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  1. #1
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2001

    Question Any one work in Advertising or knowledged in building/contracting?

    Call me an odd duck, but I like to do roofing.

    I can make good money at it, I’ve done it for the last 3 summers but would like to develop it more and make a business of it. I right now invest in real estate and picking up these jobs will free up a lot of potential investing monies.

    There is some competition around, but it is not too much. For the most part the contractors who bid the roofing jobs, sub them out to an inexperienced person who is not a contractor to nail it down for $50 a square. The contractor who has the experience normally does not step a foot on the roof after the bid is put in, and if they even get on the roof for the bid it is one of the better ones. They normally bid $250-$350 a square, I like to keep my bids around $200 a square. I can still make good money at it, as I don’t have to pay a staff and have gotten efficient at it over the past 3 years.

    I’m not saying I’m be best at it, but it is very important to me to do a good job. I snap 3 lines at a time, so my shingles never get a chance to drop. Most people snap a line if they start to drop, I snap 3 at a time…every other row so they never have a chance. I take my time, do it with just me and 1 employee, start at 6 am and leave when it is getting too dark to do a good job (8-10pm) and I’m fine with that. I don’t leave until the job is done, clean up is better than it was when I arrived. The final cost is always lower than my bid, and I always give the customer 10 business cards and give them $100 off, $10 for every card they give to a potential customer.

    But I need more idea’s, here are a few I was thinking tell me what you think. I think I remember Mizfits saying she was working in advertising, so it would be nice to hear from you!

    Buy an add on restraunt placemats?
    Offer customers a commission on any customers they refer that use me?
    Do “cost only” jobs for churches and not for profit organizations?

    That’s all I can really think of and I had to take marketing 1 and 2 in college!

  2. #2
    Mizfit's Avatar
    Mizfit is offline Banned
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    I work in advertising but not construction.. let me think about this and if i forget please pm me monday ok

    It's sunday and i'm off

  3. #3
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2001
    I hope I’m not ruining your day off making you think

    Any advice is appreciated though

  4. #4
    Mizfit's Avatar
    Mizfit is offline Banned
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    remind me tommorrow im just postign while im getting ready right now to go meet my sis

  5. #5
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
    MAXIMA5 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I own a small Marketing/Advertising firm now, and I have extensive experience in vehicle/marine marketing and sales, so this is an interesting change of focus. I like all the ideas you had, but all that doesn;t help much if no one knows all that about you. I know it sucks, but you're going to have to advertise your message. It takes money to make money.

    I would also try to work out a deal with home inspectors and appraisors in your area. They know who needs new roofs. Pay them to distribute your cards.

  6. #6
    ProtienShak3 is offline Junior Member
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    i have some experience in this area realisticly word of mouth will be your best form of advertizing 2nd will be knocking doors in the surrounding area. what i mean is that you will knock the door introduce yourself and invite them to inspect the work you are doing at mr smiths residence as since your company is already in the area you will be offering discounts to local residents.
    3rd and most cost ineffective would be the newspaper.

    i was a subcontractor when i was younger and a friend of mine did remodeling and was always busy and he never advertized it was all word of mouth and knockin doors.

  7. #7
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2001
    Thanks for the adcive guys, and looking forward to Miz's tomorow :P

    I'm hesitant to put money into advertising just yet because I first want to get insurance for the biz. I don't want to advertise and trash talk other contractors either. I'm just disatitisfied with the job they do however. It is a smaller community and who you know does matter around here.

    Knocking on doors is a good idea I was thinking I could just do a job for someon and knock on doors of people who look like they might need a roof done and say "I'm doing some work in the area, I just installed a skylight for Mr and Mrs XXXX. I noticed you may need a roof some time in the future and I'd be happy to give you a free bid anytime, i'm sure i can save you some money and Mr and Mrs. XXXXX I'm sure would be happy to vouge for my work".

    I want to stay away from being to agressive, i just want people to look at me as I'll give them exactly what they want, for a better price and do better work. I specialize in a certain area and am not trying to capitalize on every area like a general contractor does.

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