damn i was just about to post that.
More proof to show that Pat Robertson is full of crap..
thats bs, he doesn't even look like he lifts weights
He probably has like 7 or 8 on each side and thinks its 2,000..come on learn how to add asshole
what a wanker eh
The CBN Web site attributes Robertson's energy in part to "his age-defying protein shake." The site offers a recipe for the shake, which contains ingredients such as soy protein isolate, whey protein isolate, flaxseed oil and apple cider vinegar.
Wow, I've never heard of protein shakes.
and 2,000 lbs? It's possible to get that much weight on some leg presses, but come on, I don;t even use 2k on Static holds and I'm 26 years old.
Wow, what a load of bull.
The power of the Holy Sprit babyyyyyyy!
Here's the video
lol what a load of shit
In that video I know his form is shitty and he's using his hands to help lock his legs but for a guy who is 76 years old it's pretty impressive.
I mean honestly if that's 2,000 pounds, most 70 something's would unlock the weight and it would just come down and shove their femur so far up their asses that people would think they played the part of munchkins in the wizard of oz.
No it's not, he didn't even release the lock to let the sled down. I mean c'mon 1/8th reps, that don't mean shit plus in the video it was only a grand and he could hardly move it off the stop. What's impressive is that he can still walk after that. Looks to me like he's gonna be needing a new pair of knees soon.....Originally Posted by USfighterFC
Fvcking jerkoff, Robinson, get a clue.![]()
"where do I put my feet".... "Dont matter"... not like feet position changes what muscles are worked.... oh brother, his forms a joke cmon.. basically unlocking and locking his knees, a 1.5 inch movement
So apparently the carriage weighs over 500lbs? I think he just has no idea what plates weigh.
i agree its impressive he didnt break something with that awful form, its a shame tho that he thinks hes accomplishing anything with the way hes doing those reps...his cocky ass attitude is gonna get him hurt
Hmmmm I think not
the dude is 76
hes leg pressing 1000lbs
its impressive
"hes form isnt great, hes only moving the weight a bit!"
excuses excuses excuses...
.......the guy's strong at talking crap, imo
What a clown.
A 1 inch leg pressOh and on top of that hes pushing his knees with his hands...
hes 76 I am surprised the old bastard didnt have a heart attack granted he was useing his hands and shit but damn my grand pappy couldnt do that haha
you could like see his knee joints rotating like they were gonna break.
LMAO......Originally Posted by chest6
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
what a loser. He looks like an old dude that used to do the same thing at my gym! hhaa
I officially challenge this douche to a leg-press competition.
I'll even use one leg. He's obviously never seen anyone do a proper rep.
I bet he pisses everyone off at the gym when he uses all the weight and puts it on the legpress, and then never releases the guard and uses his hands.
Where does he put his cathider bag while he does his 2" leg presses?
Last edited by MAXIMA5; 05-28-2006 at 08:50 AM.
He uses it to make his post workout shakes.Originally Posted by MAXIMA5
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
LOL! Maybe Alex from Russia brews them for him.
you're challenging a 76 year old man to a leg press competition. You have balls my friendOriginally Posted by MAXIMA5
I know.Originally Posted by USfighterFC
I've been challenging all the seniors at my gym to deadlift and benchpress competitions. Winston is 106 and has parkinsons, but he still manages to beat me all the time. Don't say anything, but...(whispers) I think he's using steroids.
Originally Posted by MAXIMA5
hahahahahaha priceless.... wouldnt be funny if this old guys knees were still in working condition because he was using 3000mgs of deca a week LOLOriginally Posted by MAXIMA5
He came back under another name, lmao!!!Originally Posted by MAXIMA5
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