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Thread: Taking a cue from IronHorse

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ

    Taking a cue from IronHorse

    Ok, I have a question for you guys lemme run down the whole ituation.

    Iwent out with htis girl starting in 98. We went out for 2 years. it was a rocky relationship. good times and bad, but we loved eachother. Anyway the summer befor she left for college was great. We had fun, hung out allt he time, not one fight. She goes up to college and i start hearing form her less. he starts picking fights over dumb stuff. She comes down for thanksgiving and breaks up with me. the next week she goes back up and she is going out with someone. She says she wanted to "experience " new people.

    Whatever after that it was like every now and then when she came fdown we would fol around and stuff. I weird relationship.


    Now shre left syracuse and is gonna be joining NYU in the fall. (i live in jersey... about 40 min from there) She comes down now for the summer and is acting all wierd like when we are together its like we are going out. But when i ask her if thats what she wants she says no. But everytime we are together, its holding hands kissing. All that crap. Now i am going to this eminem concert with my friend in july, at the Continetel arena. I find out this girl he used to be friends with along time back is oging too (my ex doesn't like her all too much) so we decide we would taill gate together. I forget to tell my ex for a day, and when i finally do she accuses me of Lying to her, and hinding stuff from her. calling me a bastard. Saying Just when her feelings were changing i go and lie to her and fuck it up. And i say Were we going out? Yah know what the fuck is the rpoblem. And its like why the hell would you be madd at anyting. 1. its not a big deal 2. We ar enot even going out. I don't think i would wanna go back out with her.

    Its not liek i was ognna fuck the girl i was oging with we are firends. And i don't undertsand what is going through the mind of my ex but its pissing me off. I feel she is fucking with my head.

    BUt it helped get good pumps at the gym yest squat machine i did 4 plate son each side for the last 2 sets 10 reps each. And stiff arm deadlifts i got the 70lb dumbels 10 times. lol

    SOmeoine Adviece sorry for the long post. coulnd't help it. I needed ot vent

    ESP any of the female memebrs. DOes she have a basis here. I mean was what i did wrong. I mean my feelings wwere changing for her too, but she made it no way clear that we were otgether. She was gonna go up to Boston last week, by herself to visit her Ex bf's best friend. yah know. need help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Of course she's wrong. She wants her cake and eat it to. Tell her "Do you see a ring on your finger?, Then I'll do whatever the fuck I want and if you don't like it pack your shit and rollllll!"

    Everybody: Stop living your life to please others and start living it to please yourself.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ
    thats true Vegas. I usually do , but this girl was different. I mean she was my first gf. We went out forever. She really gets to me yah know

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    Women! Can't live with them and can't get the blood out of the carpet!


    No really bro, women are amazingly complex creatures. Sometimes they want you to read their minds, other times they say quit trying to read my thoughts.

    If your aren't going out, then she has no basis in my opinion. Having and maintaining your own social life will probably be the best thing to get her back!!! She will realize that you are in demand and that if she doesn't get her hooks into you, then someone else will. Don't feel guilty for having a life. Don't EVER let someone play with your mind and lay guilt trips like that. Just my opinion. I don't know much about women, but I have been happily married for 9 years, so I have had plenty of time to study the species!!

    Good Luck and peace,


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Originally posted by tryingtogetbig
    Women! Can't live with them and can't get the blood out of the carpet!

    Didn't OJ say that?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ
    hahahhaha. That is the freakn funniest hting i have ever heard

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    shes fuckin with you, shes still a young girl...Evidently she doesnt even know what she wants with herself....Why waist your time, and not be happy whn you can go out and have a good time, not deal with her shit, and find someone who makes you happy?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.

    You are 10 year younger than me, only thing I can say is I thought that kind of behavior would lessen as I got older but it doesn't.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ
    Scott is that suppose to make me feel better. hahahah tnkas man. But you guys know what i am tlaking about right. That first girl youw ent out with. Or that some one that really grabbed your heart and you can't get away from her. Even the biggest hard ass has someone l;iek that. I mean i am not gonna let her run my life, even if we do go out. I mean she says she can never trust me for shit in the past. Well she did stuff just as bad. And like she says, thats in the poast. But I dunno like Horse said. it just eats away at you. Yah know. Like that argument with the concert? I mean i forgot to tell her for one day. Its not that important ot me. But she still sits there and says i was hiding it and shit.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Ok advice from a female...RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! She's way out of line, acting totally jealous and possessive for no reason. I just went through the same b.s. with a guy and I'm telling ya, run! I gave him the benefit of the doubt the first time he pulled this stunt and then realized the last time that I don't want to live with someone second guessing every move. You naturally have feelings for her, but you don't want to live your life with the b.s. she's putting you through. There are too many red flags on this one for you to think that it's ok for her to act like that toward you. If it were me I'd just end the contact completely.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    It doesn't get any more straight forward than that bro!!!!!

    I do know that after time passes the feelings get better bro. She will always be an important part of what makes you who you are, but after time passes it won't "bother" you as much!



  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ
    Wow thanks cali. Your golden. Its good to get a woman's pint of view. It helps. It will be hard ending contact liek that but i will try

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ
    thanks guys. it helps. See the problem with my friends around here is that they have been hearing me complain about her for 3 years now. lol. So i get nothing. I cannot even mention her name and peopel would bite my head ff. Even though it is soorta diff now. thats why i needed some fresh and unbiase opinions. And i justw ante everyoine to know that is how it happened. I would hate people to think i am gioving a one sieded story. She would give yout he same story except she keepps sayin g i was hiding it from her

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    It's always hard to end the contact with someone who's been a part of your life, but sometimes it's necessary. All she's doing is stressing you and confusing you. You don't need that in your life. There's someone out there with a good head on her shoulders who will treat you right, but you will never meet her if you waste your time with the girl you're talking about.

    Good luck!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ
    Thanks cali. You knwo what the funny thing is. I give this advice out to tons of my friends and when it ocmes time for me. i am lost. I guess you just have to have someone say it to you. you guys are great. I love this board. Its a family board. talk about anyting that bothers you

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Not a problem at all...I totally understand!! I'm the same way. Just gotta pay attention to the red flags instead of ignoring them next time.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ
    true. thanks hunney

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Boston, MA
    To quote Cali...."RUN!!!!!!"

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