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Thread: MAVS vs heat

  1. #1
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    MAVS vs heat

    Hell ya go MaVS! going to american airlines center( where mavs play)tonight to watch the game! Heat got lucky last game

  2. #2
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    Go Heat

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    Hell ya go MaVS! going to american airlines center( where mavs play)tonight to watch the game! Heat got lucky last game
    People keep saying the heat go lucky.. I dont get it.. How did they get lucky.. they DOMINTAED the mavs the last 6 min and 30 seconds.. just like their going to do tonight.. people understand this.. dallas was supposed to win the first 2 games at home.. miami will win the next 3 like they should.. then we will steal one in dallas and win the championship.. to say the heat just got lucky is retarted IMO..

  4. #4
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    I know chest is guna answer with something LOL.. just a matter of time..

  5. #5
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    hmm i didnt know people still watched the NBA...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by anaBROLIC
    hmm i didnt know people still watched the NBA...
    The NBA does kind of suck now... they put too much emphasis on the super stars and not enough emphasis on the good match ups, and good teams. But I still gotta watch. I say Mavs in five, but if not five then definitely six.

  7. #7
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    The Heat suck and Dallas gave away a game to keep the series "interesting", there is no public interest watching a team roll over another.

  8. #8
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    go mavs

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    The Heat suck and Dallas gave away a game to keep the series "interesting", there is no public interest watching a team roll over another.
    Thats why their in the finals, right? Do you even watch basketball?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigpapabuff
    The NBA does kind of suck now... they put too much emphasis on the super stars and not enough emphasis on the good match ups, and good teams. But I still gotta watch. I say Mavs in five, but if not five then definitely six.
    what do you consider a good matchup? pistons vs spurs.. been like that for 3 years.. the BEST teams make it to the finals.. and why not concentrate on the stars? Who should you concentrate on, the bench players? I dont know where you getting not enough emphasis on good teams... these playoffs have been one of the best in many years..

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    People keep saying the heat go lucky.. I dont get it.. How did they get lucky.. they DOMINTAED the mavs the last 6 min and 30 seconds.. just like their going to do tonight.. people understand this.. dallas was supposed to win the first 2 games at home.. miami will win the next 3 like they should.. then we will steal one in dallas and win the championship.. to say the heat just got lucky is retarted IMO..

    wade had 42 points and 13 rebounds and they still only won by 2 points!

    the heat don't have the ball movement or the bench depth to match dallas, so in that regard you can say they got lucky.

    also don't forget about wades KNEE......kinda reminds me of the ribs last post season!

    GO MAVS!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by copenhagen
    wade had 42 points and 13 rebounds and they still only won by 2 points!
    the heat don't have the ball movement or the bench depth to match dallas, so in that regard you can say they got lucky.

    also don't forget about wades KNEE......kinda reminds me of the ribs last post season!

    GO MAVS!
    lol are you serious.. i can bring up so many of those stats to discredit what you just said..

  13. #13
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    Exactly what I said... all you haters are wrong AGAIN!!.. this is what I call domination.. MIAMI dominates the Mavs EASILY.... yea baby!!! Told you so.....

  14. #14
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    2 ez.. now talk the $hit.. game 5 coming up and miami will take that as well..

  15. #15
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    24 point win.. you think the mavs dominated game 2... how about the heat game 5!!!!! Just like I said..

  16. #16
    Whad I say about this 2-3-2 bullshit. Oh..and the East is an easy ass conference. The spurs and the suns are both much better than the Heat..

  17. #17
    series should be 3-1 even the commentators have said a bunch of times how that game belonged to dallas. Sure, heat won..but mavs should have taken that game.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    lol are you serious.. i can bring up so many of those stats to discredit what you just said..

    im not sure how you can discredit a stat, the mavs did play horrible tonight and miami played well, DALLAS WILL END IT AT HOME NEXT TUESDAY.

  19. #19
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    the heat just rocked the mavs

  20. #20
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    you guys are just pissed cause the mavs are going to blow a 2-0 lead.......and don't say the mavs will win cause they wont.

  21. #21
    hm..well theyre the better team. Everyone on the mavs is good...Heat have...Wade and Shaq and thats about it.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Whad I say about this 2-3-2 bullshit. Oh..and the East is an easy ass conference. The spurs and the suns are both much better than the Heat..
    lol are you being serious.. the heat just rocked the mavs and your talking about conferences... what the hell does a conference have to do with anything!?! detroit would of beat the mavs.. the heat are the BEST team though so they made it..

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Whad I say about this 2-3-2 bullshit. Oh..and the East is an easy ass conference. The spurs and the suns are both much better than the Heat..
    oh yea and to add to that.. even if it was the 2-2-1-1-1 the heat would of still been at home so it makes no difference at this point.. your using a wrong and invalid excuse bc dallls got WOOPPPPPEDD!!!!!!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    series should be 3-1 even the commentators have said a bunch of times how that game belonged to dallas. Sure, heat won..but mavs should have taken that game.
    haha oh you mean hubie brown.. im sorry LOL.. who cares what they say.. the HEAT are the ones who layed and won.. not only won, but dominated.. how can you even argue with ANYTHING.. It was a blowout bro.. give credit when and where credit is due..

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGswang
    the heat just rocked the mavs
    oh yes they did!!!!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by wolfyEVH
    you guys are just pissed cause the mavs are going to blow a 2-0 lead.......and don't say the mavs will win cause they wont.
    thats for damn sure..

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    hm..well theyre the better team. Everyone on the mavs is good...Heat have...Wade and Shaq and thats about it.
    Are you serious.. POSEY, HASLEM, zo, j will... who do you have?!?! Nowitzki and terry.... yes howard is good but when it comes to clutch time he is nowhere to be found - and every game in the playoffs proves that..oops did I forget stackhouse who playes good (hits a few threes) every other 9th game.. oh yea didnt dirk go 2-14.. LOL!!! you have no credit to what your saying.. HEAT were the better team tonight and always will be.. oh and we have pat riley.. johnson is a good coach but can NOT compare to Riley.. sorry bro your not winning here..

  28. #28
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    31% from the field.. oh yea dallas is great.. LOL

  29. #29
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    The media is so funny... they're the biggest bandwagon jumpers in the world..

    All of Media called shaq over the hill, and the heat done, after game 2..

    and now they're all bashing saying how the Mavs are pussies who are getting pushed around, and cuban has a big mouth LOL

  30. #30
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    I don't care what anybody says...I saw the game last night...the mavs struggled...It was hilarious...Watching that big ugly ogar (Nowitski) miss shot after shot...The heat straight up shitted on the mavs...maintaining a 10 point lead for the entire game, and then winning by almost 30 in the end...---NOW THAT IS AN ASS WHOOPING---And to say that the heat only have 2 good players...Go to and type in Jason Williams highlights, I bet you never seen a white dude ball so hard...He was one of the sickest passers I've ever seen...and he lays clean shots all day...let's not forget guys are really underestimating the heat...but it's all good, I'll be back on here to rub it in when they win...I'm out, PEACE...

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    Heat got lucky last game


  32. #32
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    the heat are on fire and both teams are good am not going to say that we are going to whoop the mavs, but both teams are great the heat just step it up way more when they need to...its going to come down to who wants it more and who plays more D. if the heat keep it up were going to take it...LETS GO HEAT

  33. #33
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    2-2 thats how we do it! The Heat came out strong and stayed that way all night. Just gotta keep that momentum going so we can take two more. pfft mavs are the better team?? yeah they're the better team in the "west" so far in the finals its about even. all comes down to best out of 3.

  34. #34
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    Notice how the Heat actually play better is Shaq is OFF the floor? They can get some fast breaks and keep up with the Mav's speed instead of waiting for the 320lb dinosour to run up the court, lol.

    The Heat have some great players, quite a few. Mavs have some talent and the best coach in the leage. Avery is amazing and does a great job having his guys adjust.

    Remember the last time Dirk had a poor game though...he came back and had a 50 point game.

    I don't really like either team, so don't care who wins.

    Next year I want to see Cleveland and the Heat play though. I want to see who does better in a Wade Vs. Lebron show down.

  35. #35
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    The Heat dominated from beginning to end, Haslem and Posey have done a phenomenal job defending Dirk, 2 of 14, thats an embarassing stat. The Mavs CANNOT stop Wade, they just can't. PLUS we made a few sloppy turnovers in the 3rd, if not it wouldve been a 30 point blowout. The media and the Mavs were quick to discredit the Heat after they dropped a quick two, but now its all even. All the Heat have to do is win Sunday (and ill be there) then win one of two over at Dallas. Heat in 7.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by likewize
    I don't care what anybody says...I saw the game last night...the mavs struggled...It was hilarious...Watching that big ugly ogar (Nowitski) miss shot after shot...The heat straight up shitted on the mavs...maintaining a 10 point lead for the entire game, and then winning by almost 30 in the end...---NOW THAT IS AN ASS WHOOPING---And to say that the heat only have 2 good players...Go to and type in Jason Williams highlights, I bet you never seen a white dude ball so hard...He was one of the sickest passers I've ever seen...and he lays clean shots all day...let's not forget guys are really underestimating the heat...but it's all good, I'll be back on here to rub it in when they win...I'm out, PEACE...
    thats what I have been saying the whole time.. Im just gunna wait until they win and then i'll talk some more.. lol

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat

    I know swole..hahaha.. lucky he says.. beat them by almost 30 and this guy is calling it luck..

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg
    Notice how the Heat actually play better is Shaq is OFF the floor? They can get some fast breaks and keep up with the Mav's speed instead of waiting for the 320lb dinosour to run up the court, lol.

    The Heat have some great players, quite a few. Mavs have some talent and the best coach in the leage. Avery is amazing and does a great job having his guys adjust.

    Remember the last time Dirk had a poor game though...he came back and had a 50 point game.
    I don't really like either team, so don't care who wins.

    Next year I want to see Cleveland and the Heat play though. I want to see who does better in a Wade Vs. Lebron show down.
    People keep saying that and its so stupid ,no offense.. your telling me everytime hes going to have a bad game we need to watch out bc hes going to have another 50 point game?!?!?! lol.. nowitzki did not even have over five 50 point games in his carreer and your telling me the HEAT which has MUCH better defense than the suns should be worried.. I dont think dirk had one AMAZING game yet this whole series.. not even a good one expect maybe one game..

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    what do you consider a good matchup? pistons vs spurs.. been like that for 3 years.. the BEST teams make it to the finals.. and why not concentrate on the stars? Who should you concentrate on, the bench players? I dont know where you getting not enough emphasis on good teams... these playoffs have been one of the best in many years..
    I'm not talking about the finals, if the Spurs had made the finals I would have puked. And no I don't want them to concentrate on the bench. For example earlier in the season there was a finals rematch Pistons vs. Spurs, and that same day Heat vs. Lakers, or should I say Shaq vs. Kobe. The only thing the NBA or anyone else was talking about was the Heat-Laker game. I will admit this is an interesting game, but in the end it doesn't matter, they're in differfent conferences. The Pistons-Spurs game was a game that would show who is the best this year, and is a good match-up, but no one was talking about that game, and that is my point.

  40. #40
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    The conferences have no relevance on the actual FINAL, in which the Heat have totally taken Dirk out of the game. They need to rely on Terry (who is amazing btw) to take over. Like I said before, Heat in 7. Dirk will never score 50 against the Heat, not even 40. Btw, dirk has gone 23-64 in the series.

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