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Ahhha! This is the kind of answer I was seeking, not joking words of humor initiated by the majority of these guys (and one she-male?), but just pictures that solidfy my belief! I am aware that not everybody wants to be a professional bodybuilder, now that we have established that fact, of course with all of your validations, we must now move on to a wholly entirely new topic; are steroids for you? Are steroids for the average Joe gym rat, who just lifts to feel good and for the girls? I will leave that argument for you to contemplate. For those of you who know what I am talking about, those who just lift to transfer energy into something positive, akin to the development of your physique, do you really need to introduce extremly powerful anabolic compounds so you can "lift to feel good, and for the girls?" Just where is the pride in that? I have no right to judge your behavior, just as much as you have no right to judge my behavior. I ask honest answers here, the question to this grand finale: Should the average physically conscious John Doe introduce powerful drugs into his body, so he can feel good about himself and lift for the "girls"?
I must have misunderstood the intentions and motives of these bros, because after a while cruising on these forums, I took it that you guys admired the freaky physique of Arnold, Ronnie, Dorian etc, to the point that your lives revolved around the bodybuilding culture, where you do nothing but talk and post pictures of all kinds of bodybuilders, but yet, your motive for lifting is not to model after your idol, but yet, to lift for the "feeling" aspect of it? I guess im an idiot in that case!
And you want my pictures? You will get them soon...just soon...right around November to be exact, in which I shall qualify to the nationals and claim glory...