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Thread: Things A Real Man Should Never Do...

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    LOL.. So your not the ---> I thought you were. LOL

    no, she is. shes just got other sides to her too

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    its a term for a guy who really cares about his physical appearance

    really? thats me f@@ked then.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    good looks is great,good body is great,but good looks and good body now thats a winning combination,the ladies love it.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by helium3
    good looks is great,good body is great,but good looks and good body now thats a winning combination,the ladies love it.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    theres nothing wrong with caring about your physical appearance. damn near all of the guys here could technically be labeled as metro.... i mean, were all workout addicts and juice heads right?

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    i think a real man should never hurt a female, a child or an animal.

    i suppose hunting is ok as long as you eat whatever you kill
    i agree 100%

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by helium3
    good looks is great,good body is great,but good looks and good body now thats a winning combination,the ladies love it.

    haha, yea i know

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    a man should be man enough to admit when hes wrong!

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    i think instead of carrying a knife, you should carry a .44 mag revolver. thats a mans gun for sure
    BS!!!! Get yourself a .50 Magnum by s&w..

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Wear Pink.
    Pick up Tampoons.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Wear Pink.
    Pick up Tampoons.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by Rookie1974
    BS!!!! Get yourself a .50 Magnum by s&w..

    arent those actually .55 caliber?

    damn that would hurt

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    Found this for you boys too

    Things a Man Should Never Do After the Age of 30

    1. Use the word party as a verb.

    2. Shots.

    3. Body shots.

    4. Jell-O shots. Especially Jell-O shots.

    5. Read a book with the words Zen and the Art of in the title.

    6. Do impressions of Austin Powers characters, especially Dr. Evil.

    7. Help friends move.

    8. Ask friends to help you move.

    9. Crash on a friend's floor or couch.

    10. Refer to breasts as "chesticles."

    11. Experiment with facial hair.

    12. Let your underpants show above your jeans or below your shorts.

    13. Apply paint to your face for any reason at all.

    14. Own beer-drinking paraphernalia.

    15. Own a skull bong.

    16. Know the names of the current Real World cast.

    17. Remove your shirt in public—unless there is sand and a large body of water nearby.

    18. Use the word dude, except when referring to a ranch or a well-dressed Englishman.

    19. Use the word dawg in a sentence when referring to a friend or, worse, yourself.

    20. Own a futon.

    21. Own a beanbag chair.

    22. Hang art framelessly.

    23. Hang tapestries.

    24. Drink malternative beverages.

    25. Don a puka-bead necklace.

    26. Google ex-girlfriends.

    27. Break up with a girlfriend by e-mail.

    28. Engage in pranks involving airborne food.

    29. Own a Lava lamp.

    30. Pool hop.

    31. Live with someone you don't sleep with.

    32. Share a hotel room with someone you don't sleep with.

    33. Play fantasy sports.

    34. Divide a restaurant bill with a friend in any way other than 50-50.

    35. Sleep past 10:30.

    36. Refer to a woman's genitalia as her "nappy dugout."

    37. Cook exclusively on a George Foreman grill.

    38. Wear a jersey with the name of a professional athlete on the back.

    39. Employ any other pickup line besides "Hi, my name is _____. What's yours?"

    40. Listen to Pink Floyd.

    41. Use Internet acronyms, especially ROFL and LOL.

    42. Shave any part of your body except your face.

    43. Enjoy Jerry Bruckheimer movies.

    44. Run with the bulls in Pamplona.

    45. Attend Mardi Gras, Carnaval, or Burning Man.

    46. Own a fish tank.

    47. Fall asleep in public.

    48. Call drugs by their street names (e.g., junk, smack, or whitebag).

    49. Pick a fistfight by thrusting out your neck, flexing, and screaming, "It's go time!"

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    owning a fish tank isnt manly?

    what if you got a 15 foot shark in your fishtank?

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    a real man should never cry unless something really bad happens, like a loved one dying

    a real man isn't scared of showing his emotions

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Found this for you boys too

    Things a Man Should Never Do After the Age of 30

    1. Use the word party as a verb.

    2. Shots.

    3. Body shots.

    4. Jell-O shots. Especially Jell-O shots.

    5. Read a book with the words Zen and the Art of in the title.

    6. Do impressions of Austin Powers characters, especially Dr. Evil.

    7. Help friends move.

    8. Ask friends to help you move.

    9. Crash on a friend's floor or couch.

    10. Refer to breasts as "chesticles."

    11. Experiment with facial hair.

    12. Let your underpants show above your jeans or below your shorts.

    13. Apply paint to your face for any reason at all.

    14. Own beer-drinking paraphernalia.

    15. Own a skull bong.

    16. Know the names of the current Real World cast.

    17. Remove your shirt in public—unless there is sand and a large body of water nearby.

    18. Use the word dude, except when referring to a ranch or a well-dressed Englishman.

    19. Use the word dawg in a sentence when referring to a friend or, worse, yourself.

    20. Own a futon.

    21. Own a beanbag chair.

    22. Hang art framelessly.

    23. Hang tapestries.

    24. Drink malternative beverages.

    25. Don a puka-bead necklace.

    26. Google ex-girlfriends.

    27. Break up with a girlfriend by e-mail.

    28. Engage in pranks involving airborne food.

    29. Own a Lava lamp.

    30. Pool hop.

    31. Live with someone you don't sleep with.

    32. Share a hotel room with someone you don't sleep with.

    33. Play fantasy sports.

    34. Divide a restaurant bill with a friend in any way other than 50-50.

    35. Sleep past 10:30.

    36. Refer to a woman's genitalia as her "nappy dugout."

    37. Cook exclusively on a George Foreman grill.

    38. Wear a jersey with the name of a professional athlete on the back.

    39. Employ any other pickup line besides "Hi, my name is _____. What's yours?"

    40. Listen to Pink Floyd.

    41. Use Internet acronyms, especially ROFL and LOL.

    42. Shave any part of your body except your face.

    43. Enjoy Jerry Bruckheimer movies.

    44. Run with the bulls in Pamplona.

    45. Attend Mardi Gras, Carnaval, or Burning Man.

    46. Own a fish tank.

    47. Fall asleep in public.

    48. Call drugs by their street names (e.g., junk, smack, or whitebag).

    49. Pick a fistfight by thrusting out your neck, flexing, and screaming, "It's go time!"

    someone please make sure i don't live past 30! BTW half of us eat soley off the forman grill so :P

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ninja dojo, UK
    a real man doesnt try too hard to be 'manly'. and since when has talking about guns been manly?

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by helium3
    a man should be man enough to admit when hes wrong!

    and should also be man enough to admit he's wrong when he's not cus you know the woman aren't

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    toronto, canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    a real man should never cry unless something really bad happens, like a loved one dying
    or some kicked his nuts really really hard

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    toronto, canada
    Quote Originally Posted by mizfit
    10. Refer to breasts as "chesticles."

    who in their right mind has ever used that word !

  21. #61
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by stunner5000pt

    who in their right mind has ever used that word !
    i have... but i am far from being in my right mind

  22. #62
    Join Date
    May 2006
    St. Louis/Peoria
    i guess men shouldn't get smoothies...but in this case i'm not a man

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    toronto, canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    i have... but i am far from being in my right mind

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I am at my 39th BDay party last week at this bar and I am doing Jello shots while wearing my pink polo with the collar popped. I have my cell phone and huge keyring on my belt which is weighing it down so my joe boxers are hanging out above my jeans. I order a Pina Colada with extra whipped cream with a fancy umbrella. After a few drinks I start talking like Austin powers and calling all the girls in the bar b*tches. I then start to cry and tell people about the lava lamp I got last year that I broke while I was cooking exclusively on my GF grill.

    After the birthday party was over my friends had to carry my out and I threw up in their car and then crashed on their couch. the next day I went outside and took my shirt off but I did not want to sunburn my feet so I wore socks with my sandals.

    I still think I am a sexy bitch, in fact I think that will be my new nickname.


  25. #65
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    Quote Originally Posted by oldman
    I am at my 39th BDay party last week at this bar and I am doing Jello shots while wearing my pink polo with the collar popped. I have my cell phone and huge keyring on my belt which is weighing it down so my joe boxers are hanging out above my jeans. I order a Pina Colada with extra whipped cream with a fancy umbrella. After a few drinks I start talking like Austin powers and calling all the girls in the bar b*tches. I then start to cry and tell people about the lava lamp I got last year that I broke while I was cooking exclusively on my GF grill.

    After the birthday party was over my friends had to carry my out and I threw up in their car and then crashed on their couch. the next day I went outside and took my shirt off but I did not want to sunburn my feet so I wore socks with my sandals.

    I still think I am a sexy bitch, in fact I think that will be my new nickname.


    And this^^^^is how we old guys party! So whaddaya punks think of that lol.

  26. #66
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    A metrosexual=An urban male with a heterosexual orientation who rejects many macho attributes often linked to masculinity. He adopts many traits often associated with heterosexual females and gay males -- eg expensive hair care, stylish clothes.

    Not just into physical appearance, but can tell you what kind of wine goes with what food and tastefully decorate a home. Basically, a lesbian with a penis.

  27. #67
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    A metrosexual=An urban male with a heterosexual orientation who rejects many macho attributes often linked to masculinity. He adopts many traits often associated with heterosexual females and gay males -- eg expensive hair care, stylish clothes.

    Not just into physical appearance, but can tell you what kind of wine goes with what food and tastefully decorate a home. Basically, a lesbian with a penis.

    That is funny.. never heard someone say that before..


  28. #68
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    toys for twats truck
    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    WTF is metrosexual???
    *edit: oops didn't see shortie already went in to detail... oh well

    it has more to do with the way you dress than how much you care about how you look.

    metrosexual style is usually seen in big cities (why it is named "metro")
    pretty much guys that get pedicure/manicures, facials. all that girly shit.

  29. #69
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    Quote Originally Posted by helium3
    i cant stand these bluetooth nobheads,with that shit stuck to their ears like there so f@@king important,id love to roundhouse that s@@t off their skulls!
    agreed here.

  30. #70
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    a real man isn't scared of showing his emotions
    agreed totally. overexaggerating isn't cool, but if its a legit emotion there isn't anything wrong wth that.

  31. #71
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    and should also be man enough to admit he's wrong when he's not cus you know the woman aren't
    i like the twist u threw in there about the women not being incorrect. but admitting you don't know everything is a great quality. we can all live and learn.

  32. #72
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    looking good and having verything match is good. women appreciate a man who knows a little fashion "know how" but overdoing it with pedicures and manicures is NOT cool. looking & smelling good is a definate must.

  33. #73
    Join Date
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    i also don't think a man should talk about money in front of people to make himself sound better or come off as wealthy. it is just unneeded. true humbleness comes when you know it but don't have to show it or overly express it. who cares if u have money really (yes its nice), but who you are isn't in your wallet.

  34. #74
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    another that annoys me is when someone talks about being "generous". true generosity is silent and you don't get the emotional/mental/spiritual recognition from it if you want hman recognition. if u can do it n peace, then you will have peace.

  35. #75
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    i also hate when people are asked opinions on here and all they say is "oh look at me" or "if you see my pictures" "i have this kind of physique" or "these kind of abs" who cares, they want help not another guy to look at. yes it can be motivational to see guys get big and tell u how they did it. but we get it you're big...HELP US GET THERE...

    check out Webb's profile for the exact quote but it goes something like this...

    "truly great people make other people feel great and achieve greatness...NO MATTER WHAT"

  36. #76
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    mizfit u might wanna whittle that list down to around 10 or u might never get a man lol.. real or otherwise

  37. #77
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    Mizfit, that seems like a personal list hmm...

  38. #78
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    a real man should never cry unless something really bad happens, like a loved one dying

    I cried when my baby girl was born. Couldnt help it.

  39. #79
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by 31uniform
    I cried when my baby girl was born. Couldnt help it.
    why, was it a different race than you?

    hehehe jussssst playin

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    why, was it a different race than you?

    hehehe jussssst playin


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