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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    The Truth About Black People In America. Good Read!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry, u can spew your racist shit elsewhere fatlips.


  2. #2
    Temptation is offline Female Member
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    You went through all of the trouble of registration just to post... that?

    You're such a loser.

  3. #3
    spencer's Avatar
    spencer is offline i gotta S on ma chest
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    good read??

  4. #4
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    Yes "sweetie" I DID. Got a problem with that you have my PM address, take it over there.

  5. #5
    Temptation is offline Female Member
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    sweetie??? Don't ever call me...

  6. #6
    Giants11's Avatar
    Giants11 is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Now now...Fighting on the internet is like.....Well you know the rest.
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  7. #7
    DDDNTZ's Avatar
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  8. #8
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    I don't even know how to respond to this. Most of these points so blatantly twisted statistics that I don't even know what to say.

  9. #9
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
    TheDfromGC is offline Anabolic Member
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    a building
    i can see this thread getting ugly

  10. #10
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    bro u an idiot for postin some random ass racist shit like this...i know arguing on the internet is pointless but ur a ****in moron...

  11. #11
    Giants11's Avatar
    Giants11 is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    If it does it getting locked. For now, if someone wants to have a discussion, then have one. If not leave this thread alone.
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  12. #12
    24labor's Avatar
    24labor is offline Anabolic Member
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    This board is for better ones self in knowledge of training/dieting and other infromation not to mention theres a lot of good people here that are african american. to point out meaningless facts is not a good start

  13. #13
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    what the ****!?

  14. #14
    spencer's Avatar
    spencer is offline i gotta S on ma chest
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    lmfao @ this thread. dont rise to it

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    holy **** why aint this guy banned, hes ****ed

  16. #16
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    I am a girl...believe or not! Don't assume things!

  17. #17
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I don't care who likes/dislikes this thread.

    It's history.

    Mrs. Jolie, go adopt another kid and shut the f*ck up.


  18. #18
    Join Date
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    well your a chick, and your ****ed in the head

  19. #19
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Imagine that, signing up at a STEROID /FITNESS BOARD to spew racist shit.

    Sign up and head straight to the LOUNGE.

    Oh how old school.

    Get the f*ck outta here.


  20. #20
    Join Date
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    dumb people.

  21. #21
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Yeah, really dumb, avatar says it all.


  22. #22
    soccer#3's Avatar
    soccer#3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i was waitin on swolecat to make a post here.. always got some good shit to say

  23. #23
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    We don't need this negative energy shit here.

    Not at this location.

    Won't happen.


  24. #24
    scriptfactory's Avatar
    scriptfactory is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AngelinaJolie
    a) 1 in every 20 black males is in JAIL. Among whites this number is 1 in every 150. Black inmates cost annually the American government 200 billion dollars in incarceration costs. 200 bi dollars in 2/3 of the cost of the landmark Medicare prescription drug plan for seniors in the US. Almost half the cost of defense spending in Congress. 13% of the GDP of Brazil (the 9th largest economy in the world) Clearly these 200 bi should be used for something else. (Times 2004,
    Poverty is a major contributor to these crime stats. The majority of these criminal statistics are for drug related offenses, especially dealing. A disproportionately large number of black people are put in jail on drug charges. It was shown that black people are given longer jail sentences for drug related crimes than white people are.

    Here are some fact for you:
    According to the federal Household Survey, "most current illicit drug users are white. There were an estimated 9.9 million whites (72 percent of all users), 2.0 million blacks (15 percent), and 1.4 million Hispanics (10 percent) who were current illicit drug users in 1998." And yet, blacks constitute 36.8% of those arrested for drug violations, over 42% of those in federal prisons for drug violations. African-Americans comprise almost 58% of those in state prisons for drug felonies; Hispanics account for 20.7%.

    Please realize that this isn't an excuse. It should be a reason for black people to STOP USING DRUGS!

    b) The African American population in the US is only 12.8% of the population. The law of mathematics and statistics says that numbers tend to be proportional through several sections of society. Thus, if 12.8% of the pop is black you would expect 12.8% of the work force to be black as well. If only that was the reality. Black people make up 68% of state, local and federal prisons and facilities in the United States. 55% of the inmates in the death row are African Americans. African American males are responsible for over 50% of homicides committed in the US (statistically black males are 4x times more likely to murder), 67% of the new HIV cases in the US are among black males, and over 80% of the HIV infections among women are among black females. (Times 2004)
    The "law of mathematics and statistics", eh? That must be the new law that Bush made because I've never heard of it. Also, since the majority of homicides are intraracial you shouldn't give a sh!t...

    c) 1 in every 100 black citizens in the US has HIV. Among whites that number is less than 1 in 300
    The HIV statistics are truly disturbing and I agree they must be dealt with but, again, why the hell do you care?

    d) The New York police conducted a form of “racial profiling” in 2000 where they accessed the race of arrested and convicted drug dealers in the metropolitan NY area. Virtually 87% of the drug dealers arrested were black, the vast majority either coming from or living in the black neighborhood of the Bronx. (New York Post 2000)
    That's because they are selling drugs to white people. If you were poor and had to choose between working 3 jobs to survive and selling drugs what would you choose? A large percentage of people would sell drugs, no matter their race.
    e) One of the most shocking data ever in my opinion: Although blacks only make up 12.8% of the US population, in 1998, 32% of the white people murdered were murdered by another black person (the vast majority males). Even more shocking is that less than 3% of the African Americans murdered were murdered by white people. The vast majority of black people are actually murdered by other black people too. The US government spends 24 billion dollar annually in “reparations” for white families murdered by black people.
    From 1976 to 2002 --

    86% of white victims were killed by whites
    94% of black victims were killed by blacks

    f) In 2004 according to the US department of economy, African American males/females contributed to the US economy (Gross Domestic Product) a NEGATIVE 23.764 US$/annually. On the other hand white males/females contributed a POSITIVE 13,527 US$/annually to the American GDP. For every single dollar that a black person contributed to the economy, they receive 16 US$ dollars back in social services such as welfare and unemployment wages. Black people received annually in 2004, 897 billion dollars in social services, 13 x (times) more their contribution to the GDP.
    That's interesting since the US government only spends $150 - 200 billion a year on social services MAXIMUM. The spending in 2004 was less than $100 billion.

    g) Black people only make up 12.8% of the US population, but 42% of black people who are employed full time are employed by local, state and federal government agencies (42% of the black work force). Interestedly, government job are the hardest ones you can get fired from, and even bad/unproductive employees are not usually fired. Go figure…..
    First you complain that they don't want to work. Then you complain that they work for the government. Figures.

    h) Black people being 12.8% of the pop, only accounts for 3.6% of the business owners in the US
    Since a large percentage black people are poor and are most often NOT homeowners how do you expect them to get the equity to start a business? Sell drugs?

    i) White people have work 42 days a year FOR FREE to cover the costs of the welfare paid to African American families.
    Where do you get these facts from?!

    j) Everybody is familiar with the school loan system in the US. Even if you have bad credit you (as long as you are a US citizen) can most likely take a loan from the bank and study. In other words, if anyone wants to go to college, THEY CAN, even if they are poor. Thus, blacks and whites have the same opportunities to go to college. Then why is that, if 12.8% of the pop. is black, African Americans only account for 6.8% of college students??? There are more black males in prison than black males going through college. (
    I've discussed the education system in another thread. Do a search.

    k) They say that Whites and blacks are equal. Times magazine reported in a survery among public schools in the US: Blacks and whites nowadays sit in the same classrooms, go to same schools, have access to the same books, listen to the same teachers and have access to the same tutors and extra curricular help. Then why 32% of white students in the 8th grade were able to hold a average grade of A, while only 21% of black students were able to do so?????? Mmmmmm….I wonder! (Times 2004)
    I have to find this Times issue...

    One thing I new for sure is you weren't a grade A average student with your "law of mathematics and statistics."

    l) Every since the end racial segregation in the US thaht began in the 1950’s and was considered completed by 1970, the US government has invested 10 trillion dollars in social programs to help end the racial disparage among ethnic minorities in the US (Asians, latins and blacks) Seems to me that Asians progressed and today an asian citizen contributed an average of POSITIVE 15,200 US$/annually to the US economy (more than whites). Latins/hispanics also went forward and contributed (as of 2004) a POSITIVE 2,121 US$/annually to the American GDP (a low amount, but still positive right?) Blacks did not, and as I mentioned before they contributed a NEGATIVE 23,764 US$/annually to the US economy!
    Making up fake numbers and statistics doesn't make you look cool. 10 trillion? Why not make it a jillion?

    Message to the moderator: Please notice that this post does not use the word “niggers” or other words of such kind. It mainly contains made up numbers and false data/statistics about the black race. Hopefully I will be banned and this post will not be deleted.
    Also, I am god damned tired of seeing homophobic posts in this forum, many calling gays and lesbians abnormal, disgusting etc (including comments from the moderators/aka SwoleCat). So if you allow discrimination and bashing based on sexual orientation, I don’t see why a post about “racial statistics” would be a problem. Hopefully you will see I am right!
    I''ve never met a gay racist before.

    I have seen a lot of people blaming groups for the problems of this country. I have seen many bashing and making mean comments about Mexicans and illegal immigration. Most Mexicans come to this country to work and not commit crime. Besides the contribution of latins to the US economy is POSITIVE (unlike of African Americans who ARE BORN HERE). I have seen many blaming gays (especially gay males). The per capita income of a gay&lesbian citizen is over 58,000 US$/a year (almost 14,000 US$ higher than the average American per capita income = 43,555 US$/year as of (2005). Seems to me that the problems in this country are not attributed to Mexicans, or gays and I would go even as far as saying they are not attributed to muslins. The text/data above speaks for itself. You make up your mind about who the real enemies of America are…… THINK!
    Don't go so far! You might hurt yourself!

    Seriously, though. Do you even believe all that crap you typed out?

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    i wouldnt even have started with this idiot

  26. #26
    scriptfactory's Avatar
    scriptfactory is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nooooooooooooooooooooo! It took me forever to type all that out...

  27. #27
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Nooooooooooooooooooooo! It took me forever to type all that out...
    Being that I respect all of the work you put into that, I won't edit anything.

    Blowjob Jolie has been taken care of, that's all that really matters.


  28. #28
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    The bitch actually managed to put my name all up in her mouth.

    Jeez, just leave me the f*ck alone people.


  29. #29
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    well i was gonan say i was too late to see what the moron posted but now i do.. how gay..

  30. #30
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I didn't even bother to read all of his little notes to mods and reference to me, someone else pointed that shit out. I read only a few sentences and looked at the newbie signup date and assinine user handle, and decided to cut the balls off immediately.


  31. #31
    *Alex*'s Avatar
    *Alex* is offline Senior Member
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    how come angelinajolie is still veiwing this thread, i though she got banned!???

  32. #32
    Tbone1975 is offline Member
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    Another brilliant post. Racists suck. I find it highly offensive especially because some of the coolest finest dudes I ever met were black. Including my last sup in the mil, he was cool as shite. I really really don't like it when anyone puts generalizations on large groups of people, including men, women, blacks, whites, poor, rich, etc.

  33. #33
    Tbone1975 is offline Member
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    And why is angelina jolie still viewing LOL?

  34. #34
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Dunno why, he/she is banned.

    As long as they can't talk who cares.


  35. #35
    Giantz11's Avatar
    Giantz11 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Poverty is a major contributor to these crime stats. The majority of these criminal statistics are for drug related offenses, especially dealing. A disproportionately large number of black people are put in jail on drug charges. It was shown that black people are given longer jail sentences for drug related crimes than white people are.

    Here are some fact for you:
    According to the federal Household Survey, "most current illicit drug users are white. There were an estimated 9.9 million whites (72 percent of all users), 2.0 million blacks (15 percent), and 1.4 million Hispanics (10 percent) who were current illicit drug users in 1998." And yet, blacks constitute 36.8% of those arrested for drug violations, over 42% of those in federal prisons for drug violations. African-Americans comprise almost 58% of those in state prisons for drug felonies; Hispanics account for 20.7%.

    Please realize that this isn't an excuse. It should be a reason for black people to STOP USING DRUGS!

    The "law of mathematics and statistics", eh? That must be the new law that Bush made because I've never heard of it. Also, since the majority of homicides are intraracial you shouldn't give a sh!t...

    The HIV statistics are truly disturbing and I agree they must be dealt with but, again, why the hell do you care?

    That's because they are selling drugs to white people. If you were poor and had to choose between working 3 jobs to survive and selling drugs what would you choose? A large percentage of people would sell drugs, no matter their race.

    From 1976 to 2002 --

    86% of white victims were killed by whites
    94% of black victims were killed by blacks

    That's interesting since the US government only spends $150 - 200 billion a year on social services MAXIMUM. The spending in 2004 was less than $100 billion.

    First you complain that they don't want to work. Then you complain that they work for the government. Figures.

    Since a large percentage black people are poor and are most often NOT homeowners how do you expect them to get the equity to start a business? Sell drugs?

    Where do you get these facts from?!

    I've discussed the education system in another thread. Do a search.

    I have to find this Times issue...

    One thing I new for sure is you weren't a grade A average student with your "law of mathematics and statistics."

    Making up fake numbers and statistics doesn't make you look cool. 10 trillion? Why not make it a jillion?


    I''ve never met a gay racist before.

    Don't go so far! You might hurt yourself!

    Seriously, though. Do you even believe all that crap you typed out?

    To be honest Script.....This is what I was waiting for. Nice work.

  36. #36
    Temptation is offline Female Member
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    Jillion is a dirty word

  37. #37
    WEBB's Avatar
    WEBB is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Learnin from the best...
    anyone do an ip check??? just curious...first posts are in the lounge and is a complete cock helmet...

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Being that I respect all of the work you put into that, I won't edit anything.

    Blowjob Jolie has been taken care of, that's all that really matters.

    blowjob jolie hahah, just like blowjob betty

  39. #39
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    When someone signs up ..and heads to the lounge looking to cause trouble it's usually a formerly banned turd with a masked IP.

    Don't these guys like.. i dunno.. lift weights or anything?


  40. #40
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    anyone do an ip check??? just curious...first posts are in the lounge and is a complete cock helmet...
    I did.. it's clean

    Hoss is that you?

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