Anyone watching this stupid stuff on ABC? He's trying to hold his breath for 9 minutes. Looks pretty weak to me but I'll unfortunately keep watching.
Anyone watching this stupid stuff on ABC? He's trying to hold his breath for 9 minutes. Looks pretty weak to me but I'll unfortunately keep watching.
YES, I am watching in hopes that when he is done, he may come out and actually do a MAGIC trick....lolol
I dunno about that guy.. I've heard some of his stuff is shit.. like the time he was encased in ice for days.. apparently when noone was around teh bottom came out and a stunt double replaced him for a while
Who know.. you can never be sure when it's on tv
I personally don't believe 9 minutes would ever be humanly possible.
They said the guy that has the record from 2004 is a German man that did 8:58. I wouldn't think its possible either but I guess we'll see.
that guy is so dumb, like his levetating bullshit, n everything else its all camera tricks n they pay the people, because really, you cant do that shit.
He just went under... kinda amazing
little do they know hes breathing through his nose, silly people i used to pull that same trick too, idiots
Originally Posted by ~fuelforfire~
I forgot to mention the under water part. LOL
how is he breathing through his nose. they closeup and nothing there
thats why they call it magic dudeOriginally Posted by SMAN12B
well he just past my record of 4 minutes!!!
Looked pretty real to me with the blue lips an all
There goes that attempt
did he die!
i hope so, that cocksucker had me believin it was real when i was a little bit younger
NO, but he didn't make 9 minutes either. just got past 7 and they pulled him out
i woulda let that mother ****er drownOriginally Posted by SMAN12B
i think the card tricks and some of the other tricks he does is pretty neat. i just dont know bout things like what he did tonight..
Well...he was underwater for 7 days........with oxygen. His feet and hands are all swollen....
After...he attempted to hold his breath for 9 minutes....without oxygen....and undo the handcuffs he was bound by........he made it to about 7min.
Kinda good to see someone fail on TV.
member when he first came out... he did some pretty good street magic before he went all weird
correlation... fiona apple dated him and he turned weird?
That trick where he took the chicks teeth out and spit them back in was pretty stupid..
Originally Posted by ~fuelforfire~
Actually yea it is possible... I've personally witnessed Chris Angel levetate standing on a freakin sidewalk in new york.... and it was some crzy crazy crazy nuts sh_t to say the least.
I know the tahitian pearl divers were said to hold their breath up to 20 minutes and in the seals you learn extended breathing techniques which gives you about 5 minutes of holding your breath while moving. Not just sitting there.
YEah, I think Chris Angel does some cool shit. Like the time he had a chick write her initials on a quarter, then he swallowed it. Then he cut the same quarter out of a vein on his forearm. Pretty sick.Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
I think the best trick David Blaine could ever do is dissapearing forever. I'd love to see that.
Last edited by MAXIMA5; 05-09-2006 at 08:18 AM.
Originally Posted by ~fuelforfire~
Should have done !!!!
Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
You can buy his levitation trick online. It just takes props and practice.
They looked less swollen and more rotten to me. His hands were like cottage cheese.Originally Posted by solacevip
I 2 that. And you some one did go 9 min they would have brain damage.Originally Posted by SwoleCat
That wouldn't matter because you are already brain dead to even try.Originally Posted by gsxxr
The world record is 8:58. They did not say if the record holder is now a vegetable, but I'm pretty sure it's a legitimate record.
that man is crazy...him and chris angel do some real weird things....
I;m going to go break the record in my bathtub. Should be easy. If you don't hear back from me.......
the guy is a fake, a good one though. I mean cmon who really believes he does this stuff?
100% correct broOriginally Posted by kman
Nobody (I HOPE)I mean cmon who really believes he does this stuff?
The guy is an egotistical moron..............
He did an interview in England where he didn't answer any questions, just held the palm of his hand up with "the all seeing eye" drawn on it. He did this for 15minutes WHAT A COMPLETE T#SSER. The only thing that eye saw was his c*ck when he pulled himself off.
Last edited by Homeguard; 05-09-2006 at 10:18 AM.
aww, cmon, how much did he pay you to say that?Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
actually, i could levitate on the sidewalk of the city in front of tons of people too. all you need is someone in the sewers with a strong electromagnetic device, and put magnets in your shoes, pants, shirt, or wherever is most effective and use the electromagnet to propel you off the ground. with strong enough magnets, it certainly could be done.
i actually know though that many (if not all) of his filmed tricks are fake. i used to be an actor in new york, and there was a casting call at one point for his show. i never went to the casting, but a friend of mine had, and he said the whole thing is scripted and complete b.s.
the script was basically a male and a female are on a picnic blanket in a park, he walks up to you and grabs an empty beer can from your blanket. waves his hand, taps the can, *moves the can off-screen and switches it with a full can* and magically, the can is full again. then the actor takes the can, opens it, drinks from it, acts surprised (as if he didn't visually see him switch the can for a full one), and that's about it. years later, i saw a video on the net where he did this, and sure enough, he takes the can off screen for a second while doing his "trick". now, even if i didn't know it was scripted, common sense would tell me that when he takes the can off screen he's switching it up with a new one.
magicians have always been about "sleight of hand" and "illusions". you know very well there's no real "magick" involved. now monks, that's another story. those guys can do some pretty crazy stuff, but of course that's more related to mind/body control and not actually magick. i wonder if some of those monks that live in isolation can actually beat that record underwater? with how they can control their own metabolisms and heart rate, not to mention numerous other functions of their body normally controlled by the subconscious, i think there must be at least a few who could. regretfully, they'd never even come close to a camera crew.
I've always wanted to activate both vocal cords at once like monks!
yea, they do some pretty crazy stuff. one thing i learned how to do that is part of most monks training is lucid dreaming. it's where you become fully conscious in the dream state. not like some of you may have had where you realize it's a dream in the middle of one, but actual full conscious realization of yourself in the dream, where your physical body is, and an awareness of your control over your external environment in the dream. it's hard to explain, but once you manage to do it, it changes your entire perception of reality.Originally Posted by novicenovicen
sorry i wandered so off topic, just trying to keep this thread interesting, saying as david blane falls short of anything able to do so.
I don't understand why everyone hates on him so much. Actually I do. Because all you guys are amazed by his tricks but don't know how the hell he does it. Granite. I'm not a big fan of these big productions such as putting himself underwater for 9 min or in an ice cube. However, if you ever watch any of his street magic you cannot tell me that shit is camera tricks. That shit is amazing in my opinion. The minutes someone can tell me how he does that stuff then i'll respect whoever is talking shit about it
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