown belt test once upon a time its really easy to do if you dont lead with your first 2 knuckles!

    ok well good luck with the legs man ! (maybe your pants wont fit in 6-8 wks) heh heh !

  7. #7
    ya_man's Avatar
    ya_man is offline Member
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    yeah, those are the knucks that i broke...good guess boys!, so yeah...does the plan seem like it will work out? maybe legs 2 times a week, good amount of cardio and abs...maybe i will come outta this lookin leaner!

  8. #8
    ya_man's Avatar
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  9. #9
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    look beyond what you see
    Quote Originally Posted by ya_man
    hey guys, was out with friends last night...buddys bday...was having a great time!

    we all no abuse towards women is wrong, so whenever i see it, i do what i can to stop it! last night there it is...some guy beatin his woman out behinid the bar...i went over told him to stop, he swung at me...and i cracked him...drop like a sack of potatos....any ways...just got in from emerg...5 hours later with a cast on my right hand....doc says 4-8 weeks before heald....

    shitty thing is, dieting was going what do u recommend?

    i was thinking of working what i can, legs, calves, abs and cardio basically..cardio at about 1, 1.5, 2 hours per day?? and keep the same diet...
    comments, suggestions, anyone been in this situation before?

    Thanks in advance bros.....
    Yah, i broke my 4/5th metacarpels punching out some guy as well - did they need to put a pin in your hand too?

  10. #10
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    when i got injured last year i was dieting down too...after i got injured i couldnt train for 8 weeks...i lost so much advice would be dont restrict cal's...train legs if u can..grabbing weights is goin to be a bitch...but stay away from restricting cal's to much...

  11. #11
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sorry to hear about the broken hand. I'd focus on abs, legs, and cardio.

  12. #12
    ya_man's Avatar
    ya_man is offline Member
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    dont restrict cal's eh?...hmmm...i see where your coming today for intance i might of had 70 carbs at the most....probably more like 55....damn these next few weeks are gunna suck!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    the gym
    I feel your pain, I broke the **** out of my hand one time, actually I believe I had shattered it. I dont know for sure because I never went to the hospital, it healed itself, which took forever!!!! I in fact did lead off w/ the first 2 knuckles, and the break happened way down just in front of my wrist. It ****ed it up so bad my middle knuckle on my right hand is forever about twice as big as the one on the other hand, and I have a big lump on the top surface of that hand. Funny thing was, I had no idea I broke it until about 3 years later when i fought in a toughman and the doctor had to look at my hands.

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