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  1. #1
    bigjayo is offline Associate Member
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    Crazy ass mother inlaw

    Oh god brothers, just got back from the funniest dinner ever with the mother inlaw. So me and the mrs. are sitting there, minding our own business with her. I leave to go to bathroom, I come back, my wife is crying. Apparently my mother in law is "SURE" I'm on steroids because I drink water and ONLY water(had 4 glasses of water at dinner, guess that was weird to her). Strangest thing I've ever heard, so the inlaw proceeded to make a scene when I respectfully told her to mind her own ****ing business. I told her I know she's gonna die soon with lung cancer and kidney stones due to smoking and drinking ass loads of mountain dew. Gotta love white trash, crazy old hag. Needless to say, I kept my cool even on the tbol/test HAHA

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    That must suck to have your wife's parents look at you in a negative manner as such.


  3. #3
    bigjayo is offline Associate Member
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    Swolecat, doesn't really bother me. Mother inlaws husband left a long time ago because she's nuts. She just aims to mess up relationships because she is unhappy. Guess being overly large these days is grounds for accusation. I already cleaned house just incase she wants to get mouthy. But there isn't much that can be done in the way of the law correct? One crazy bitch saying I'm on steroids isn't probable cause...

  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Nah, screw her dude!


  5. #5
    firmechicano831's Avatar
    firmechicano831 is offline Anabolic Member
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    So did you're wife believe you? How does 4 glasses of water equal steroids to you're mother in law. has she been reading about it or what? Hopefully everything is much better know. Do you think it be okay for her to come back to your place after what she said. lol take care

  6. #6
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    hatin bitch...that is all....

  7. #7
    bigjayo is offline Associate Member
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    Wife knows about the juice, doesn't like it, but lets me do my thing. As for mother inlaw, she really seems to be nuts. I'm in the middle of a cycle, I cleaned house just in case, but I really don't see what she can do. I'm sure the cops deal with that bullshit all the time about "so and so has drugs, I hate them, arrest them". Why can't people let their damn kids be happy and just let go? DAMN, overprotective parents, and seriously, I went to college, I make cash flow, I'm a good guy

  8. #8
    firmechicano831's Avatar
    firmechicano831 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think she is just hatting. As long as her daughter is happy next to you everything else shouldn't matter to her.

  9. #9
    bigjayo is offline Associate Member
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    Mother inlaw is banned from house, had to deal with wife crying all night. Fight from dinner errupted into an all out battle between her and her mother. Her mother basically said she's jealous of our relationship. Are you serious?! Why all the hotties gotta have crazy relatives As for water = steroids ? No clue, I mentioned my head hurt from preworkout ephedrine and that musta set off the mother inlaw into "OH HE"s on DRUGS"!

  10. #10
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    No wonder she's single!


  11. #11
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigjayo
    Mother inlaw is banned from house, had to deal with wife crying all night. Fight from dinner errupted into an all out battle between her and her mother. Her mother basically said she's jealous of our relationship. Are you serious?! Why all the hotties gotta have crazy relatives As for water = steroids? No clue, I mentioned my head hurt from preworkout ephedrine and that musta set off the mother inlaw into "OH HE"s on DRUGS"!
    she's miserable and wants to make everyone else miserable...i seperate myself from negative people like this cause they bring u down...

  12. #12
    bigjayo is offline Associate Member
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    Yea I hear you guys, I told her Im done with her mother. I've kept my mouth shut for YEARS listening to her call my wife and get her upset about problems in her mothers life. Shit that isn't even related to us, inlaw will call and start problems just so there is some "connection" still to her daughter. I cleaned house, not worried, dumb old bitch. As far as research shit, I've got some adex and nolvadex , but technically that isn't illegal correct? came from I bee EE

  13. #13
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    u should be fine...i would just ignore her..relatives can be hell, i can relate...sounds like she actually has some mental issues though...sounds like my ex's mom...

  14. #14
    bigjayo is offline Associate Member
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    One more interesting note, I've just learned that my wife's cousin's mother indeed IS NUTS. Bipolor with several other problems(mental). WOW must run in the family, O well, wife is too fine( 5'7 145lbs double D's ghetto ass YES SIR). **** the drama

  15. #15
    bigjayo is offline Associate Member
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    BTW, Thank AR bros. I just kinda feel like I'm being a bad husband because I've kept my mouth shut all these years trying to be respectful(obviously to a woman who doesn't respect anyone). When I shoulda just stood up from day one, and told the inlaw to F-off because she's crazy. At least the door is open now, but still wife doesn't like to hear me say negative things about her mother(even though she knows its true).

  16. #16
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Nah, screw her dude!

    Not literally of course that would do more harm then good

  17. #17
    bigjayo is offline Associate Member
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    Lord, trust me bro, the mother inlaw isn't worth screwing! She is fugly, somehow her daughter is beyond fine and I'm still not sure why she's with me. Apparently girls like funny guys, haha.

  18. #18
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    Hey if they didn't I'd still be a virgin

  19. #19
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigjayo
    One more interesting note, I've just learned that my wife's cousin's mother indeed IS NUTS. Bipolor with several other problems(mental). WOW must run in the family, O well, wife is too fine( 5'7 145lbs double D's ghetto ass YES SIR). **** the drama
    told u bro. she's prob got something actually wrong with her or ex's mom had it and she was similar if not worse....

  20. #20
    steve0's Avatar
    steve0 is offline NASM~AFPA~CPT
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    thats nothing man. my ex's mom broke the handle off my shed to try and steal my JhonDeer lawn mower,

  21. #21
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    People dont know when to shut the f up. As long as your wife is not starting shit with you over it just let it go. There well be a day she gets her's

  22. #22
    Hunter's Avatar
    Hunter is offline Grateful
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    When I read threads like this I am always happy my g/f's immediate family are really good people. Dont worry about what you two have is something only you two need to understand. The mother in law can f*ck off

  23. #23
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter
    When I read threads like this I am always happy my g/f's immediate family are really good people. Dont worry about what you two have is something only you two need to understand. The mother in law can f*ck off
    yeah well my womans family is F'd UP.. AS MANY OF U KNOW ><

  24. #24
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
    MAXIMA5 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Just hire Tai to take her out Ninja style.

    I hear he accepts payment in gear.

  25. #25
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    I know where you are coming from. My wife's parents are totally messed up. They always seem to pick on my wife, or me, to justify their screw-ups. Like it's out fault that they are in debt.

    I just try and see them aslittle as possible. Her dad's hopefully gonna die soon, and then we'll be able to put her mom in a home. *crosses fingers*

  26. #26
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
    MAXIMA5 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yeah, sometimes old people end up in homes because they are bitter a55holes, not because their kids are.

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