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  1. #1
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Should I get a pitbull pup?

    My mom got this pitbull that was pparently pregnant and the seller didnt know. It had puppies and I can have one but, Im kinda worried cause I have a small child at home. I know it would be stereotypical to say that I am cautious becuse of the things people say about em but, I admit I am a little bit.

    Anyone have anything positive/negative to say about pitbulls?

  2. #2
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    bro i have only good things to say about pitbulls...everyone including mine that i've seen are all mooshes and very friendly, they have a very bad rap....but i let my dog play with my little cause which is about 6/girl....its all on how u raise it and the breeder...alot of breeders inbreed causing mental defects....

  3. #3
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    alot of breeders inbreed causing mental defects....

    Wow, weird.

  4. #4
    THE_DOME's Avatar
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    i have a pit and love him to death not violent at all, everyone makes fun of him becuase of the bias that the media put on them he is the friendlest dog ever, almost to freindly.

    true the best fighting pits are double inbreed

  5. #5
    Hunter's Avatar
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    I grew up with Bull terriers who are a close cousin to the pitbull. I firmly believe its about how you socialize them and raise them that leads to there temperament. If you socialize him with other dogs and people he will be a great family pet

  6. #6
    NCNPC29 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter
    I grew up with Bull terriers who are a close cousin to the pitbull. I firmly believe its about how you socialize them and raise them that leads to there temperament. If you socialize him with other dogs and people he will be a great family pet
    I agree. It's not the breed that makes the dog, it's the owner. Pitbulls, Dobs, Rots, Bullmastiffs, Akitas, American Bulldogs etc. These are all breeds with really different mentalitys than other breeds. My advice is to do some research on the breed, training etc. I have two Akitas. 1 Male and 1 Female and I researched the breed for about 6 months before getting my first one. You have to do a ton of animal and human socialization from day 1. You've got to know the mentality.

  7. #7
    chest6's Avatar
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    I heard one attacked 2 kids the other day and killed them. Then again, my friend has one and its really sweet and I just wrestle around with it all day and it'll never snap at me..growl or anything..just lick

  8. #8
    Ufa's Avatar
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    Don't get one if you plan on chaining him up. Makes em mean. If he is a part of the family and you take good care of him you will have a truely nice pet.

  9. #9
    THE_DOME's Avatar
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    if you think about it pit bulls are very popular so percapita you will have much more pits than other dogs, hence more pit attacks than others its not like all pits are horrible its just that there alot more these days.

  10. #10
    cfiler's Avatar
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    I'd research on what their temperment is like. Maybe talk to a breeder if you have to chance, and find more info about them.

    Took me awhile untill I bought my dog. (Not a pit though)

  11. #11
    ascendant's Avatar
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    i have to disagree with the majority of you on here.

    pitbulls are succeptible to a mental disorder, whether inbred or not. that is why you so commonly hear about them turning on their masters or attacking people unprovoked. i know from personal experience, did the resarch, and learned what i'm going to tell you about.

    i regretfully can't recall all the specifics, but basically with pitbulls, there's a certain "fight or flight" chemical, similar to adrenaline, that sometimes "short circuits". when it does, it's similar to a human having an anxiety attack, which if any of you have had them, you know how dramatically it can affect you. the big difference with this chemical in the dogs though is that this chemical also temporarily affects their memory as the instinctive part of their brain is prioritized and other parts are temporarily shut off, which means at that point, they don't know who anyone is around them.

    so now, imagine yourself in their shoes... you're in a state of pure panic and anxiety, you have no idea why, you're disoriented, your hearts racing, and there are people around you that you don't know (cause you can't remember them). at that point, it takes very little for them to be provoked and oftentimes in the disorientation, they'll attack without any provocation whatsoever out of complete panic.

    we had a pet pitbull in my later teen years. we had him since he was a puppy, raised him ourselves, and were always gentle with him. long story short, one day i came home and he was sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor trembling. nobody had been home all day and there was nothing in the house that indicated anything had occured that would've caused this. however, as soon as i called his name in concern, he came running at me and tried to attack me. he tried to attack me for the next 20 mins or so and i repeatedly kept hitting him off me till i finally got him into my sisters bedroom and closed the door. prior to me getting him to the room however, he did manage to lock onto my hand at one point, giving me a pretty hefty gash as he locked on and whipped his head back and forth. could've been a lot worse though.

    later my father let him out and he was fine as if nothing had happened. my father also didn't believe my story cause he loved his dog and refused to believe i didn't provoke him in some way. after the incident however, i spoke to a vet who told me pretty much what i explained above with the whole chemical disorder thing. i additionally saw a show on the discovery channel which at one point during the show briefly explained that same issue with pitbulls. that is why when pitbulls are caught by any kennels or shelters, unless they have a tag, they're immediately put down. due to circumstances, some states have even outlawed breeding pitbulls and you can get a hefty fine for doing so.

    luckily, our pitbull never did that again, but it goes to show that it could happen at any time for no reason at all. though the chance is slim, i personally wouldn't risk it. if a regular dog loses it, you can get bit. however, pitbulls are pretty damn tough, and when they bite down, they can get lockjaw. you're looking at some seriously torn flesh and with youngsters, more likely than not death.

    it's late now, but i'll try and browse the web tomorrow and see if i can find more in-depth info on what i explained here that may make better sense of it and maybe even have statistics. after my personal experience and research, i would advise anyone and everyone to not get a pitbull.

  12. #12
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    i have to disagree with the majority of you on here.

    pitbulls are succeptible to a mental disorder, whether inbred or not. that is why you so commonly hear about them turning on their masters or attacking people unprovoked. i know from personal experience, did the resarch, and learned what i'm going to tell you about.

    i regretfully can't recall all the specifics, but basically with pitbulls, there's a certain "fight or flight" chemical, similar to adrenaline, that sometimes "short circuits". when it does, it's similar to a human having an anxiety attack, which if any of you have had them, you know how dramatically it can affect you. the big difference with this chemical in the dogs though is that this chemical also temporarily affects their memory as the instinctive part of their brain is prioritized and other parts are temporarily shut off, which means at that point, they don't know who anyone is around them.

    so now, imagine yourself in their shoes... you're in a state of pure panic and anxiety, you have no idea why, you're disoriented, your hearts racing, and there are people around you that you don't know (cause you can't remember them). at that point, it takes very little for them to be provoked and oftentimes in the disorientation, they'll attack without any provocation whatsoever out of complete panic.

    we had a pet pitbull in my later teen years. we had him since he was a puppy, raised him ourselves, and were always gentle with him. long story short, one day i came home and he was sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor trembling. nobody had been home all day and there was nothing in the house that indicated anything had occured that would've caused this. however, as soon as i called his name in concern, he came running at me and tried to attack me. he tried to attack me for the next 20 mins or so and i repeatedly kept hitting him off me till i finally got him into my sisters bedroom and closed the door. prior to me getting him to the room however, he did manage to lock onto my hand at one point, giving me a pretty hefty gash as he locked on and whipped his head back and forth. could've been a lot worse though.

    later my father let him out and he was fine as if nothing had happened. my father also didn't believe my story cause he loved his dog and refused to believe i didn't provoke him in some way. after the incident however, i spoke to a vet who told me pretty much what i explained above with the whole chemical disorder thing. i additionally saw a show on the discovery channel which at one point during the show briefly explained that same issue with pitbulls. that is why when pitbulls are caught by any kennels or shelters, unless they have a tag, they're immediately put down. due to circumstances, some states have even outlawed breeding pitbulls and you can get a hefty fine for doing so.

    luckily, our pitbull never did that again, but it goes to show that it could happen at any time for no reason at all. though the chance is slim, i personally wouldn't risk it. if a regular dog loses it, you can get bit. however, pitbulls are pretty damn tough, and when they bite down, they can get lockjaw. you're looking at some seriously torn flesh and with youngsters, more likely than not death.

    it's late now, but i'll try and browse the web tomorrow and see if i can find more in-depth info on what i explained here that may make better sense of it and maybe even have statistics. after my personal experience and research, i would advise anyone and everyone to not get a pitbull.
    i find that hard to digest...i would have to see it to believe it....there's a thread on here about pits and how they have the worst rap...i'll try to find it....

  13. #13
    oldman's Avatar
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    We have pitties and they are the best dogs. 2 pits and 1 bull terrier.

    I trust them 100% around anyone as we taught them from the minute they got in the house that being aggressive was not allowed.

    I hate most breeders as they worry more on money than quality and temperament so I would not ever buy a dog (all my dogs have always been rescued dogs). I am not saying there are not good breeders but out where I live there are people that have 20+ pits running around humping each other and then they sell the mongoloid pups and that will turn into an issue because brother and sisters should not breed with people or animals.

    Anyway keep a close eye on the pup, socialize them well and you should be good to go.


  14. #14
    NCNPC29 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    i have to disagree with the majority of you on here.

    pitbulls are succeptible to a mental disorder, whether inbred or not. that is why you so commonly hear about them turning on their masters or attacking people unprovoked. i know from personal experience, did the resarch, and learned what i'm going to tell you about.

    i regretfully can't recall all the specifics, but basically with pitbulls, there's a certain "fight or flight" chemical, similar to adrenaline, that sometimes "short circuits". when it does, it's similar to a human having an anxiety attack, which if any of you have had them, you know how dramatically it can affect you. the big difference with this chemical in the dogs though is that this chemical also temporarily affects their memory as the instinctive part of their brain is prioritized and other parts are temporarily shut off, which means at that point, they don't know who anyone is around them.

    so now, imagine yourself in their shoes... you're in a state of pure panic and anxiety, you have no idea why, you're disoriented, your hearts racing, and there are people around you that you don't know (cause you can't remember them). at that point, it takes very little for them to be provoked and oftentimes in the disorientation, they'll attack without any provocation whatsoever out of complete panic.

    we had a pet pitbull in my later teen years. we had him since he was a puppy, raised him ourselves, and were always gentle with him. long story short, one day i came home and he was sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor trembling. nobody had been home all day and there was nothing in the house that indicated anything had occured that would've caused this. however, as soon as i called his name in concern, he came running at me and tried to attack me. he tried to attack me for the next 20 mins or so and i repeatedly kept hitting him off me till i finally got him into my sisters bedroom and closed the door. prior to me getting him to the room however, he did manage to lock onto my hand at one point, giving me a pretty hefty gash as he locked on and whipped his head back and forth. could've been a lot worse though.

    later my father let him out and he was fine as if nothing had happened. my father also didn't believe my story cause he loved his dog and refused to believe i didn't provoke him in some way. after the incident however, i spoke to a vet who told me pretty much what i explained above with the whole chemical disorder thing. i additionally saw a show on the discovery channel which at one point during the show briefly explained that same issue with pitbulls. that is why when pitbulls are caught by any kennels or shelters, unless they have a tag, they're immediately put down. due to circumstances, some states have even outlawed breeding pitbulls and you can get a hefty fine for doing so.

    luckily, our pitbull never did that again, but it goes to show that it could happen at any time for no reason at all. though the chance is slim, i personally wouldn't risk it. if a regular dog loses it, you can get bit. however, pitbulls are pretty damn tough, and when they bite down, they can get lockjaw. you're looking at some seriously torn flesh and with youngsters, more likely than not death.

    it's late now, but i'll try and browse the web tomorrow and see if i can find more in-depth info on what i explained here that may make better sense of it and maybe even have statistics. after my personal experience and research, i would advise anyone and everyone to not get a pitbull.
    Gotta respectfully disagree with your bro. All animals dogs or not go through fight or flight mode when confronted with a dangerous situation. It sounds like your Pit was coddled it's entire life which is not how you train and live with an agressive breed of dog. With proper training and structure througout it's life it never would have attacked you. Your Pit obviously considers himself Alpha Male of the family. If you challenge an alpha male or it perceives that you have challenged him you're gonna have a fight on your hands. It doesn't matter if you are his owner or not. To the dog the family is a pack and if you have established yourself as submissive to him then he is the boss. Pits and other agressive dogs have to have the correct hierarchy established from the time they are a puppy and reinforced their whole life. My two akitas know I am Alpha and now their position in the pack. My male is now 10 and he has challenged me a couple times over his food. This is common. Alpha males will challenge you from time to time while growing up to see if the can assert their dominance over you. The first time my male did he was about 14 months old. I immediately alpha rolled him and kept him suppressed until I knew he was in a calm submissive state. After that I blocked him from his food until he gave up trying to eat and went and laid down. It's all how you raise your dog. I don't care if it's a Pit, Rottie, Akita whatever. These are not Golden Retrievers and if you don't know the psychology of the breed you have no business owning one. Clueless owners of these dogs (agressive) have just purchased themself a loaded gun.

  15. #15
    jstanier's Avatar
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    My friend has a pitbull and it's the sweetest, friendliest dog I've ever seen - strange what perceptions you have about pits before you actually have one.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    i find that hard to digest...i would have to see it to believe it....there's a thread on here about pits and how they have the worst rap...i'll try to find it....
    yea, they have a bad rap for a reason. to look at how many how pointlessly killed and turned on both owners and other innocent civilians is pure ignorance in defense of a breed you're determined to find no flaw in. if there was no problem with them then why are so many states and even some countries now banning the breeding of pitbulls? also, go ahead and argue with a veterinarian and the discovery channel. go ahead and call your local vet and i'm sure you'll get the same info. whether you find it "hard to digest" or not, it's right.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by NCNPC29
    Gotta respectfully disagree with your bro. All animals dogs or not go through fight or flight mode when confronted with a dangerous situation.
    never said they did. you need to re-read my post. just like all humans have adrenaline, all dogs have this other chemical similar to it and in pitbulls, it can "misfire", and it doesn't take a dangerous situation to do so. again, re-read my post, it even includes my personal incident where the situation was completely unprovoked in any way.

    Quote Originally Posted by NCNPC29
    It sounds like your Pit was coddled it's entire life which is not how you train and live with an agressive breed of dog. With proper training and structure througout it's life it never would have attacked you. Your Pit obviously considers himself Alpha Male of the family. If you challenge an alpha male or it perceives that you have challenged him you're gonna have a fight on your hands. It doesn't matter if you are his owner or not. To the dog the family is a pack and if you have established yourself as submissive to him then he is the boss. Pits and other agressive dogs have to have the correct hierarchy established from the time they are a puppy and reinforced their whole life.
    now, you have some people saying not to be aggressive with this dog as it will make them aggressive as well, yet now you're saying you can't be gentle with it either or it will think it's dominant??? you just ran around in a circle. he knew very well he was not the "alpha" male as it's not like we let him do whatever he wanted to. we just never hit him or was abusive in any way.

    additionally, at what point did i "challenge" him in my story above? your explanation isn't even applicable in most situations regarding pitbull attack incidents. plus, why would you want a pet that you have to make feel dominated over just so he won't attack you? that's absolutely ridiculous and seems to just feed the ego's of those looking to dominate others.

    also, you forget this post is about skullsmasher looking to get a pit with a small child at home as well. now, how the hell is the child supposed to enforce it's dominance over the pit? that is a disaster waiting to happen and you're giving horrible advice in the situation here. that pit will innevitably consider itself dominant over the child from your explanation, and therefore will not hesitate to attack if provoked. though it may not consider itself the "alpha", it will certainly consider itself dominant over the child. additionally as i had described with their psychological issues, regardless of who's dominant and who isn't, when in that state, they will not even know who you are, so that will not be taken into any consideration as their brain will not be able to process it.

    Quote Originally Posted by NCNPC29
    My two akitas know I am Alpha and now their position in the pack. My male is now 10 and he has challenged me a couple times over his food. This is common. Alpha males will challenge you from time to time while growing up to see if the can assert their dominance over you. The first time my male did he was about 14 months old. I immediately alpha rolled him and kept him suppressed until I knew he was in a calm submissive state. After that I blocked him from his food until he gave up trying to eat and went and laid down.
    This whole alpha male story you're telling has nothing to do with the issues associated with pitbulls. Additionally, I again must ask why you would want a pet that you must have to assert dominance over? a pet should be a companion, not a slave for you to dominate over. your concept of human-pet relations kind of disturbs me.

    Quote Originally Posted by NCNPC29
    It's all how you raise your dog. I don't care if it's a Pit, Rottie, Akita whatever. These are not Golden Retrievers and if you don't know the psychology of the breed you have no business owning one. Clueless owners of these dogs (agressive) have just purchased themself a loaded gun.
    and just as you wouldn't want a loaded gun in a house with a child, you certainly don't want a pit in one either. if skullsmasher needed to ask about getting a pitbull, you really think he's ready to learn how to teach one to not be psychotic?! you also can't "train" them out of having their psychological disorder. go ahead and go to a psyche ward and talk a person out of being insane. it's not gonna happen guy.

    you're trying too hard to justify yourself owning "aggressive" animals, which personally i don't think belong in society. in doing so, you're taking for granted the innumerable incidents of pits attacking people and turning on owners. you don't hear of "rotties" or "akitas" doing that even remotely as often as pits.

    i also know someone in here tried to use the excuse that there are more pits than other breeds and that's why you hear of more incidents. nothing could be further from the truth. in many states, you can't even legally breed pits and many people are not interested in pits due to all the incidents of them attacking/killing people. also, kennels and shelters when receiving pits without tags immediately put them down cause of psychological concerns. due to those circumstances among several others, there's no possibility of there being more pits than other breeds to account for the higher incidiences.

    you're ignoring the facts here, and one day that might come back to haunt you or your loved ones through a personal example of what can happen when a pits psychological state becomes unstable.

  18. #18
    G-1000's Avatar
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    If you look up a pits profile. They all say thay there very good with kids. And can even become over protecktive of them.

  19. #19
    zimmy's Avatar
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    NOT goona read all the discussions... :P I worked for breeders / animal clinic as a kid for a couple of years. It's all about the breeding. Some times people breed there dogs WAYYY to much in the same family causing some seroius defects. Not only that , but you can have a dog with good breeding but then have a dog with bad temperament born. Now a good breeder would not breed that dog ever, but a bad breeder would just use them because of it's papers. So if you are going to get a pit...make sure you find a breeder who is recommended.

    the 2nd most important thing is training. There are some things you have to do with certain dominant breeds of dogs that youdon't have to for normal dogs. You can get away with not doing it, but it is seirously recommended.
    1) You need to show yourself as the alpha male from day 1. Stare downs are a common practice while they grow up. And when they get past there hyper stage as a pup, making them go into a submissive position (lying on there side while your on top of them).
    2) I'd recommend that you don't let the dog play bite with you. If you teach them at an early age that it is not acceptable behavior, they will not accidentally bite anyone too hard while trying to play.
    3) don't disipline the dog by hitting. They are big dogs and hitting them isn't the best way to get to there head. Only time i recommend hitting is a small pat on the nose when trying to house train them. The clicker/treat method works GREAT and the dog will be better behaved while you aren't around. Dogs that are hit for correction have a habbit of misbehaving when you aren't around because they are only afraid of you and not really associating it with the behavior.
    4) DO NOT TRAIN THEM TO BE GUARD DOGS. This is one of the top reasons dogs turn on there owners. Training a dog to protect the home will show them certain behaviors to do around people they don't trust or don't know. This is horrible behavior for a dog and they will turn on you sooner or later if they are upset at you...etc...etc.
    5) Pits are great with kids...but you will have to get the pup around the same time as the kid. Adult pits take some time getting used to new kids cus they are already pretty laid back and having a kid who is going to squeeze and hit it isn't so fun for them anymore. Not saying you can't have a new kid with a pit...but you will have introduce them together under supervision for a couple of weeks.
    Last edited by zimmy; 06-11-2006 at 12:55 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    you're trying too hard to justify yourself owning "aggressive" animals, which personally i don't think belong in society.

    there will always be stories of dogs attacking who are trained badly. Fact of the matter 99% of aggressive dogs from any breeds come from piss poor owners. Your "personal" story there sounds like another one of em. I rather follow my facts that i know from countless litters of "attack breeds" thant the stories of people who don't know enough to own there dogs. If all people went and read up on the dogs they wanted before they bought them, the world would be a better place. Reminds me of when the dalmation craze came cus of the 101 dalmations movie. Almost half of those dogs ended up back in the pound because the parents weren't smart enough to read up on how difficult dalmations are and how to train them properly. You want to compare dogs to people...go ahead. What would happen if you raise a child with no boundaries, no real punishment, no feeling of usefulnes or job, and no sign of the fact that you are there parent and they have to listen to you? Same goes for a dog.

    This whole alpha male story you're telling has nothing to do with the issues associated with pitbulls. Additionally, I again must ask why you would want a pet that you must have to assert dominance over? a pet should be a companion, not a slave for you to dominate over. your concept of human-pet relations kind of disturbs me.
    btw...poodles are one of the most aggressive breed of dogs in the world. It's how they were breed. If you don't show alpha male over them they become snippy with people too...just no one cares cus they are so small. All dogs are pack animals. ALL OF THEM. They are not people. They don't understand why you want them to do things...all they understand is there instinctive pack mentality. The fact that you don't understand that or believe that...your story of having your dog attack you makes perfect sense. How dare you go to the house that belongs to the dog unexpectedly. You let him be the alpha, it is his house...his territory.
    Last edited by zimmy; 06-11-2006 at 01:00 PM.

  21. #21
    DDDNTZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    i have to disagree with the majority of you on here.

    pitbulls are succeptible to a mental disorder, whether inbred or not. that is why you so commonly hear about them turning on their masters or attacking people unprovoked. i know from personal experience, did the resarch, and learned what i'm going to tell you about.

    i regretfully can't recall all the specifics, but basically with pitbulls, there's a certain "fight or flight" chemical, similar to adrenaline, that sometimes "short circuits". when it does, it's similar to a human having an anxiety attack, which if any of you have had them, you know how dramatically it can affect you. the big difference with this chemical in the dogs though is that this chemical also temporarily affects their memory as the instinctive part of their brain is prioritized and other parts are temporarily shut off, which means at that point, they don't know who anyone is around them.

    so now, imagine yourself in their shoes... you're in a state of pure panic and anxiety, you have no idea why, you're disoriented, your hearts racing, and there are people around you that you don't know (cause you can't remember them). at that point, it takes very little for them to be provoked and oftentimes in the disorientation, they'll attack without any provocation whatsoever out of complete panic.

    we had a pet pitbull in my later teen years. we had him since he was a puppy, raised him ourselves, and were always gentle with him. long story short, one day i came home and he was sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor trembling. nobody had been home all day and there was nothing in the house that indicated anything had occured that would've caused this. however, as soon as i called his name in concern, he came running at me and tried to attack me. he tried to attack me for the next 20 mins or so and i repeatedly kept hitting him off me till i finally got him into my sisters bedroom and closed the door. prior to me getting him to the room however, he did manage to lock onto my hand at one point, giving me a pretty hefty gash as he locked on and whipped his head back and forth. could've been a lot worse though.

    later my father let him out and he was fine as if nothing had happened. my father also didn't believe my story cause he loved his dog and refused to believe i didn't provoke him in some way. after the incident however, i spoke to a vet who told me pretty much what i explained above with the whole chemical disorder thing. i additionally saw a show on the discovery channel which at one point during the show briefly explained that same issue with pitbulls. that is why when pitbulls are caught by any kennels or shelters, unless they have a tag, they're immediately put down. due to circumstances, some states have even outlawed breeding pitbulls and you can get a hefty fine for doing so.

    luckily, our pitbull never did that again, but it goes to show that it could happen at any time for no reason at all. though the chance is slim, i personally wouldn't risk it. if a regular dog loses it, you can get bit. however, pitbulls are pretty damn tough, and when they bite down, they can get lockjaw. you're looking at some seriously torn flesh and with youngsters, more likely than not death.

    it's late now, but i'll try and browse the web tomorrow and see if i can find more in-depth info on what i explained here that may make better sense of it and maybe even have statistics. after my personal experience and research, i would advise anyone and everyone to not get a pitbull.
    You are a fukin cocksmoke and you do not have a clue what you are talkijng about. I hate talkin shite on the internet, but I have a soft spot for pit's. I hasve had two pits in my lifetime, the one I currently have and the one I had when I was a kid. True story: Dozer, the one I had as a kid, saved my life when I was being attacked by a chow in our front yard. Dozer heard me screaming, came from the back yard and literally tore that little fuker to pieces. I still have very little feeling in my left hand, and god only knows what thaqt other dog woiuld have done to me if D had not come along. The one I have now I bring over to my sister's house ande he herds her children(3yrs and 5yrs) away from the street to keep them in the front yard when we go outside. It's dickweeds like you that spread these stupid fukin rumors and give pit's a bad name.

  22. #22
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    i'll gather what info i can from the internet to show the dangers of pitbulls and provide links below. this will not be that comprehensive as i will do a search and post what i find, but it will hopefully at least provide greater insight as to why getting pits are a bad idea: - shows how many countries have banned pit breeding, indicating there must be some damn good reasoning behind it. NO OTHER BREED OF DOG HAS EVER BEEN BANNED FROM BREEDING. what does this tell you. wake up people!!! - info confirming the cause for banning pitbulls being their aggressiveness - here's an example of what happens when pits snap - more pitbull attacks - more - more - MORE. getting the picture yet??? though this one had pits in cages, nonetheless it was the owner who they turned on - yes, more pitbull incidents - maybe you'd like to see what these dogs can do? will that convince you they're a bad breed??? i saw this entire vid on animal planet. the dog was unprovoked and despite the idiotic comments below the vid, the woman never told the dog to attack in any way whatsoever. - yet more - even more

    alright, i've grown bored of searching, and i seriously hope this should show you the potential dangers of pits. i couldn't manage to find any information on their tendency towards the psychological disorder i had heard of, but i'm sure if you contact the discovery channel online and ask them about the documentary that included info about it, you could find more. also, i'm sure most vets would be well aware of it as well.

    regardless of the psychological disorder they're prone to, all it takes is one of these dogs losing it and someones dead. they don't stop attacking, have a very nasty bite, and have a very high pain tolerance. even if you get bit by a rotty, they'll bite, possibly pierce skin, and more likely than not back off. a pitbull however will latch on, lash back and forth tearing and causing serious injury, and will usually not stop until you're long dead. it's your choice, but i'd rather not take my chances as i've already experienced it once as a child and will not do so again.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDDNTZ
    You are a fukin cocksmoke and you do not have a clue what you are talkijng about. I hate talkin shite on the internet, but I have a soft spot for pit's. I hasve had two pits in my lifetime, the one I currently have and the one I had when I was a kid. True story: Dozer, the one I had as a kid, saved my life when I was being attacked by a chow in our front yard. Dozer heard me screaming, came from the back yard and literally tore that little fuker to pieces. I still have very little feeling in my left hand, and god only knows what thaqt other dog woiuld have done to me if D had not come along. The one I have now I bring over to my sister's house ande he herds her children(3yrs and 5yrs) away from the street to keep them in the front yard when we go outside. It's dickweeds like you that spread these stupid fukin rumors and give pit's a bad name.

    had a rott as a kid that did the same to me. took on two stray muts that cornered me and were stalking me. Calm down mang...don't go cus'ing at him. If he's believing this, he's not going to change his opinions whther they be wrong or right, by name calling.

  24. #24
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Well, I think I have come to a conclusion:

    Even if they have the potential to be good dogs, the risk far outweighs the benefit. Probly not gonna get one.

    thanks for all your input. Lets not make this an argument.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDDNTZ
    You are a fukin cocksmoke and you do not have a clue what you are talkijng about. I hate talkin shite on the internet, but I have a soft spot for pit's. I hasve had two pits in my lifetime, the one I currently have and the one I had when I was a kid. True story: Dozer, the one I had as a kid, saved my life when I was being attacked by a chow in our front yard. Dozer heard me screaming, came from the back yard and literally tore that little fuker to pieces. I still have very little feeling in my left hand, and god only knows what thaqt other dog woiuld have done to me if D had not come along. The one I have now I bring over to my sister's house ande he herds her children(3yrs and 5yrs) away from the street to keep them in the front yard when we go outside. It's dickweeds like you that spread these stupid fukin rumors and give pit's a bad name.
    you are pointing out your one personal incident and being completely ignorant to the facts. i've just posted a huge list of links to incidents where pits have killed or seriously mauled people. you will not find any other breed of dog with nearly as many incidents as pits. additionally, if they're so safe, why is there an ever-growing number of states and even countries banning their breeding, and some are even going so far as to ban ownership?

    also, if you can't respectfully state your opinion, i'd suggest you go elsewhere, as flaming is not tolerated at this site. maybe you should read through the rules of this board again, as you have either forgotten them or just outright disrespected them.

    you had one situation where your pit saved you. however, there are countless others where the pits killed, not only other people, but at times even their owners. again, you're focusing on your own isolated incident and ignoring the facts.

    get over yourself and consider others, as most aren't as fortunate in their experiences with pits. my personal experience proves that, along with countless news reports on pit attacks.

    these are not rumors i spread, they're facts that were told to me by a vet and also documented on discovery channel. go ahead and try to flame the discovery channel too. go ahead and try and flame vets, cause apparently they're wrong too, right? you need to wake up and stop living in your fantasy world of happy little pits that save lives and see the potential threat lying within them.

    yes, some may be safe, but you will not be able to distinguish until it's too late. if you want to play russian roulette, be my guest. i'd rather not.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    i'll gather what info i can from the internet to show the dangers of pitbulls and provide links below. this will not be that comprehensive as i will do a search and post what i find, but it will hopefully at least provide greater insight as to why getting pits are a bad idea: - shows how many countries have banned pit breeding, indicating there must be some damn good reasoning behind it. NO OTHER BREED OF DOG HAS EVER BEEN BANNED FROM BREEDING. what does this tell you. wake up people!!! - info confirming the cause for banning pitbulls being their aggressiveness - here's an example of what happens when pits snap - more pitbull attacks - more - more - MORE. getting the picture yet??? though this one had pits in cages, nonetheless it was the owner who they turned on - yes, more pitbull incidents - maybe you'd like to see what these dogs can do? will that convince you they're a bad breed??? i saw this entire vid on animal planet. the dog was unprovoked and despite the idiotic comments below the vid, the woman never told the dog to attack in any way whatsoever. - yet more - even more

    alright, i've grown bored of searching, and i seriously hope this should show you the potential dangers of pits. i couldn't manage to find any information on their tendency towards the psychological disorder i had heard of, but i'm sure if you contact the discovery channel online and ask them about the documentary that included info about it, you could find more. also, i'm sure most vets would be well aware of it as well.

    regardless of the psychological disorder they're prone to, all it takes is one of these dogs losing it and someones dead. they don't stop attacking, have a very nasty bite, and have a very high pain tolerance. even if you get bit by a rotty, they'll bite, possibly pierce skin, and more likely than not back off. a pitbull however will latch on, lash back and forth tearing and causing serious injury, and will usually not stop until you're long dead. it's your choice, but i'd rather not take my chances as i've already experienced it once as a child and will not do so again.

    seriously man...the only reason there are so many stories like that out there is because it's news. Big news to show "pit bulls" are mauled. They give no details about the's always just "pit bulls attack".

    go here...

    read up on just how many attacks take place with ALL DOGS. Not just pits. The only ones that make big news are pits though cus of the stigma people like you give them.

  27. #27
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    How bout a poodle? lol.

    No but, seriously, what about huskies? Thats my next choice.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Well, I think I have come to a conclusion:

    Even if they have the potential to be good dogs, the risk far outweighs the benefit. Probly not gonna get one.

    thanks for all your input. Lets not make this an argument.
    good to hear bro. i hope for your sake you don't.

    i just don't get why people think i would make anything up about them for some reason? i have nothing to gain by lying about pits. also, all those news reports about them don't lie.

    i'm just trying to look out for you bro. as far as an argument, i don't play those games, but i also make sure that people respect the rules of this board. i don't play the testosterone driven flame games. i have better things to do with my testosterone.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Well, I think I have come to a conclusion:

    Even if they have the potential to be good dogs, the risk far outweighs the benefit. Probly not gonna get one.

    thanks for all your input. Lets not make this an argument.

    u kidding me? It's your call...I mean I have answered everyone of the "facts" that the one nay sayer on here as presented but don't let the internet babbel of certain people sway you. Go to the store and read up on them. There are TONS of books about that breed in specific. There is even a for dummies book that gives some of the basics if you don't wanna read a long book until you make your decision.

    YOu know what's a very good comparison. You ask people on the street who don't know anything about steriods ...and what kind of stupid responses do you get? How many uneducated "facts" do people consider set in stone from stories "they've heard" or people "they've known".
    Last edited by zimmy; 06-11-2006 at 01:22 PM.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    seriously man...the only reason there are so many stories like that out there is because it's news. Big news to show "pit bulls" are mauled. They give no details about the's always just "pit bulls attack".

    go here...

    read up on just how many attacks take place with ALL DOGS. Not just pits. The only ones that make big news are pits though cus of the stigma people like you give them.
    people like me are just trying to watch out for you guys. if you don't like what i'm telling you, simply ignore it.

    the difference between pitbull attacks and other attacks from other dogs is that with pitbulls, the attacks are oftentimes fatal due to the pits aggressive attacking nature.

    also, are you taking into consideration with all incidents considered that pits can no longer even be bred in certain states? this means proportionately there's less, yet there's still a very substantial amount of them in the news. also, if pits are no more dangerous than other dogs, why are there so many bans on JUST pits? that is not coming from "stigma", that's coming from thorough research.

    seems as if i will have to try to find information somewhere on the net regarding that psychological issue i had mentioned about them, as it seems too many of you are determined to defend them to actually trust me on it.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    How bout a poodle? lol.

    No but, seriously, what about huskies? Thats my next choice.

    Huskies have the exact same personalities as pits but they are a little more independent. They aren't as good with kids but they will can be good dogs. You will have to teach them to be ok around other dogs (socialize) so they don't attack them. And you definately want to get a pup at the same time as a kid with these.

  32. #32
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    Skullsmasher,that's totally understandable. Did you say you have kids? Depending on the area you live in it can be sort of a crapshoot as to what kind of dog you will end up with i.e. what bnlood they come from and how they have been bred in the past generations. Zimmy, I don't wish to change his opinion, I just want him to know what an ignoramous he is. Making generalizations about a breed, race, etc., is an ignorant remark.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    u kidding me? It's your call...I mean I have answered everyone of the "facts" that the one nay sayer on here as presented but don't let the internet babbel of certain people sway you. Go to the store and read up on them. There are TONS of books about that breed in specific. There is even a for dummies book that gives some of the basics if you don't wanna read a long book until you make your decision.

    YOu know what's a very good comparison. You ask people on the street who don't know anything about steriods...and what kind of stupid responses do you get? How many uneducated "facts" do people consider set in stone from stories "they've heard" or people "they've known".
    i don't think any amount of evidence will sway your determination to defend pits to the death, more likely than not yours if you own one. k, that was a bit of sarcasm, but i'm really concerned as to how many people just blow off the concerns of pits.

    there are many things i've stated that you've failed to address, primarily the fact that pits are banned in so many countries and even here in many of our states? seems as if you missed a fact there buddy.

    of course there will be plenty of books on pits talking about how sweet and lalalala they are. those usually come from breeders or people looking to make a name for themselves by swimming against the current, the current being the ever-increasing ban on pit breeding and the negative media coverage of them.

    as i said, i will try to find some information on the web regarding those psychological issues with pits. i can assure you i have no reason to lie about it as i have nothing to gain, and i don't see why a vet would've lied either, and i especially don't see why the discovery channel would've said the exact same thing a vet told me and that they'd have incorrect information on their show as well? however, you seem to determined to make me wrong to face certain truths about this whole situation.

    again i must ask, what do you think i have to gain by lying about all this???

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDDNTZ
    Skullsmasher,that's totally understandable. Did you say you have kids? Depending on the area you live in it can be sort of a crapshoot as to what kind of dog you will end up with i.e. what bnlood they come from and how they have been bred in the past generations. Zimmy, I don't wish to change his opinion, I just want him to know what an ignoramous he is. Making generalizations about a breed, race, etc., is an ignorant remark.
    what is ignorant is that you're making negative comments about me providing information that was given to me both by television and by a vet. these are not things i "made up".

    also, now you can't make generalizations about breeds??? so you're going to tell me that all things considered, a pitbull is as safe a a golden retriever? if that is the kind of mindset you have, you are apparently beyond reasoning with.

    also, watch your continuing derogatory comments towards me son. from what i've seen from your posts, you're not a very valuable contributor for this site and have no place to make the comments you are towards me.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    u kidding me? It's your call...I mean I have answered everyone of the "facts" that the one nay sayer on here as presented but don't let the internet babbel of certain people sway you. Go to the store and read up on them. There are TONS of books about that breed in specific. There is even a for dummies book that gives some of the basics if you don't wanna read a long book until you make your decision.

    YOu know what's a very good comparison. You ask people on the street who don't know anything about steriods...and what kind of stupid responses do you get? How many uneducated "facts" do people consider set in stone from stories "they've heard" or people "they've known".
    I was about to make the same exact comparison. Ascendant, I just wish you would think about what you are saying.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    people like me are just trying to watch out for you guys. if you don't like what i'm telling you, simply ignore it.

    the difference between pitbull attacks and other attacks from other dogs is that with pitbulls, the attacks are oftentimes fatal due to the pits aggressive attacking nature.

    also, are you taking into consideration with all incidents considered that pits can no longer even be bred in certain states? this means proportionately there's less, yet there's still a very substantial amount of them in the news. also, if pits are no more dangerous than other dogs, why are there so many bans on JUST pits? that is not coming from "stigma", that's coming from thorough research.

    seems as if i will have to try to find information somewhere on the net regarding that psychological issue i had mentioned about them, as it seems too many of you are determined to defend them to actually trust me on it.

    not about "trusting you". The point of showing those links was to show that all dogs attack. When lost, when poorly trained, it happens. Difference is pits are powerful dog. So a poorly raised pit causes more damage than a poorly trained retriever. Great that you saw it on discover channel...really splendid. I worked breeding pits and rotts for 3 years along with being a veternary assistant (its a certified position) for the same time. No i don't mean breeding them together...that would be a horrible temperament. I know what i know from exp and having to know wtf I was doing. I'm sure your hear say is valid for you...but check your ego at the door man...this is rhetorical question for you to really think about... how much do you "know" and how much do you "believe" because opinions and facts sometimes get mixed up and substituted. Oh and about states banning the breeding of dogs? you have any idea how many STUPID laws and bans there are? Some states ban certain types of porn, releasing certain info on the web, certain types of guns because they "look" like "assault" weapons even if they function exactly like every other gun. If there being a law about it made it right or a fact...then we would never have had to amend anything ever...or have a supreme court.

    as far as stating what would you have to gain by lying? no one is claiming your a lyer man. Farthest thing from my mind atleast. I just think you are misimformed as i'm sure you think i am. Difference is, I have a backround in this. Oh and vets don't know everything about every breed of dog. They don't teach vets about dog breeding or dog behavior. They teach them about the inner workings of the dog. So a vet's "opinion" isn't mcuh more valid than the average person. Talk to dog breeders...and not just pit breeders. Talk to all of them and they will tell you what happens to ALL dogs with bad breeding.
    Last edited by zimmy; 06-11-2006 at 01:41 PM.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDDNTZ
    I was about to make the same exact comparison. Ascendant, I just wish you would think about what you are saying.
    so now i shouldn't state what was told to me by a vet and by a show on the discovery channel cause you don't feel like having it be true? you must be joking me. stop making the derogatory comments towards me and realize the true source of the information i received and that it is not coming from me, i'm just relaying the information provided to me in attempts to help others.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    i don't think any amount of evidence will sway your determination to defend pits to the death, more likely than not yours if you own one. k, that was a bit of sarcasm, but i'm really concerned as to how many people just blow off the concerns of pits.

    there are many things i've stated that you've failed to address, primarily the fact that pits are banned in so many countries and even here in many of our states? seems as if you missed a fact there buddy.

    of course there will be plenty of books on pits talking about how sweet and lalalala they are. those usually come from breeders or people looking to make a name for themselves by swimming against the current, the current being the ever-increasing ban on pit breeding and the negative media coverage of them.

    as i said, i will try to find some information on the web regarding those psychological issues with pits. i can assure you i have no reason to lie about it as i have nothing to gain, and i don't see why a vet would've lied either, and i especially don't see why the discovery channel would've said the exact same thing a vet told me and that they'd have incorrect information on their show as well? however, you seem to determined to make me wrong to face certain truths about this whole situation.

    again i must ask, what do you think i have to gain by lying about all this???
    DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHY THEY ARE BANNED? THEY ARE BANNED BECAUSE THEY ARE BEING ABUSED BY DOG FIGHTERS NOT BECAUSE THEY ATTACK PEOPLE. Give me a minute and I'll find the list posted by the CDC that lists the most frequent biters in the world, pits are like number 4.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    check your ego at the door man...
    this is not about my ego, it's about my concern for others. with my personal experience, combined onto all the negative media coverage, combined onto what i saw on tv and from a vet, i'm making the best possible judgement about the situation i can.

    at one point, cigarettes being bad for you used to just be a "rumor" and a bunch of bs. sure enough, later down the road it was confirmed to be fact. now, we're in that same situation with aspartame, and we'll see where that ends up.

    i'm just trying to look out for people. if they listen, great, as they're better safe than sorry. if they don't listen, then that's their choice. i'm not here to sway, merely to inform based off my personal research.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    so now i shouldn't state what was told to me by a vet and by a show on the discovery channel cause you don't feel like having it be true? you must be joking me. stop making the derogatory comments towards me and realize the true source of the information i received and that it is not coming from me, i'm just relaying the information provided to me in attempts to help others.
    In other words spreading gossip, right? Geez, if a Vet said it or it was on T.V. it must be true.

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