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Thread: is she cheatin?

  1. #81
    test=magic's Avatar
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    aahh damn imess up with the quote supposed to be sleep with one of her firneds

  2. #82
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    individualized with short tempered lunatics that i wouldnt want anything to do with it in the first place. i would never make the decision to be with someone who didnt possess the ability to talk about sensitive issues in a mature manner. it has a lot to do with the man and the caliper of women hes willing to accept in his life, and how he trains her to treat him in the relationship. for me, a women finds out quick, if she even thought about throwing a fit over some shit like that shed be gone. so as individualized as your woman may be, when shes with you, its no longer individualized, but an issue that collectively exists between 2 people. nothing else to it.
    so you're telling me that if a girl told you she was concerned you might be cheating, that wouldn't bother you at all? you'd be ok with her not trusting you?

    you need to understand that different people have different taste in women. that doesn't mean they're lunatics, that just means they're a different taste than what you prefer. personally, trust in a relationship is very important to me and if i don't have that with someone, that to me would be a problem.

    i would not be happy cause of them showing concern about our relationship. i would be frustrated that the person doesn't feel they can completely trust me. to me, it wouldn't be about cheating or not, it would be about the trust. however, whether or not it would bother me would all depend on how they go about addressing their concerns to me.

    also, i don't think there should be any "training" in a relationship. you either accept a person for who they are or you don't. simple as that in my book. i've had those relationships where you had to "train" the women to learn where the boundaries of what you'd accept were, and it's just not worth it IMO. i actually wasted 4 years of my life in a relationship like that, and probably a good 20-30 other shorter relationships.

    i think if you address an issue as not a concern for cheating but a concern for the person distancing themselves from you and they get an attitude, then i'm with you 100% in kicking them to the curb. but when it comes to issues of fidelity, that's a real touchy subject with some people that can easily offend if not handled carefully.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by test=magic
    heres one of the smartest saying ever....seen it with my own eyes and have seen other men cry......"You can't turn a HOE into a housewife" so if she was a HOE when u started messing or whatevr with her that filthy habit will follow her forevr
    i have to disagree. for a long time, i was a man-whore. there were points where i'd be seeing 4 or 5 girls at once. however, i spent 4 years with one girl where i never cheated on her during our time together.

    now with my wife, we swing, but that's a whole different story. there's always ways to work around things like that. it's all about just being open and honest in a relationship. there'll always be someone else around that will want the same things as you do. just a matter of time till you find them. took me about a good 60-80 relationships to find my girl. it's rough, but if something doesn't seem like it's working, you just gotta let it go. you can't mold a person into who you want them to be.

    i do also have a few old friends of mine who are women who were a little, promiscuous i'll say to be kind. but i know now many are married and faithful and very happy. people change bro. sometimes they learn that sleeping around is just not what they want.

  4. #84
    gmmvp42's Avatar
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    I didn't read all the replys but if it hasn't been suggested yet go on the tv show CHEATERS> They will catch her if she is and then you get to smack the fool on national tv, maybe even get some sympathy sex from a ho or two.

  5. #85
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    so you're telling me that if a girl told you she was concerned you might be cheating, that wouldn't bother you at all? you'd be ok with her not trusting you?
    yeh.. exactly, especially if i (or she) was giving her/him a reason not to. which is this threads exact position.
    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    you need to understand that different people have different taste in women. C
    conflict of boundaries, not taste. if you dont set certain boundaries in a relationship, and cant collectively discuss significant issues like cheating, thats where you failed. ive had bad taste in the past but still implemented boundaries they KNEW never to cross.
    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    that doesn't mean they're lunatics
    lu·na·cy Audio pronunciation of "lunacy" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ln-s)
    n. pl. lu·na·cies
    1. Great or wild foolishness.
    2. A wildly foolish act.
    **webster disagrees with you, and so do i. a wildy foolish act aka throwing a fit when asked a question.
    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    that just means they're a different taste than what you prefer.
    yes i prefer women i can have a non dramatized civil conversation with, despite the context of the dialouge.
    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    personally, trust in a relationship is very important to me and if i don't have that with someone, that to me would be a problem.
    we agree!! but again.. give me a reason not to trust you.. we have more important issues than "expecting trust" that crosses the line to actual betrayal.
    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    i would not be happy cause of them showing concern about our relationship. i would be frustrated that the person doesn't feel they can completely trust me. to me, it wouldn't be about cheating or not, it would be about the trust. however, whether or not it would bother me would all depend on how they go about addressing their concerns to me.
    you'd be frustrated that a person has a logical reason to question your fidelity?? (within the context of this threads position and the whole situation we're debating) so if we were dating and you started acting suspicious and disappearing and making excuses youd actually get mad if i had a brain and the common sense to ask you what the hell is going on?!?!?
    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    also, i don't think there should be any "training" in a relationship. you either accept a person for who they are or you don't. simple as that in my book.
    your book must be really short. we all TRAIN people how to treat us by what we tolerate from them, despite w/e the hell word you want to use instead of "training" that makes you happy and your personal "taste" for words.
    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    i've had those relationships where you had to "train" the women to learn where the boundaries of what you'd accept were, and it's just not worth it IMO. i actually wasted 4 years of my life in a relationship like that, and probably a good 20-30 other shorter relationships.
    .. and you still do it, everyone does. you didnt just all a sudden start tolerating shit now you didnt in the past, because thats exactly what STOPPED TRAINING means aka start tolerating shit you wouldnt.
    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    i think if you address an issue as not a concern for cheating but a concern for the person distancing themselves from you and they get an attitude, then i'm with you 100% in kicking them to the curb. but when it comes to issues of fidelity, that's a real touchy subject with some people that can easily offend if not handled carefully.
    you always address the issue, going around and avoiding the real issue is never the way you solve it.

    note: for all those who dont set boundaries with women and are AFRAID to address real issues like cheating, have fun a few years down the road ignoring the fact that she comes home every night and you kiss a face full of some other mans semen.. because shes with a man who is actually a women (you) cause your afraid to take a stand for yourself which happens to be the exact reason why shes cheating on you in the first place..
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 06-12-2006 at 04:31 PM.

  6. #86
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    just bang her really hard and then say next!

  7. #87
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    yeh.. exactly, especially if i (or she) was giving her/him a reason not to. which is this threads exact position.

    conflict of boundaries, not taste. if you dont set certain boundaries in a relationship, and cant collectively discuss significant issues like cheating, thats where you failed. ive had bad taste in the past but still implemented boundaries they KNEW never to cross.

    lu·na·cy Audio pronunciation of "lunacy" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ln-s)
    n. pl. lu·na·cies
    1. Great or wild foolishness.
    2. A wildly foolish act.
    **webster disagrees with you, and so do i. a wildy foolish act aka throwing a fit when asked a question.

    yes i prefer women i can have a non dramatized civil conversation with, despite the context of the dialouge.

    we agree!! but again.. give me a reason not to trust you.. we have more important issues than "expecting trust" that crosses the line to actual betrayal.

    you'd be frustrated that a person has a logical reason to question your fidelity?? (within the context of this threads position and the whole situation we're debating) so if we were dating and you started acting suspicious and disappearing and making excuses youd actually get mad if i had a brain and the common sense to ask you what the hell is going on?!?!?

    your book must be really short. we all TRAIN people how to treat us by what we tolerate from them, despite w/e the hell word you want to use instead of "training" that makes you happy and your personal "taste" for words.

    .. and you still do it, everyone does. you didnt just all a sudden start tolerating shit now you didnt in the past, because thats exactly what STOPPED TRAINING means aka start tolerating shit you wouldnt.

    you always address the issue, going around and avoiding the real issue is never the way you solve it.

    note: for all those who dont set boundaries with women and are AFRAID to address real issues like cheating, have fun a few years down the road ignoring the fact that she comes home every night and you kiss a face full of some other mans semen.. because shes with a man who is actually a women (you) cause your afraid to take a stand for yourself which happens to be the exact reason why shes cheating on you in the first place..

    BTW you rock

  8. #88
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    BTW you rock
    thanks sweety!! you too.

  9. #89
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    conflict of boundaries, not taste. if you dont set certain boundaries in a relationship, and cant collectively discuss significant issues like cheating, thats where you failed. ive had bad taste in the past but still implemented boundaries they KNEW never to cross.
    well, what kind of boundaries are you talking about? if it's issues of faithfulness, i don't think that should even be a boundary that needs to be set. should be a given. with everything else, for me personally, i either accept the person for who they are or i don't. i don't make any boundaries cause i have none. there is no "territory" for me to set them on. i'm just a very easy-going person.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    you'd be frustrated that a person has a logical reason to question your fidelity?? (within the context of this threads position and the whole situation we're debating) so if we were dating and you started acting suspicious and disappearing and making excuses youd actually get mad if i had a brain and the common sense to ask you what the hell is going on?!?!?
    now, here's where you're getting confused. what you're doing is making an assumption that since the person isn't spending as much time with you that they're cheating. that's what would bother me with a person questioning my fidelity in a circumstance such as his.

    of all the things they could think would be going on with me, including family issues, health issues (as supposedly hers was), or other concerns that i just didn't want to upset my significant other with by getting them involved, of all things they could come up with they'd think that i was cheating. that is the part that would bother me.

    like i had said, it's all about how the issue is addressed, but if someone right off the bat thought i was cheating, then yes, it certainly would bother me as it would be a trust issue.

    without him having reasoning to thinking she's cheating like guys calling her phone while he's around and her not answering it, some guys cologne or other item in her car/bedroom that's not his, or something along those lines, questioning her fidelity would definitely be a problem IMO.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    your book must be really short. we all TRAIN people how to treat us by what we tolerate from them, despite w/e the hell word you want to use instead of "training" that makes you happy and your personal "taste" for words.
    yea, my book is very short. don't sleep with anyone else unless there's someone for me to sleep with too (or unless i'm there and approve, and in that case you owe me one) and don't lie to me. that's pretty much my main two rules. like i said before, i'm just a very easy-going person, and if i begun to see a personality clash between me and another person, i wouldn't feel a need to train them into stop treating me a certain way. i'd simply let the relationship go. my relationships are always open enough that i don't need to train anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    .. and you still do it, everyone does. you didnt just all a sudden start tolerating shit now you didnt in the past, because thats exactly what STOPPED TRAINING means aka start tolerating shit you wouldnt.
    yes, i do tolerate far more now than i did in the past, cause i don't let the same things bother me. i let a lot go. for example i never would've tolerated swinging in the past, at least the part where she does it. now, i not only have no problems with it, but it turns me on. i become more tolerant of all kinds of things everyday. but, that's just the path i'm on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    you always address the issue, going around and avoiding the real issue is never the way you solve it.
    i completely agree. however, this relates back to the things i said above in regards to what the issue really was in his case, in which he had no indication that she was cheating whatsoever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    note: for all those who dont set boundaries with women and are AFRAID to address real issues like cheating, have fun a few years down the road ignoring the fact that she comes home every night and you kiss a face full of some other mans semen.. because shes with a man who is actually a women (you) cause your afraid to take a stand for yourself which happens to be the exact reason why shes cheating on you in the first place..
    not sure of how you think you can "train" someone to not cheat, but i can assure you it's not possible. if someones gonna cheat, they're gonna cheat. keeping them from doing it has nothing to do with "training" them. by pushing the subject of fidelity, you can actually inadvertently push that person away and into another persons arms.

    i'm actually happily married and have been with this woman for over 5 years now. we hardly ever fight, spend tons of time with each other, and don't have any need to "train" one another at all. i'm coming from a place where i know bro, trust me. she would never cheat on me, nor i her, though our concept of cheating is different than most peoples. however, our relationship is based off of compatibility, not off of "training" each other. when you get into a relationship as i have where you're as compatible as we are, there is no conflict to have to "train" the person with. they are, in a sense, a mere extension of yourself.

    i'm sorry bojangles, all things considered, i just don't think a relationship would work between us. still enjoy your conflicting view of opinion to discuss matters with though.

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    now, here's where you're getting confused. what you're doing is making an assumption that since the person isn't spending as much time with you that they're cheating. that's what would bother me with a person questioning my fidelity in a circumstance such as his.

    of all the things they could think would be going on with me, including family issues, health issues (as supposedly hers was), or other concerns that i just didn't want to upset my significant other with by getting them involved, of all things they could come up with they'd think that i was cheating. that is the part that would bother me.

    like i had said, it's all about how the issue is addressed, but if someone right off the bat thought i was cheating, then yes, it certainly would bother me as it would be a trust issue.

    without him having reasoning to thinking she's cheating like guys calling her phone while he's around and her not answering it, some guys cologne or other item in her car/bedroom that's not his, or something along those lines, questioning her fidelity would definitely be a problem IMO.

    yea, my book is very short. don't sleep with anyone else unless there's someone for me to sleep with too (or unless i'm there and approve, and in that case you owe me one) and don't lie to me. that's pretty much my main two rules. like i said before, i'm just a very easy-going person, and if i begun to see a personality clash between me and another person, i wouldn't feel a need to train them into stop treating me a certain way. i'd simply let the relationship go. my relationships are always open enough that i don't need to train anything.

    yes, i do tolerate far more now than i did in the past, cause i don't let the same things bother me. i let a lot go. for example i never would've tolerated swinging in the past, at least the part where she does it. now, i not only have no problems with it, but it turns me on. i become more tolerant of all kinds of things everyday. but, that's just the path i'm on.

    i completely agree. however, this relates back to the things i said above in regards to what the issue really was in his case, in which he had no indication that she was cheating whatsoever.

    not sure of how you think you can "train" someone to not cheat, but i can assure you it's not possible. if someones gonna cheat, they're gonna cheat. keeping them from doing it has nothing to do with "training" them. by pushing the subject of fidelity, you can actually inadvertently push that person away and into another persons arms.

    i'm actually happily married and have been with this woman for over 5 years now. we hardly ever fight, spend tons of time with each other, and don't have any need to "train" one another at all. i'm coming from a place where i know bro, trust me. she would never cheat on me, nor i her, though our concept of cheating is different than most peoples. however, our relationship is based off of compatibility, not off of "training" each other. when you get into a relationship as i have where you're as compatible as we are, there is no conflict to have to "train" the person with. they are, in a sense, a mere extension of yourself.

    i'm sorry bojangles, all things considered, i just don't think a relationship would work between us. still enjoy your conflicting view of opinion to discuss matters with though.
    you are clearly one of those people who intentionally misinterprets things for the sake of redeeming yourself. disagreeing, twisting, or manipulating what someone else says can mean 1 of 2 things, (either 1, your a goldfish, or 2, you realize NOW how illogical your previous statements were) especially when the message has been made clear enough for a goldfish to understand, therefore ive narrowed it down and will make my response short and final..

    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    well, what kind of boundaries are you talking about? if it's issues of faithfulness, i don't think that should even be a boundary that needs to be set. should be a given. with everything else, for me personally, i either accept the person for who they are or i don't. i don't make any boundaries cause i have none. there is no "territory" for me to set them on. i'm just a very easy-going person.
    if this forums main theme was someone not being sure of whether or not he should confront a suspected cheater, the BOUNDARY he should have set was obvious. You twisted once again, what i said, into a heap of worthless nonsense, at an attempt to give your previous irrational statements more logic.
    The main issue was not fidelity, it was him being AFRAID to ASK. That was the boundary he didnt set, having her know that he had the absolute right and privelage, as her partner, to ASK, without her acting like a "lunatic" and answering him like a mature, sensible, adult, remember?
    Boundaries MUST be set, everyone does, unless you are a thin skinned loser who lets the world treat you like a doormat.
    you clearly stated in your first paragraph /\ /\ **I HAVE NO BOUNDARIES**. i dont, nor have i ever, wasted my time with people who dont have, or set boundaries for themselves, and thier interpersonal relationships with other people, and especially will openly admit in a public forum, the door handle to thier life faces outward, and anyone can walk in and out of thier life when and how they please. i need not waste another minute in this worthless thread debating an issue with someone who doesnt set boundaries for themself.

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    i need not waste another minute in this worthless thread debating an issue with someone who doesnt set boundaries for themself.
    apparently all logic slips past your determination to be right, and on that, i will end our pointless dispute.

    as far as your comment above, no, i don't live my life in a box with boundaries around me limiting my experience.

    see, the difference with you and your boundaries and me and my openness is my perspective on things allows me to leave this conversation without any ill feelings whatsoever. on my end, i have no need to try to criticize your comments, despite your failure to do so on your end in frustration of a lack of understanding my perspective, or how you'd prefer to have it worded, a disagreement with my perspective.

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    apparently all logic slips past your determination to be right, and on that, i will end our pointless dispute.

    as far as your comment above, no, i don't live my life in a box with boundaries around me limiting my experience.

    see, the difference with you and your boundaries and me and my openness is my perspective on things allows me to leave this conversation without any ill feelings whatsoever. on my end, i have no need to try to criticize your comments, despite your failure to do so on your end in frustration of a lack of understanding my perspective, or how you'd prefer to have it worded, a disagreement with my perspective.
    yes my logic slips right under my need to be right, which is why i have boundaries, and you admit to having none. real LOGICAL philosophy there bud. You have no need to criticize, I do. But, what i do is constructive. And yes, you are real open minded, which is why you disagree with 90% of everything in this thread (speaking of other people too, not just me Mr. Openminded). You condradict yourself like you should be paid for it. But yeh im really done now. Let see if you can read this without being so obliged to respond, i double dare you.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    i double dare you.
    i love a good dare

  14. #94
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    Always suspect there's something wrong when your Significant Other doesn't call you back after you leave a voicemail or haven't answered the phone after you call them so many times.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatale
    Always suspect there's something wrong when your Significant Other doesn't call you back after you leave a voicemail or haven't answered the phone after you call them so many times.
    calling ur significant other alot of times without them calling you back is a bit psychotic

  16. #96
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    if you even have to ask us---she's up to something..been there bro---tail her,confront her --do something.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    if you even have to ask us---she's up to something..been there bro---tail her,confront her --do something.
    apparently another person who posts before reading through a thread

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rookie1974
    Furthermore, Driving 2 hours for a dental appointment, "hanging-out" before a big test.......

    Her phone rings several times this morn.....Now it just goes to voicemail...
    Very strange

    She's ****ing around bro, stop kidding yourself. When the chicks phone goes straight to voicemail she's got the shit turned off because she's hanging with another guy. I could see if it was like one day and she told you she forgot to charge it but when it's constant something is rotting in Denmark. Chicks dont go all day w/out checking the damn phone, it just doesnt happen!!! And there wouldnt be a sudden change in her personality or her schedule unless something was seriously up. See bro, these bitches want their cake and they want to eat it too, and some ****ing ice cream. Your the 2nd choice now, if it doesnt work out with Mr. New(who she probably met over the internet if she's driving a distance to meet him) Cut her ass bro, just cut her ass. What excuse do you need other than she doesnt answer the damn phone anymore and seems like she's lost interest?

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    She's ****ing around bro, stop kidding yourself. When the chicks phone goes straight to voicemail she's got the shit turned off because she's hanging with another guy. I could see if it was like one day and she told you she forgot to charge it but when it's constant something is rotting in Denmark. Chicks dont go all day w/out checking the damn phone, it just doesnt happen!!! And there wouldnt be a sudden change in her personality or her schedule unless something was seriously up. See bro, these bitches want their cake and they want to eat it too, and some ****ing ice cream. Your the 2nd choice now, if it doesnt work out with Mr. New(who she probably met over the internet if she's driving a distance to meet him) Cut her ass bro, just cut her ass. What excuse do you need other than she doesnt answer the damn phone anymore and seems like she's lost interest?
    ABSOLUTE WORD! i couldnt agree more, there is no doubt in my mind that she is cheating bro, no matter how nice a girl she may seem

  20. #100
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    Ok, Shes definatley cheating......I played it cool and kept my eyes open. Its her x-husband. Whom now lives in Chicago. She mde up some BS story bout her going with her couzin to Chi-town. So I figure...Id like to meet your couzin. Dont you know it she seeks out of town. And I try to call he as she is driving. I call leave a message and she calls back...4X this happened. And everytime she was stopped at a rest stop, or at least not in the car.

    K, I know about when she is comming back, I have his My Space page ( but no Phone #)

    Any good Ideas on how to OWN the hoe?

  21. #101
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    Oh snap! Public humiliation always works.

  22. #102
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    do you think her ex knows about u?

  23. #103
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    lol im not telling :D
    i said it once i'll say it again.. SHIV her w/ a piece of glass..

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rookie1974
    I got a funny feeling about this....doing things that she normaly does'nt do, like hanging with her sister all day....going to 3 dentist appointments (one 2 hours out of town) for a sore tooth and now not anwsering her phone.

    would you
    1. confront her
    2. be patient and see what happens
    3. drop her like a hot penny
    i wouldnt suspect anything just yet. i would confront her. then see where it goes.

  25. #105
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    **** that sucks man. make her life miserable. stupid beotch.

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    do you think her ex knows about u?
    I would suspect he suspects.....

    I came close to getting into it with this guy. He shows up one day at the coffee house and calls her on the celly to come out to the parking lot. The guys got a history of pushing her around, leaving some bruises ect... (he an over wt 220 shes 107) So I watch and he grabs her and forces her to the other side of this truck (they are both out of site now). Im thinking hes going to hit her or at least it cannot be good.

    I come bolting out of the coffee house dragging as many people with me as possible. He get in my face, noting happens to her and he leaves.

    She puts him out of the house and he moves to Chicago.

    So does he know about me? I dont know but she said he suspects she is sleeping with one of her study partners (me or two others). After that incident he has to suspect its me. He's fairly intuitive.

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rookie1974
    I would suspect he suspects.....

    I came close to getting into it with this guy. He shows up one day at the coffee house and calls her on the celly to come out to the parking lot. The guys got a history of pushing her around, leaving some bruises ect... (he an over wt 220 shes 107) So I watch and he grabs her and forces her to the other side of this truck (they are both out of site now). Im thinking hes going to hit her or at least it cannot be good.

    I come bolting out of the coffee house dragging as many people with me as possible. He get in my face, noting happens to her and he leaves.

    She puts him out of the house and he moves to Chicago.

    So does he know about me? I dont know but she said he suspects she is sleeping with one of her study partners (me or two others). After that incident he has to suspect its me. He's fairly intuitive.
    msg him on my space and ask what's up

  28. #108
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    She decides to fly back today. She could tell I was gettin distant and a bit upset...kind of hard to completely hide it.....

    Hell I dont know is too good to be messin with this BS. It aint like I'll have any problems filling in her absence.

    Trust is Key and must come first, and frankly right now if the good Lord told me noting was happening, I would'nt believe it!

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    msg him on my space and ask what's up
    Yea thought about that, guys kind of violent. They are seperated, and hes moved out, but hes still got her photos of him and her on his myspace, says he still married and loves his wife bla bla bla.

    I thinking this guy is nuts

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rookie1974
    She decides to fly back today. She could tell I was gettin distant and a bit upset...kind of hard to completely hide it.....

    Hell I dont know is too good to be messin with this BS. It aint like I'll have any problems filling in her absence.

    Trust is Key and must come first, and frankly right now if the good Lord told me noting was happening, I would'nt believe it!
    you said it yourself. life is too good to mess with the b.s. run far and fast from this mess.

  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rookie1974
    She decides to fly back today. She could tell I was gettin distant and a bit upset...kind of hard to completely hide it.....

    Hell I dont know is too good to be messin with this BS. It aint like I'll have any problems filling in her absence.

    Trust is Key and must come first, and frankly right now if the good Lord told me noting was happening, I would'nt believe it!
    then walk away and forget bout it.. seriously..

  32. #112
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    I broke it off....then decided to MySpace her husband. I hate that I may be killing a relationship that I truly wanted, so I had to dig a bit to verify the situation.

    I asked this guy in as peaceful a mannor as I could...What's UP????? The following is the conversation ovee My Space.


    I respect your marriage to LS and would not want to come between it.

    Whats up with you and LS? Do you still see her? She telling me that you and her have not seen each other for months?

    Im getting from her that you two are divoriced and moved on and I see that your in Chicago. However, your myspace seems to indicate otherwise?

    I mean no disrespect to you, but just would like your help to clarify your relationship with LS.

    Best Wishes

    Tim's (the x husband) Response:

    How are you? I trust all is well. I read your message with a great amount of curiousity. LS my wife just left Chicago on Saturday. I fail to understand why it matters to you or why you are asking me these questions. Are you interested in my wife? If you are please let me know. If your not excuse me for asking.

    If you think that she wants to date you please let me know. She and I have not gotten a divorce nor are we separated. I'm here for work reasons. We maintain an apartment here in the city. It's as much her home as it is mine. I'm in Little Rock as mu schedule permits. I really think you should reavaluate your relationship with my wife. Karma is nothing to play with. Please don't take anything I have said here the wrong way. I thank you for your questions. Please feel free to call me on my mobile anytime you have further questions about my wife and I and I will be more than happy to inform you. The number is ................ or you can email me on my private email [email protected].

    By the way I like the pix.


    And another response left late last night.... From Tim

    Why do you call yourself, the vanila gorilla? That's priceless...

    After reading your message again, it appears that you and my wife have been seeing each other romantically? Is this true. When did she tell you we were divorced? We were in [Local Town] two weeks ago, and she just flew back to [home] on Saturday. I'll be there next week then agin in August. I know this is none of your business but we have never been happier. I'm not afraid of losing my wife, to you or anyone, If she wants someone else I'm sure I would be the first to know. Furthermore, I doubt she would see you. She told me you were Gay, and that you lacked the capacity to understand women, hence your not dating them. Correct me if I'm wrong but she struggled to maintain a friendship with you because of your low test scores, borderline failing med school. She speaks of you as if you were stupid. I often wonder why she was so hard on you. Now don't take that the wrong way, you were not the topic of many conversations. However, when she did speak of you it was as if you were a pest, a white boy who had no friends white or black who latched on to her because of your failing second year, and she could help you.

    I didn't think you were gay but if you are then that's your busniess. Please give me a call, or email me regular email, if something is going on between you two that I should know about. I must admit you sending me an email like this makes me feel like you are attempting to provoke me. I am not a violent person, I have no ill will towards you or anyone for that matter. I apologize to you if you feel the contrary. We can talk like men (gentlemen) anytime our schedules permit. I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot previously.
    Last edited by Rookie1974; 06-26-2006 at 08:21 AM.

  33. #113
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    Look bro, just drop the bitch and leave it alone. Do not message the guy back, do not call him on his phone, just drop it. The whole thing is most definitely eating the guy up anyways or he wouldnt have messaged you back like that and demand you call him or email him. So let him have the headache of it, forget about the entire thing. Some women are so ****ing stupid, she's probably sitting at home right now w/ a black eye wishing she had stayed w/ you and never left.

  34. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Look bro, just drop the bitch and leave it alone. Do not message the guy back, do not call him on his phone, just drop it. The whole thing is most definitely eating the guy up anyways or he wouldnt have messaged you back like that and demand you call him or email him. So let him have the headache of it, forget about the entire thing. Some women are so ****ing stupid, she's probably sitting at home right now w/ a black eye wishing she had stayed w/ you and never left.

  35. #115
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Wow, you got played like a mother****er by that bitch. You're lucky it was only a couple of months instead of a couple of years...

  36. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Look bro, just drop the bitch and leave it alone. Do not message the guy back, do not call him on his phone, just drop it. The whole thing is most definitely eating the guy up anyways or he wouldnt have messaged you back like that and demand you call him or email him. So let him have the headache of it, forget about the entire thing. Some women are so ****ing stupid, she's probably sitting at home right now w/ a black eye wishing she had stayed w/ you and never left.
    personally, i feel the guy has a right to know if his wife's slutting around. also, why give her the satisfaction of going back to her man and screwing him over when he has the opportunity to catch her in her bs?

  37. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rookie1974
    I broke it off....then decided to MySpace her husband. I hate that I may be killing a relationship that I truly wanted, so I had to dig a bit to verify the situation.

    I asked this guy in as peaceful a mannor as I could...What's UP????? The following is the conversation ovee My Space.


    I respect your marriage to LS and would not want to come between it.

    Whats up with you and LS? Do you still see her? She telling me that you and her have not seen each other for months?

    Im getting from her that you two are divoriced and moved on and I see that your in Chicago. However, your myspace seems to indicate otherwise?

    I mean no disrespect to you, but just would like your help to clarify your relationship with LS.

    Best Wishes

    Tim's (the x husband) Response:

    How are you? I trust all is well. I read your message with a great amount of curiousity. LS my wife just left Chicago on Saturday. I fail to understand why it matters to you or why you are asking me these questions. Are you interested in my wife? If you are please let me know. If your not excuse me for asking.

    If you think that she wants to date you please let me know. She and I have not gotten a divorce nor are we separated. I'm here for work reasons. We maintain an apartment here in the city. It's as much her home as it is mine. I'm in Little Rock as mu schedule permits. I really think you should reavaluate your relationship with my wife. Karma is nothing to play with. Please don't take anything I have said here the wrong way. I thank you for your questions. Please feel free to call me on my mobile anytime you have further questions about my wife and I and I will be more than happy to inform you. The number is ................ or you can email me on my private email [email protected].

    By the way I like the pix.


    And another response left late last night.... From Tim

    Why do you call yourself, the vanila gorilla? That's priceless...

    After reading your message again, it appears that you and my wife have been seeing each other romantically? Is this true. When did she tell you we were divorced? We were in [Local Town] two weeks ago, and she just flew back to [home] on Saturday. I'll be there next week then agin in August. I know this is none of your business but we have never been happier. I'm not afraid of losing my wife, to you or anyone, If she wants someone else I'm sure I would be the first to know. Furthermore, I doubt she would see you. She told me you were Gay, and that you lacked the capacity to understand women, hence your not dating them. Correct me if I'm wrong but she struggled to maintain a friendship with you because of your low test scores, borderline failing med school. She speaks of you as if you were stupid. I often wonder why she was so hard on you. Now don't take that the wrong way, you were not the topic of many conversations. However, when she did speak of you it was as if you were a pest, a white boy who had no friends white or black who latched on to her because of your failing second year, and she could help you.

    I didn't think you were gay but if you are then that's your busniess. Please give me a call, or email me regular email, if something is going on between you two that I should know about. I must admit you sending me an email like this makes me feel like you are attempting to provoke me. I am not a violent person, I have no ill will towards you or anyone for that matter. I apologize to you if you feel the contrary. We can talk like men (gentlemen) anytime our schedules permit. I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot previously.
    good move bro. as far as the comments made by this guy, i'd ask him why he'd think you would lie to him? i know the intention behind it could possibly be to break them up and get with her, but he should know enough that by lying like that it would kill your chances of ever getting her.

    i'd just leave him with something along the lines of letting him know what she told you, what you guys had together, and tell him you're done with her but just wanted to let him know she was playing both of you. tell him if he chooses to believe you or not is up to him, but you just wanted to let him know and not just let her get away with it.

    a good way you could catch her is maybe give her a call and record the call, like call on a cell, put it on speakerphone, and record the conversation with a mic on your comp or something along those lines. though from what you explained you seem to have already broken things off, you could just tell her that you just wanted to try to end things on a good note with her and just ask her if she's really divorced or not. if she admits she is still married, ask her why she lied. basically, record her lying and give it to him. he's obviously in denial and her saying all those negative things about you to him was merely to cover up him suspecting anything between the two of you.

    too bad you broke things off before you could mess with her more. could've been fun!

  38. #118
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    Be patent and wait…the dirt always comes out in the wash!!

  39. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by dolfyns70
    Be patent and wait…the dirt always comes out in the wash!!
    yea, but the washer doesn't turn on itself, nor does it put the detergent in, and sometimes you get those really tough stains that you need to scrub...

    get my point? things just don't happen, you need to make them happen.

    i believe in karma, but i think many people use karma as an excuse to not take action when they should. also, karma seems to be limited by ones belief in it and ones own judgement of wrong-doing. so sometimes, it just needs a little kickstart. after all, if you don't take action against someone who does you wrong, why should karma do anything for you in the situation?

  40. #120
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    this one is easy, do to her what she is doing to you... be unavailable.. lie, or better yet, don't tell her what you are doing..

    it will either end the relationship and you can both go your happy ways..

    or it will make her understand what she is doing to you...
    The answer to your every question


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