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  1. #1
    beuleux's Avatar
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    scrawny teenagers in the gym

    dont get me wrong ive nothing against slightly built teenagers working out after all we all gotta start somewhere right, but when they do one half arsed set every half hour and sit on the bench or station looking at the floor to shy to even look at anyone in-between sets so no one else can use it... u ask them if they mind if u use it while they rest and suddenly they cant give it to u fast enough like ur some big bully taking off them, so u try and reasure them by making a friendly comment or joke and then they are even more scared of u cos they think ur some old fag hitting on them, and then they grab thier kit and go never to be seen again, it makes u wonder wtf theyre even doing there in the first place, gyms should have instructions for scrawny kids to read or a scrawny kid patrol with tazars, u gat a couple of scrawny kids in it can make ur workout drag on an extra couple of days, just thought id share this thought with everyone.. every gym has them lol

  2. #2
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    nothin wrong..gotta start somewhere... everyone is like that until they absorb the proper technique and such

  3. #3
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I use the eliptical trainer and "people watch" while I listen to my music and do my cardio. It's hilarious to see all of the bonafide morons of ALL ages who have no idea what they are doing, and most of them are on the verge of really hurting themselves. I wonder why they even bother going there at all when they are doing what they are doing.


  4. #4
    toofatbuilder's Avatar
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    when i first started if i was resting i would get off a machine if someone elce wanted to use it. i usually took the time to see how they do it.... make sure i was doing it

  5. #5
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    It's not the people that truly "don't know" that I shake my head at and talk shit about in my head. It's the cocky SOB's that THINK they know what they are doing, are trying to tell others what to do, are doing some whack ass shit, only train arms and chest, never do legs, wears JEANS in the gym (I really HATE THAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!), and walk around at 140 lbs. with their wife-beaters on.

    F*cking idiots....


  6. #6
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    This is the dumbest thread ever. Skinny people start out in the gym usually because they have low self esteem. The usual perception is that people in the gym must be 'big'. So these guys must be saying to themselves 'Man i must look like a total tool in here'.

  7. #7
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    There are skinny beginners then there are skinny tools who have been on beginner status for years.


  8. #8
    elite2kr is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    There are skinny beginners then there are skinny tools who have been on beginner status for years.


    I hate the tools you speak of. Its like they have the same exact workout every time i see them in the gym, not even a weight increase and im thinking wtf

  9. #9
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    There are skinny beginners then there are skinny tools who have been on beginner status for years.

    Exactly. I don't have a problem with a skinny kid trying to learn and better himself. Wanting to get better, wanting to do things the right way. However, I have a problem with the skinny kids that think they are Ronnie Coleman and show off in front of their friends, act like hardasses...etc.

  10. #10
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    I hate skinny kids in wife beaters. Seriously if you just started there is no need for the wife-beater. I feel embarssed to look at them.

  11. #11
    elite2kr is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    I hate skinny kids in wife beaters. Seriously if you just started there is no need for the wife-beater. I feel embarssed to look at them.
    or underarmor for that matter, god i hate that

  12. #12
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Yeah, I am all for teens and beginners getting in there and adopting the lifestyle, etc. But hell, at least have a solid plan of attack, know how to eat to gain or lose, etc. I see the same fat ass people who have been fat as f*ck for years, still on the treadmills.....I wonder WTF??? Might as well just go home and eat cheetos and say f*ck it because whatever you are doing ain't workin'!!! Also, the same guys who have been the same f*cking size for like 5 years. Obviously, your diet is lacking, or do they lift and use gym time to just stay the same???

    I don't get it, I really don't. But, for those beginners and youngsters who are out to improve and do it RIGHT, go for it and do it BIG!


  13. #13
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Yeah, I am all for teens and beginners getting in there and adopting the lifestyle, etc. But hell, at least have a solid plan of attack, know how to eat to gain or lose, etc. I see the same fat ass people who have been fat as f*ck for years, still on the treadmills.....I wonder WTF??? Might as well just go home and eat cheetos and say f*ck it because whatever you are doing ain't workin'!!! Also, the same guys who have been the same f*cking size for like 5 years. Obviously, your diet is lacking, or do they lift and use gym time to just stay the same???

    I don't get it, I really don't. But, for those beginners and youngsters who are out to improve and do it RIGHT, go for it and do it BIG!

    Yeah, those are the kinna people that have trainers at the gym next to them while doing their 3x a week cardio..then they go home and eat 2 gallons of ice cream.

  14. #14
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
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    Man we're bitchin about the same kind of people in this thread and in the t- nation thread!

  15. #15
    chest6's Avatar
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    Oh damn I just realized that. Well..thats how much fatties bother me

  16. #16
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I use the eliptical trainer and "people watch" while I listen to my music and do my cardio. It's hilarious to see all of the bonafide morons of ALL ages who have no idea what they are doing, and most of them are on the verge of really hurting themselves. I wonder why they even bother going there at all when they are doing what they are doing.

    that is some funny shit, because i do the same thing and prob know about 1/1millionth of what you do, so i can only imagine what goes through your head.

  17. #17
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    that is some funny shit, because i do the same thing and prob know about 1/1millionth of what you do, so i can only imagine what goes through your head.
    Nah, if that's u in your avatar, u are doing something right!


  18. #18
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Nah, if that's u in your avatar, u are doing something right!

    ahh ok a litte bit right.. you on the other hand (we need bigger emoticons)
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 06-24-2006 at 09:41 PM.

  19. #19
    LetsGetItOn's Avatar
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    Man I remember when I couldn't even lift the bar I was so weak and skinny. Never gave up and have come a long long way, lol. When I see those kids in there lost I know that if they stick with it most will learn eventually...may take awhile.

  20. #20
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    The kids at my gym follow behind me from station to station doing EXACTLY what I do. Cept for leg day. They stand around with their mouth wide open watching how much I press or squat. That's as close as they get to training legs. Watching me do it.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  21. #21
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    id do the same thing /\ /\
    .. lets all follow Carlos

  22. #22
    daytrader's Avatar
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    OMGGG.... THIS thread just brought back a memory of the FUNNIEST shit anyof you would of seen... when i was in HS all thek ids in my area worked out at the Police athletic leauge.... i shit you not this kid maybe 16 17 loads of the leg press with about 6 plates on each side(a MONSTER load if you saw how small this kid was)... he walks out of the gym(figured he went to the bathroom)... comes back 5 mins later with about 6 of his boys... in a effort to impress him he unlocks the weight... brings it about a inch down and losses control of the weight... shit goes down into his knees b4 all his buddys have to grab it off of him to save his ass.... i dont think ill ever witness something like that again

  23. #23
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    The kids at my gym follow behind me from station to station doing EXACTLY what I do. Cept for leg day. They stand around with their mouth wide open watching how much I press or squat. That's as close as they get to training legs. Watching me do it.

    Hey carlos. You got a trainer partner now or training Partners. LOL

  24. #24
    JAYROD's Avatar
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    gettin lucky in kentucky
    i was one of those scrawny kid's when i started lifting at the age of 22 weighing 130lbs at 6'1'' but i was the kid who read every bit of weight training information i could get my hands on and ask questions to all the big f*ckers who were kind enough to help me out. i always think of the nice guys who offered their knowledge to me and now what little i know i gladly share with those kids because some of 'em have desire and heart they just don't know what they are doing yet.

  25. #25
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    Hey carlos. You got a trainer partner now or training Partners. LOL
    My training partners never stick. They last a week or two or don't show up. I *might* start training with Luciana again. That's the Brazilian woman who squats 405. We talked about it last Thursday. If you guys like women with big muscular legs and ass you would love her!
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  26. #26
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAYROD
    i was one of those scrawny kid's when i started lifting at the age of 22 weighing 130lbs at 6'1'' but i was the kid who read every bit of weight training information i could get my hands on and ask questions to all the big f*ckers who were kind enough to help me out. i always think of the nice guys who offered their knowledge to me and now what little i know i gladly share with those kids because some of 'em have desire and heart they just don't know what they are doing yet.
    Yeah, I'm happy to help if kids are nice and want to learn..A few weeks back some kid was askin questions but I got too in depth and it was slowin down my workout..

  27. #27
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    This is the dumbest thread ever. Skinny people start out in the gym usually because they have low self esteem. The usual perception is that people in the gym must be 'big'. So these guys must be saying to themselves 'Man i must look like a total tool in here'.
    That's me. I know that I have low self esteme, and I go to the gym to make myself feel better. When I see improvements, it makes me feel better about my body physically.

    Yeah, I do feel like a tool most of the time I'm at the gym. But you have to start somewhere.

  28. #28
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I use the eliptical trainer and "people watch" while I listen to my music and do my cardio. It's hilarious to see all of the bonafide morons of ALL ages who have no idea what they are doing, and most of them are on the verge of really hurting themselves. I wonder why they even bother going there at all when they are doing what they are doing.

    LOL, I think they go there to see YOU swole!

  29. #29
    PeteyK's Avatar
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    NO, what pisses me off is when there are girls in the gym (not that part) and some little teenager tries to show off for them with some bullsh*t curl rep of as much as they can do.

  30. #30
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    All i know is that my attitude towards myself, and actually having a goal I would like to reach is what I look at. The fact that i enjoy playing sports, and appreciate my body is all i care about. I don't feel embarassed if i see a bigger guy, because:

    1. im cooler, always will be
    2 im having fun
    3 im doing something A LOT of other people aren't even attempting.

    in anycase, one should lift for themselves, and stop worrying about what other people think of them. Those other people aren't perfect, who are they to judge?


  31. #31
    PeteyK's Avatar
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    one time some kid tried to max out on bench more than he could do to to show off for some girls and he dropped the wait on his chest and couldnt get it off. Me being the good person i am got off the treadmill and helped him.

  32. #32
    beuleux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    This is the dumbest thread ever. Skinny people start out in the gym usually because they have low self esteem. The usual perception is that people in the gym must be 'big'. So these guys must be saying to themselves 'Man i must look like a total tool in here'.
    c'mon there must be dumber threads than this... i never said i hated these skinny kids they just piss me off sometimes and i do try to help them where i can... makes u wonder wtf the instructors do for thier money cos the skinny kids have paid for a proper induction and if they are mincing around doing not much then an instructor should be helping them not other members

    somebody help me out... what are "wife beaters"?

  33. #33
    helium3's Avatar
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    s@@t,i was at the gym once and the owners son came in(about 12years old)and as we were warming up he shouted over in all seriousness "you should be spotting your partner" the cheaky little f@@k(i had 100lbs on the bar),i had to come back with something so i said,dont worry son just warming up with little girls weights.twat!

  34. #34
    helium3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    dont get me wrong ive nothing against slightly built teenagers working out after all we all gotta start somewhere right, but when they do one half arsed set every half hour and sit on the bench or station looking at the floor to shy to even look at anyone in-between sets so no one else can use it... u ask them if they mind if u use it while they rest and suddenly they cant give it to u fast enough like ur some big bully taking off them, so u try and reasure them by making a friendly comment or joke and then they are even more scared of u cos they think ur some old fag hitting on them, and then they grab thier kit and go never to be seen again, it makes u wonder wtf theyre even doing there in the first place, gyms should have instructions for scrawny kids to read or a scrawny kid patrol with tazars, u gat a couple of scrawny kids in it can make ur workout drag on an extra couple of days, just thought id share this thought with everyone.. every gym has them lol

    that is one funny post,but have to say i was one of those paranoid little kids once,its natural to feel intimidated by some huge meat head.

  35. #35
    LetsGetItOn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAYROD
    i was one of those scrawny kid's when i started lifting at the age of 22 weighing 130lbs at 6'1'' but i was the kid who read every bit of weight training information i could get my hands on and ask questions to all the big f*ckers who were kind enough to help me out. i always think of the nice guys who offered their knowledge to me and now what little i know i gladly share with those kids because some of 'em have desire and heart they just don't know what they are doing yet.
    Man good post, definately agree. I was 6ft 135lbs in my Junior yr in HS and have come quite away as well. What are your stats now, judging that is you in your avatar you look pretty damn good.

  36. #36
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    This is the dumbest thread ever. Skinny people start out in the gym usually because they have low self esteem. The usual perception is that people in the gym must be 'big'. So these guys must be saying to themselves 'Man i must look like a total tool in here'.
    i concur 100%

  37. #37
    beuleux's Avatar
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    hey taiboxa, big K stop bullying me u guys with ur 1000's more posts than me lol... still waiting for someone to hit on me

  38. #38
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    My training partners never stick. They last a week or two or don't show up. I *might* start training with Luciana again. That's the Brazilian woman who squats 405. We talked about it last Thursday. If you guys like women with big muscular legs and ass you would love her!

    ...hmmm how does her face look?

  39. #39
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    dont get me wrong ive nothing against slightly built teenagers working out after all we all gotta start somewhere right, but when they do one half arsed set every half hour and sit on the bench or station looking at the floor to shy to even look at anyone in-between sets so no one else can use it... u ask them if they mind if u use it while they rest and suddenly they cant give it to u fast enough like ur some big bully taking off them, so u try and reasure them by making a friendly comment or joke and then they are even more scared of u cos they think ur some old fag hitting on them, and then they grab thier kit and go never to be seen again, it makes u wonder wtf theyre even doing there in the first place, gyms should have instructions for scrawny kids to read or a scrawny kid patrol with tazars, u gat a couple of scrawny kids in it can make ur workout drag on an extra couple of days, just thought id share this thought with everyone.. every gym has them lol

    you wanna gat the scrawny ass kids?

    haha, thats funny. i can only imagine how theyd ract if you pulled out a pistol and started shooting at them.

    i dont mind scrawny kids if they dont go around with an attitude, but i hate the little bastards that think they are bad ass cause they got 12.5 inch arms.

  40. #40
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    scrawny kid patrol, HAHAHA. I could see that - having a team of bouncers at the gym with cattle prods, marching around zapping people who just take up space.

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