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Thread: !@#$% school loans
06-08-2006, 05:14 PM #1
!@#$% school loans
Please tell me i am not the only person here that is being ****ed in the ass by school loans, they expect me to pay them $500+ a month and they call every goddamn day twice a day. I ignored the pricks until i could ficure out a way to senf them some money.
I called them just a few minutes ago and this guy picks up and i give him my account number, he is like "Your acount is delinquent by 52 days in the balance of $2,212 bla bla bla...will you be paying with credit card or check today".
I told him i'm not paying you anything today
Guy: Why not, are you not working?
Me: Yeah, i am working but i'm not paying you today
Guy: Why?
Me: Listen, i will pay you when i get time.
Cut him off and asked to speak to somebody about consolidating my 2 loans so i can make one payment a month.
Guy: I can't do that, this is the collections department
Me: Well **** you then, hung up
As you can see being $40k in ****ing debt for school loans os the absolute worst mistake of my life.
My question is, can somebody tell me of a company that will consolidate my loans so i can pay them once a month? This jerk off would not transfer me and i am under the impressiont hat Sallie Mae can consolidate loans correct?
This shit has haunted me since graduation and will for the next 15-20 years
P.S: **** going to college, its not worth it, i got no ****ing assistance whatsoever.***No source checks!!!***
06-08-2006, 05:28 PM #2 you're saying that the job you're working now you could have just as easily with a high school diploma? If thats the case let me know now bro, I'll cancel my plans for law school right away...!
06-08-2006, 05:57 PM #3
Originally Posted by thegodfather
It appears so, there is this loser working where i do that does not even have a high school diploma and me makes as much as me, save to say he absolutely sucks at the job and has been written up and he has only worked there 1.5-2 months. He lied and said he has a HS diploma. I am looking at trying to get a management position soon and maybe things iwll get better after that.
I am just really pissed off about loans etc..cause i cannot afford to pay what they want.
If i had to do over again i would have just gotten certifications and screw the degree.***No source checks!!!***
06-08-2006, 06:03 PM #4
Affirmative action applies to tards too! lol
06-08-2006, 06:10 PM #5
yea tell me bout it bro. i gotta start payin 550/month next month. not making even enough to pay that right now. don't know what im gonna do. im 95k in debt.
06-08-2006, 06:11 PM #6
Yeh, those student loans keep getting worse, too. Here in Fla. my wife and I get a Pell Grant that allows us to take classes for free and as long as we go 2 classes per sem., we don't have to pay back loans. And we take online classes so we don't even have to go to the school. We even take the same class....only need one book that way. We might have to go to another college that has more online classes. Well, don't know if this helps your situation out unless u got time to take a few classes as well. Keep em off your back for a while. One day, I'm gonna be in same boat as I'm feelin ya.
Good luck
06-08-2006, 06:14 PM #7
big step but national guard/reserves i think would take of it. 1 weekend a month and 2 weeks a year. unless your deployed then you make a sh1tload of money but might be gone for 12 months or longer
im gettin out of active army in a week or so. way too much BS in the army for me but at least i got 20g's in the bank now (could have saved alot more but i am an idiot)
06-08-2006, 06:41 PM #8
Originally Posted by zodiac666
Have seriously thought about that, **** going to Iraq to die for Bush.***No source checks!!!***
06-08-2006, 07:58 PM #9
Wow u guys have shitty health care benefits and loans stuff doesnt work out so well either...
06-08-2006, 08:26 PM #10
dam mizfit finally get to see your face, definitly a canadiancutie. nice face and body, keep it up.
06-08-2006, 10:10 PM #11
i have around 25 thousands in students but i don't have to worry about it for at least two more years b/c of grad school
06-08-2006, 11:01 PM #12
damn i'm glad my 'rents paid for college.
06-09-2006, 12:15 AM #13
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Originally Posted by muriloninja
06-09-2006, 08:15 AM #14
wow this sux my rents told me for the last two years i gotta pay and i was counting on loans then if i go to grad school HOLY SHIT!!!! im about to say fvck school..I JUST WANNA DANCE>>LOL but seriously this is all scaring me..550 a month after i graduate thats like a car payment or hell money that can be used for houseing theres gotta be a way to not pay that much...
06-09-2006, 08:16 AM #15
Originally Posted by caddilac
No one on here is out of school and has consolidated loans and is paying on them?***No source checks!!!***
06-09-2006, 08:22 AM #16
Originally Posted by zodiac666
06-09-2006, 08:28 AM #17
mbna has a good student loan consolidation plan. give them a call. I was in teh same situation. Cept i only owed 25k and I didn't finish college cus i just didn't see the point :P. I'm down to 10k now
06-09-2006, 08:29 AM #18
yea, tell me about it.
i get NO assistance whatsoever from the school due to the income bracket both my parents and I are in and they dont even help me out either. **** that! I work 40 hours a week to pay bills and can barely afford school while some ****ing immigrant gets 100% compensation and works 10 hours a week. GRRR
Don't get me wrong, the better degree you have the more $$$ you make. but it's not my intention to be paying off all the extra money i make to borrowed money on shitty interest rates.
06-09-2006, 08:34 AM #19Don't get me wrong, the better degree you have the more $$$ you make.
06-09-2006, 08:39 AM #20
A friend of mine only have 2 years of college and drop out. Now He's working in some company and makes about 200 thousand a year.
06-09-2006, 08:48 AM #21
statistically no, it is not a myth. are there people that make lots of money without degrees? of course.
Originally Posted by zimmy
06-09-2006, 12:06 PM #22
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Originally Posted by muriloninja
06-09-2006, 12:42 PM #23
yea really, fu_k school loans.
you know whats a bitch? my dad wont pay for more than 3 years at my college, which means il have to take 6 or 7 classes every semester to make it out on time. otherwise im gonna have to take out school loans.
what the fu_k is up with that? those are all upper division engineering classes. i cant pass 7 of them each semester.
and hes bitching at ME about it. you know, my sister went to cal berkeley for 3 years, then decided to change her major... 3 years!!! 3 FU_KING years down the drain, and my dad says im the one wasting money.
06-09-2006, 12:44 PM #24
Originally Posted by heavyrotation92
stats go for degree vs no degree
but i can tell you that in alot of industries... whether you graduate from state university or an ivy league...your salary will not be much more different. Of course lawyers and doctors aside...cus those industries base alot on being the very top percentage.
06-10-2006, 01:04 AM #25
Originally Posted by heavyrotation92
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