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Thread: whats the laziest thing u have ever done ?

  1. #41
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    I was too lazy to make a post work out meal. So I went to mcdonalds, bought a chicken grill, and then threw everything out except fot the chicken breast and tomato. I threw that growse chicken burgen a half hour later.
    yep i have done that at wendys with the grilled chicken snad, i order it rip off the bread and lettuce, eat the chicken in 2 bites and call it a post workou meal if i am in a rush

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    yep i have done that at wendys with the grilled chicken snad, i order it rip off the bread and lettuce, eat the chicken in 2 bites and call it a post workou meal if i am in a rush
    i'd rather starve than eat fast food
    when i used to eat at wendy's (couple of years ago) the chicken was always under cooked by the way

  3. #43
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    My computer in my dorm room is right to the left of my bed.

    SO before i had my keyboard wired around my desk, so i had to be real close to my computer to type. IT drove me nuts, 4 months ago, i figured out that if i unpugged it, then just plugged it in directly to the tower but no go around the desk, i could have freedom with my keyboard like i have right now

    right now, i have my feet kicked up on my bed, with my keyboard on my lap, so its kind of like simulating a recliner while being on the computer. i am also watching tv at the same time as typing this.

    so now the lazy part. 4 months ago, i decided i should replug my keyboard, i finally did it 2 weeks ago. thats pretty damn lazy if you ask me. because it drove me nuts and i didnt do a thing about it

  4. #44
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    when i was a kid i wet the bed because i couldnt be bothered to go to the toilet.

    or was it becasue i was to scared??? ah that was it i couldnt be bothered.

  5. #45
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~fuelforfire~
    when i was 16 or so, in the summer break from school, i didnt do a single thing, went to sleep at about 3 or 4 in the morning, woke up inbetween 12-3 in the afternoon, i would go on the computer until 6 which then id go to the gym, come back at 8 go on the computer til about 3 or 4 in the morning...haha thats not even a joke.
    dude, if i had a million dollars.....that is EXACTLY what i would do

    it took me like 20 minutes to initiate the effort to make this post

  6. #46
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    dude, holy shit. i just guessed 20 minutes, and i checked, and it was exactly 20 minutes between my 2 posts. look at that shit

  7. #47
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    the laziest shit ive ever done is when we used to live in India and it was 45 C at night and me and my brothers slept in the same room cuz our room had air conditioning....anyways......theres a blackout and we all wake up due to the intense heat....mix that with the pungent smell coming from our farts and the my body body was sticking to the bed....but we had a standby power generator........i woke my brothers up and told them to turn it on....they started whining about how i m a bitch to them and said they wont turn it on....i knew they was being lazy....but no matter what i couldnt get up ....i just yeah we spent the entire night inside a room drenched in sweat but we were lazy enough to not turn the power on

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by farrebarre
    lol i was just disgusted by how lazy ive become so i wanna hear ur stories..

    anywho heres mine

    i was lying in bed, the keyboard was about 1m away on a table, i wanted to log in on MSN, but i was so lazy so instead of reaching for the keyboard i started copy n paste letters using the mouse only
    wow, i just did that the other day cuz i have a wireless keyboard and the batteries fell out and i was too lazy to put them back in. I'm glad im not the only one.

  9. #49
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    I bump this because for the first time since this date I gotta do ym own laundry

    I'm petrified

  10. #50
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    My dog had to go out and i didnt feel like taking hi for a walk. So i let him out on the balcony to go.

  11. #51
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    I yell for my kids in the other room, then say I want a hug and as they walk by the remote that is only 3' away I say "hey while your coming over here hand me that remote on your way". They are hip to the situation now-a-days.

  12. #52
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    i only get lazy when i am sitten in my lazy boy or couch ill call my roomated from my cell phone into there room and ask them to bring me my can of dip or make me food and they always do

  13. #53
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    smoked pot for 15 years (talk about lazy) : /

  14. #54
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    Not really lazy, but so tired lately I'd rather type than talk. I dont even waste my energy to speak to people unless its necessary

  15. #55
    Join Date
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    went to bed at 8pm last night woke up at 9am this morning. And when i sleep if I have to pee ill hold it cause i dont wanna get up. especially in the winter, leaving the comfort and warmth of your bed knowing its sub-zero outside, that sucks

  16. #56
    Join Date
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    I didnt do my business communications homework last night till about 12am because when I went to go start it at 10pm, I realized my notebook which was n my bag, was all the way over on my bed, 6 feet away.

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