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  1. #1
    Giants11's Avatar
    Giants11 is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Shit is gonna hit the fan..........soon

    So I'm IM'ing my brother the other day. Start off with the usual BS. The he asks me:

    "You ever heard of Superdrol?", and I'm like oh shit here we go. I know it’s most likely not him cause he's only 2 years younger than me and while he's not really into any AAS of yet, we've talked about Superdrol in the past....

    So then he tells me well his Girlfriends brother is on it. So naturally I ask, how old is he.


    Oh shit, here we fvcking go. So I start a barrage of questions, how long has he been on, what dose was he taking etc...

    Turns out this kid has no friggin clue as to what he's taking, took a Phera-plex cycle a few weeks back as well. With no PCT and he has been off SD for 2 weeks also with no PCT.

    He's the best part. The kid it totally unaware at what a potent and dangerous steroid . So he's out boozing it up and what not while his liver is probably bleeding inside his body.

    So trying to be responsible in this situation, I tell my brother to tell this kid he needs to see a doc right away, that his liver is most def all fvcked up, his cholesterol is shot to shit and his HTPA is shut down. But of course this would mean he would have to man up and tell people the truth and he's not about to do that. So he says he ain't going, so the best I can do is get him some liver detox pills, some cholesterol support and some PCT items. I'm afraid at this point in time he may have permanently damaged his endocrine system.

    Anyways, It really tough with these young kids. But this is the exect reason I want these damn things banned. Cause yeah people like us can research this stuff and know what to expect and take the proper precautions. However these high school kids they don't know this crap is steroids . I mean you'd never guess in a millions years that they'd sell liver toxic methylated steroids at the local supp shop. But they do and these kids are taking them, and I fear the worst is yet to come. I actually had a chance to talk to this kid online, to try and get him to a doc and offer some advice.

    One of the first things this kid says to me is:
    "Everyone in my high school is taking this stuff"

    Like I said, shit's gonna hit the fan real soon.
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  2. #2
    BARLOW is offline Senior Member
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    hmmmm sounds like me when i discovered m1-t lol

  3. #3
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Damn, keep us posted.

  4. #4
    24labor's Avatar
    24labor is offline Anabolic Member
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    you know the media is bashing people for using steroids and trying to get people to prevent them from using them but all this media attention is making more and more people hop on board

  5. #5
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Without proper education, things like this will continue. Suppliers should sell it in a kit, with directions.

    Banning more supps is not going to help, because companies will continue selling products like that... cause they sell.

  6. #6
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giants11
    So I'm IM'ing my brother the other day. Start off with the usual BS. The he asks me:

    "You ever heard of Superdrol?", and I'm like oh shit here we go. I know it’s most likely not him cause he's only 2 years younger than me and while he's not really into any AAS of yet, we've talked about Superdrol in the past....

    So then he tells me well his Girlfriends brother is on it. So naturally I ask, how old is he.


    Oh shit, here we fvcking go. So I start a barrage of questions, how long has he been on, what dose was he taking etc...

    Turns out this kid has no friggin clue as to what he's taking, took a Phera-plex cycle a few weeks back as well. With no PCT and he has been off SD for 2 weeks also with no PCT.

    He's the best part. The kid it totally unaware at what a potent and dangerous steroid . So he's out boozing it up and what not while his liver is probably bleeding inside his body.

    So trying to be responsible in this situation, I tell my brother to tell this kid he needs to see a doc right away, that his liver is most def all fvcked up, his cholesterol is shot to shit and his HTPA is shut down. But of course this would mean he would have to man up and tell people the truth and he's not about to do that. So he says he ain't going, so the best I can do is get him some liver detox pills, some cholesterol support and some PCT items. I'm afraid at this point in time he may have permanently damaged his endocrine system.

    Anyways, It really tough with these young kids. But this is the exect reason I want these damn things banned. Cause yeah people like us can research this stuff and know what to expect and take the proper precautions. However these high school kids they don't know this crap is steroids . I mean you'd never guess in a millions years that they'd sell liver toxic methylated steroids at the local supp shop. But they do and these kids are taking them, and I fear the worst is yet to come. I actually had a chance to talk to this kid online, to try and get him to a doc and offer some advice.

    One of the first things this kid says to me is:
    "Everyone in my high school is taking this stuff"

    Like I said, shit's gonna hit the fan real soon.
    bro i know what you mean.. i have a younger brother and he asks me all the time about all that stuff.. phera phlex, haldrol, superdrol.. it pisses me off bc his answer is like its not bad its legal- my freind is blah blah.. pisses me off also..

  7. #7
    Giants11's Avatar
    Giants11 is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Hard to tell a kid that a legal supp is in reality a hardcore steroid .
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  8. #8
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    the worst thing about those kinds of steroids is that the testing that has been done on them has been minimal and has been done primarily by the companies themselves (or funded by them), yet they're already finding the same sides from them as the real gear. i guarantee however down the road, they'll find those products have far more sides than gear has, and without knowing what precautionary measures to take like you do with gear, i think people will be having some serious issues down the road. who knows what kind of health problems those things can cause long-term? i tell you what, you'll never find any of them being used for medical purposes as real gear is.

  9. #9
    SHAOKAHN is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giants11
    One of the first things this kid says to me is:
    "Everyone in my high school is taking this stuff"

    __________________________________________________ ____

    This is bad on many different levels. It sucks to hear this.


  10. #10
    seek542's Avatar
    seek542 is offline Junior Member
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    I hear ya man... I took Superdrol about 4 months ago and i didn't even know what pct meant.. I was drinking on the weekends also.. I have noticed a slight change in my personality and i am pissing all the time. I am about to start my next cycle, but this time i am very prepared. I have everything and hope that this time it will balance it self back out

  11. #11
    Giants11's Avatar
    Giants11 is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by seek542
    I hear ya man... I took Superdrol about 4 months ago and i didn't even know what pct meant.. I was drinking on the weekends also.. I have noticed a slight change in my personality and i am pissing all the time. I am about to start my next cycle, but this time i am very prepared. I have everything and hope that this time it will balance it self back out
    Ummm, not to be a dick. But 4 months after you learn what PCT is, you think you are ready?
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  12. #12
    PhishStasH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giants11
    Ummm, not to be a dick. But 4 months after you learn what PCT is, you think you are ready?
    Sure, why not? Drol it up, bro.

    You'd think w/ all the education and advice we pass along thru this message board that people would actually take a f*ckin' hint.

    Then again, we can't save everyone.

  13. #13
    Giants11's Avatar
    Giants11 is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhishStasH
    Sure, why not? Drol it up, bro.

    You'd think w/ all the education and advice we pass along thru this message board that people would actually take a f*ckin' hint.

    Then again, we can't save everyone.

    Nope I've learned that. But mostly what I've learned is that people are lazy and think that drugs will make up for bad diet and poor habits.
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  14. #14
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    G11 i couldn't agree more. The supp companies had NO RIGHT to release these steroids just because of a legal loophole so they can make money. All of these steroids have been discovered before just never released, and for a good reason. SD and M1T are very liver toxic and in the long run big brother will attempt to ban safe effective supps just because of this shit.

    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    the worst thing about those kinds of steroids is that the testing that has been done on them has been minimal and has been done primarily by the companies themselves (or funded by them), yet they're already finding the same sides from them as the real gear. i guarantee however down the road, they'll find those products have far more sides than gear has, and without knowing what precautionary measures to take like you do with gear, i think people will be having some serious issues down the road. who knows what kind of health problems those things can cause long-term? i tell you what, you'll never find any of them being used for medical purposes as real gear is.
    Everyone is talking about 'real' gear. SD, PP, M1T are as real as you're ever going to get. With all this talk about steroid and you can walk right into your local supp store and buy it.

  15. #15
    mwolffey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giants11
    Ummm, not to be a dick. But 4 months after you learn what PCT is, you think you are ready?

    ditto...i kinda feel bad for the kids because they are just they do not know even what a steroid is, then i come to my senses, and think that at any age, even when i first started lifting at 16 and supplementing with something simple like creatine, i did all my research before hand...i wanted and needed to know what was going into my body, alot of people, not just kids, dont even care...its their fault imo, even if they are 16...he has the internet and can research it if he wanted to

  16. #16
    Icon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giants11
    Hard to tell a kid that a legal supp is in reality a hardcore steroid.
    I think telling kids this would actually INCREASE sales.

    But yeah, I hear ya.

  17. #17
    Giants11's Avatar
    Giants11 is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    G11 i couldn't agree more. The supp companies had NO RIGHT to release these steroids just because of a legal loophole so they can make money. All of these steroids have been discovered before just never released, and for a good reason. SD and M1T are very liver toxic and in the long run big brother will attempt to ban safe effective supps just because of this shit.

    Everyone is talking about 'real' gear. SD, PP, M1T are as real as you're ever going to get. With all this talk about steroid and you can walk right into your local supp store and buy it.
    Yup agreed, these guys are gonna bring a ton of heat on the whole industry. And the supps we take for granted might be taken away from us.
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  18. #18
    crash187ct's Avatar
    crash187ct is offline Senior Member
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    man that blows, but unfortunately its not old news. people are always looking for a wonder pill. and the traditional, "well everyone else is doing it" thing. i'm glad i didn't jump off the building when i saw everyone else doing it.

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