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Thread: My sister is Stupid.....Dating wrong guy..HELP 911

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    My sister is Stupid.....Dating wrong guy..HELP 911

    oK brothus... I have a little sister that just turn 18. She started dating this guy that my first impression about him was (I don't know if I can trust this guy). Then I found out that he has some missdiminer criminal background. Last saturday, they went to a graduation party and one of my friends told me a lot of stuff about him.

    1) he was driving like a maniac while my lil sister was with him-accident could happen

    2) he had a bag of weed with him-she could go to jail along with him
    3) he mention to some one that he could of brought some cocaine also-MORE DEEP $HIT....

    I don't want to tell my dad because he has diabetis (could get real sick) so I am trying to fix it my self. She needs to find someone else. How can i do this.

    Thanks bruthas.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    How old are you?

    My sister did the same thing when she was 18, she got into the wrong crowd and messed herself up for a few years but shes doing great now.

    I'd say, just sit her down and talk to her about how, you were once that kids age, and he has no good intentions for her, and that "You are who your friends are" statement is true, and explain to her that he is a peice of trash and being associated with him, people will think shes a peice of trash also...
    im not saying she is, but unfortunately other ppl wont know that

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Its mandatory to post a pic of Sis before any advice is given..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    How old are you?

    My sister did the same thing when she was 18, she got into the wrong crowd and messed herself up for a few years but shes doing great now.

    I'd say, just sit her down and talk to her about how, you were once that kids age, and he has no good intentions for her, and that "You are who your friends are" statement is true, and explain to her that he is a peice of trash and being associated with him, people will think shes a peice of trash also...
    im not saying she is, but unfortunately other ppl wont know that

    24, he is 18

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks
    Its mandatory to post a pic of Sis before any advice is given..

    bro I serious.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Punk the mother fvcker. Id be kickin ass, and takin names later. Hes riskin your sisters life, fvck that litle bitch.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Bro she prolly doesnt even like him, She's just doing it for Fun.

    So if u talk to her how bad he is blah blah blah...
    U're gonna be taking the wrong approach and you're just gonna piss her off, and she'll got out n see him, n tell him how anal her whole family is.. giving the loser even more control over her, cause she'll be even more reliant on him, because she's gonna try n avoid her family.

    Your best bet is to date your own sister (i dont really mean that, but i hope u can figure out what i really do mean)
    I'm hoping u do fun stuff too.. so take her out with your friends to clubs etc.. do stuff that this crackhead can't match...

    U piss off the crackhead, he's gonna be spazzin out on her, she's gonna get freaked out by him, n dump his insecure anal ass...

    OR.. tell her u wanna hang out with her and the guy, take him to some club or whatever, and hopefully u got the skillz to make him look like a complete fool infront of your sister.
    Last edited by Pooks; 06-20-2006 at 09:54 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    wow, i have a little sister, drink most guys under the table, then kick thier asses..

    with my 2 daughters, i just straight up told them i didn't much care for the guys, and they never lasted.. i never never never told them they couldn't see the guy...

    just that i didn't approve of them because of ******* and yes they are both married, yes i approved of thier spouses, one grandchild on the ground, one on the way..

    I'm 46 by the way
    The answer to your every question


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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Yeah dude you can always just be the tough guy and punk his ass.... I think that'd be sweet, because then if your sister gets pissed at you, tell her its for her own good and its tough love

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Well my family is leaving this weekend to Chicago for two weeks so she will not be here and this is my plan. I work at the courthouse, I know the sheriff department really good, I was thinking for the next two weeks I was trying to get him busted that way she will realized the consequences. Then I would talk to her. If I can't do it for the next two weeks. I don't want to get to violent part yet but If I need do I will after they come back. What do you guys think of this.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by MAJOR25
    Well my family is leaving this weekend to Chicago for two weeks so she will not be here and this is my plan. I work at the courthouse, I know the sheriff department really good, I was thinking for the next two weeks I was trying to get him busted that way she will realized the consequences. Then I would talk to her. If I can't do it for the next two weeks. I don't want to get to violent part yet but If I need do I will after they come back. What do you guys think of this.
    Nah I wouldnt do that. Firts thing I would tell her she needs to stop seeing him ASAP. Tell her she is in danger and its for her own good blah blah blah. She probably wont listen, so then you just gotta go tell sick boy that he cant see your sister anymore.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536
    Nah I wouldnt do that. Firts thing I would tell her she needs to stop seeing him ASAP. Tell her she is in danger and its for her own good blah blah blah. She probably wont listen, so then you just gotta go tell sick boy that he cant see your sister anymore.

    Yep she will not listen. Then I will take action .

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by MAJOR25
    Well my family is leaving this weekend to Chicago for two weeks so she will not be here and this is my plan. I work at the courthouse, I know the sheriff department really good, I was thinking for the next two weeks I was trying to get him busted that way she will realized the consequences. Then I would talk to her. If I can't do it for the next two weeks. I don't want to get to violent part yet but If I need do I will after they come back. What do you guys think of this.
    Handle this yourself like a real man, Sheriff Dept? WTF?? LOL

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    i had a simailar thing when i was 18. my siter was 24 at the time and dating some waster in his late 20's, so i followed him to the toilet in the bar the one night and erm... talked him out of seeing my sister again.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    It's about time you let those hard earned muscles talk. Try scaring him, without necessarily being violent.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    nah balls to that people like that will just surround thenselfs with hard guys. what you got to do is show him that he aint hard enought and none of his hard mates are either. he will call it a day then

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Once you get the police or sheriff's office involved in your live; you'll be theirs forever. Don't even think of stuff like that. Be a MAN or be a boy.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Let's look at the info (which is all hearsay BTW.) He has a misdemeanor. Do you know what it's for? It isn't a felony. It could be for something stupid like getting into a barfight. In fact, I was one of the only people in my military unit that DIDN'T have a criminal record. He smokes weed. Oh' no! Not that! Big deal. There are a lot of good people that smoke reefer. It doesn't make you a bad person even though it does make you a criminal (but so do steroids.) Someone told you that he mentioned to them could possibly have purchased some cocaine. Sounds really reliable...

    Your sister is free to date whoever the hell she wants. It really isn't your business to take control of the situation. You can talk to her and tell her how you feel but making any actions without her consent will probably drive her further away from you. Like it or not she is in a RELATIONSHIP with this guy. It's really not your place to come into her relationship and tell her what to do.

    Just tell your sister you don't like him and don't approve. She will make the right decision if she's smart, even if the right decision isn't the one that you want...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    24 yr old dating an 18 yr old..

    Age difference is pretty big..

    i'm cool with age gaps, but not when people are still teenagers...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    Once you get the police or sheriff's office involved in your live; you'll be theirs forever. Don't even think of stuff like that. Be a MAN or be a boy.
    hell yeah dude dont be a sneaky snitch about it...come onnnnn scare the shieet out of him or warn him that he better not fvck around or youll slap him around simple as that

    and to mizfit he is 24 his sister is 18 and i believe that the boyfriend is 18 as well just give him a good shove up against the wall and get in his face if he gets smart headbutt him hurts so bad

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Let's look at the info (which is all hearsay BTW.) He has a misdemeanor. Do you know what it's for? It isn't a felony. It could be for something stupid like getting into a barfight. In fact, I was one of the only people in my military unit that DIDN'T have a criminal record. He smokes weed. Oh' no! Not that! Big deal. There are a lot of good people that smoke reefer. It doesn't make you a bad person even though it does make you a criminal (but so do steroids.) Someone told you that he mentioned to them could possibly have purchased some cocaine. Sounds really reliable...

    Your sister is free to date whoever the hell she wants. It really isn't your business to take control of the situation. You can talk to her and tell her how you feel but making any actions without her consent will probably drive her further away from you. Like it or not she is in a RELATIONSHIP with this guy. It's really not your place to come into her relationship and tell her what to do.

    Just tell your sister you don't like him and don't approve. She will make the right decision if she's smart, even if the right decision isn't the one that you want...

    count1)--he punched his mom.--jail
    count2)--got cought with reefer before he was 17--jail
    count3)--he fought some little kid when he was 17 because his ex cheated on him.--jail for 2 weeks.

    It is my place to tell her who to date. if I didn't care I would say fuk it. I don't give a fuk of the possible consequences but I would hate to see my sister's criminal file on my desk. I'm not taking a chance of this $hit happening. FUK THAT I'M FUKING MAD NOW. I JUST FEEL LIKE BEATING THE $HIT OUT OF THIS FUK FACE. I CAN'T WAIT UNTILL I GET OFF WORK!!!!!!!!!!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks
    Handle this yourself like a real man, Sheriff Dept? WTF?? LOL


  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Enough already. Pay for my plane ticket and Ill take care of it for you. Problem solved in 5 minutes, or your order is free.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    central valley CA
    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536
    Enough already. Pay for my plane ticket and Ill take care of it for you. Problem solved in 5 minutes, or your order is free.
    ya no shit. the guy gets his ass beat within inches of death. he learns a lesson. your problem gets taken care of, jdawg gets a vacation. everyone wins.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    bro i have a sister 3 years younger then me. ive gone through this sooo many times. dudes had to pick her up in different cars because they would be affraid of me waiting outside for them. one thing i learned tho is to not try to control every situation. all you can do is remind her of how bad he is for her and thats all. if you try to punk him, and go crazy then the dude is gonna be extra nice to her to piss you off and shes going to stick with him.. shes 18 she will realize soon that he is still a child and needs to grow up. she will get bored of it hopefully and move on.

  26. #26
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    central valley CA
    Quote Originally Posted by anaBROLIC
    bro i have a sister 3 years younger then me. ive gone through this sooo many times. dudes had to pick her up in different cars because they would be affraid of me waiting outside for them. one thing i learned tho is to not try to control every situation. all you can do is remind her of how bad he is for her and thats all. if you try to punk him, and go crazy then the dude is gonna be extra nice to her to piss you off and shes going to stick with him.. shes 18 she will realize soon that he is still a child and needs to grow up. she will get bored of it hopefully and move on.
    my sister is 26.... im still waiting for her to grow outta that shit. she only goes for these gangster wanna be pieces of dog sh*t. im 22, been fightin these guys since i was 13. ive gotten right hand broken at the knuckle 3 times.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    well there are exceptions. i have a 27 year old sister as well and she still makes really dumb decisions. she dont mess with dudes that get into trouble, she just falls for assholes and jerks..

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    central valley CA
    yep, thats why im not havin a daughter. id have to kill a mother f**ker.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Santa Rosa, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by MAJOR25
    I'm not taking a chance of this $hit happening. FUK THAT I'M FUKING MAD NOW. I JUST FEEL LIKE BEATING THE $HIT OUT OF THIS FUK FACE. I CAN'T WAIT UNTILL I GET OFF WORK!!!!!!!!!!
    I sounds like you have a plan which will take care of the whole situation.

    Kick his ass badly and just when he thinks that he's got the worst of it kick his ass again. After he is beat down and thinks he's seen the worst of it. Call the police and make something up to have him arrested.

    He has a long criminal record and you don't so if LE gets involved they will most definitely take your side.

    I have a little sister who is 26 now and I had to do something similar once, she was mad at the time, but now years later she looks back on this and thanks me for what I did.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by toofatbuilder
    yep, thats why im not havin a daughter. id have to kill a mother f**ker.
    Amen to that.

    BTW, if you beat this dude's ass Major, you might be sharing a jail cell with him some time in the future. How often has violence solved ANYONES problems?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I have 2 minutes till 5:00 I'm out to fix shit up. laters brothus

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Santa Rosa, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by MAJOR25
    I have 2 minutes till 5:00 I'm out to fix shit up. laters brothus
    Kick some ass amigo!!!

    And be sure to tell us how it goes man.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The Bay, California
    id just knock him out in front of her.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    in a hole
    heres wut u do.....
    he comes over.....
    ask him to help u in the kitchen....
    pull out ur 9....sodomize him.....make him ur bitch. the end

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    all up in yo' buttho'
    i dunno where you're from but driving crazy with weed and coke is pretty much standard weekend shit in my neck of the woods. i wouldn't worry.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    Quote Originally Posted by MAJOR25
    oK brothus... I have a little sister that just turn 18. She started dating this guy that my first impression about him was (I don't know if I can trust this guy). Then I found out that he has some missdiminer criminal background. Last saturday, they went to a graduation party and one of my friends told me a lot of stuff about him.

    1) he was driving like a maniac while my lil sister was with him-accident could happen

    2) he had a bag of weed with him-she could go to jail along with him
    3) he mention to some one that he could of brought some cocaine also-MORE DEEP $HIT....

    I don't want to tell my dad because he has diabetis (could get real sick) so I am trying to fix it my self. She needs to find someone else. How can i do this.

    Thanks bruthas.
    tell him you got some good coke, lace it with rat poison.. problem fixed.

    but serious, although she is your sister sometimes people have to learn the hard way, blood or not. assuming you've sat her down, gave her the big brother talk, smacked the shit out of her (and him), and threatened her life first.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    i'd tell the guy that if he is alright as long as he takes care of my sister and doesn't let anything happen to her.
    If he puts a foot out of line, he's a deadman

  38. #38
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Watch the film "uncle Buck" and memorise the "I'll just get my chainsaw from the trunk" scene....

    Classic way to scare the sh*t out of him.

    Remember, if he's scared of the cnsequences, no sh*t will happen

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Tell him to **** OFF! And tell your genius sister to pull her head out of her ass.
    Why ask us? You know what you have to do. Shit, call the cops on him if you know he has coke or weed on him. Next time you see him in front of your house.. call the cops and say "yes there is someone across the street, and he's been comming around here a lot lately.. He is most definately selling drugs. This needs to stop. You better send someone over here before i take a bat and beat the ****ing shit out of him." When the cops come, have your sister in the house. They'll search his car and bust his retarded ass. ****ing loser!

  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2006
    not were I want to be,YET
    Quote Originally Posted by MAJOR25
    oK brothus... I have a little sister that just turn 18. She started dating this guy that my first impression about him was (I don't know if I can trust this guy). Then I found out that he has some missdiminer criminal background. Last saturday, they went to a graduation party and one of my friends told me a lot of stuff about him.

    1) he was driving like a maniac while my lil sister was with him-accident could happen

    2) he had a bag of weed with him-she could go to jail along with him
    3) he mention to some one that he could of brought some cocaine also-MORE DEEP $HIT....

    I don't want to tell my dad because he has diabetis (could get real sick) so I am trying to fix it my self. She needs to find someone else. How can i do this.

    Thanks bruthas.

    Its a really hard place to be go to far and you ll push them together, do nothing and she could end up getting in trouble, either way good luck hope it gets sorted

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