Ok so im watchn the tv and i see this guy they're interviewing and he's talking about he has no job, no girlfriend, no goals, he still lives with his parents and hes 36!! He does nothing with his life!! So as they're interviewing him i find out he lives not even a minute from my house. For the next 6 months hes staying in his house and taking orders from people who send them via his website and you can watch him do stupid shit on tv. He's got cameras on him 24/7, you even get to see his 2 weekly therapy sesssions.
I was laughn my ass off, especially that this shit is going on literally like a block away from my house. So i was thinking if i break in his house and beat the crap outta him, you guys can watch on his website..
its prob funnier to me because i right by him but go check it out.