What the fvck is wrong with them?
Supposedly this is some Sacret Heart Memorial Diet... if you followed this diet, people would probably have to pray for you
Here is the hogwash
Its a 7 day meal-plan to help you lose (and keep off) up to 15lbs/week.The key feature of this diet is the ability to eat as much as you want. The hitch - as much SOUP as you want. Overall its an effective diet.
Soup: 1 or 2 cdands diced tomatoes
6 large green onions
1 large can of beef broth (no fat)
1 pkg. of Lipton Soup Mix (i.e chicken noodle or onion)
1 bunch of celery
2 cans of green beans
2 green peppers
2 lbs. carrots
Cut veggies into small to medium pieces. Cover with water. Boil fast for 10 minutes. Add the canned tomatoe and can of beef broth. Reduce to a simmer and continue cooking until veggies are tender. If desired, season with salt, pepper, curry, parsley, boullon (Bovril) or hot sauce (Worcestershire).
This soup can be eaten anytime you are hungry during the week; eat as much as you want; whenever you want. this soup will not add calories. the more you eat the more you will lose! Fill a thermos in the morning if you will be away during the day.
Your drinks: Unsweetened juice, tea (also herbal), coffee, cranberry juice, skim milk... WATER. LOTS OF WATER.
Day 1: Fruit day. You can eat any fruit (except bananas). Cantaloupe and watermelon are lower in calories than most other fruits. Eat only soup and fruit today.
Day 2: Vegetables day. All vegetables included. Eat until you are stuffed with raw, cooked or canned veggies. Try to eat green leafy veggies and stay away from dry beans, peas and corn. Eat veggies along with the soup. At dinnertime tonight reward yourself with a baked potato and butter! Do not eat ANY fruits today though.
Day 3: Eat all the soup, fruit and veggies you want. Do not have a baked potato. If you have eaten as above for three days and not cheated, you should find that you have lost 5 to 7 lbs!
Day 4: Bananas and skim milk: eat atleast 3 bananas and drink as much milk as you can today, along with the soup. Bananas are high in calories and carbs, as is the milk, but on this particular day your body will need the potassium and carbs, proteins and calium to lessen the craving for sweets.
Day 5: Beef and tomatoes: you may have 10 to 20 ounces of beef and a can of tomatoes, or as many as 6 tomatoes in this day. Eat the soup at least once today.
Day 6: Beef and veggies: eat to your heart's content of the beef and veggies today. you can even have 2 to 3 steaks today if you like with green leafy veggies but no potato. Be sure to eat the soup at least once today.
Day 7: Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice and veggies: again be sure to stuff yourself and eat the soup. You can add cooked veggies to your rice if you wish.
I was told by some girl that she actualy did this diet and she was bedridden for a month but she still lost weight - probably a lot of muscle mass as well -but after she went back to her regular diet her weight rebounded back to original levels. How can people be so ill informed?