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Thread: new to dating, HELP!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    ridin dirty

    new to dating, HELP!!!

    ok, broke up a couple months ago with my girl of 2 years and thursday night was my first date with a new girl. i met her last week, she is a shotgirl at a bar i went to. So anyway, we had a great time, went to a baseball game and then just talked for like an hour afterwards. I'm pretty sure she was into me, cause she gave me her work # for her other job and told me to call during the day, and then to come see her at the bar tonight(friday)

    my question: what do i do, i don't wanna seem to into it or desperate just i call, or not? Do i go to the bar or not? I NEED HELP with how to play it, i haven't done this in forever!?!?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    stop in the bar and say hi. tell her that your headin out with your boys, but would like to talk or maybe see her later, then tell her to give you a ring when she gets off work. if she does, get her to your house.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I agree, just stop by but don't stay. It'll show her that you took the time out to see her even when your with your boys. Wait 2 weeks before calling her at work and when you do get ready call her late around 3:00 to 4:00pm. That part of the she's proabaly settling down ready to go home and her comes a surprise phone call from you ... sweet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    do say hi bro. and say it with confidence.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    oh and keep good eye contact, and never look away first. make sure she looks away first.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
    oh and keep good eye contact, and never look away first. make sure she looks away first.
    lol dont scare the poor gurl

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    hmm meeting her after work - she will think yah wanna bang her - if that is all your interested in then go ahead, but if you want more don't follow his advice.

    If you wait two weeks she will forget about you.. i would...

    Thursday nite was last nite.. what i would do is not callh er today and don't stop by the bar - call her sat and tell her that you got caught up in something but that you hadnt forgotten about her and ask her if she has plans for a specific day.

    You won't look depserate because your showing you have a life but your still making an effort and showing an interest.

    AND for the knobs.. who have offered advice i will hang you from your nuts..
    Last edited by Mizfit; 06-30-2006 at 07:02 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Walk into the bar naked and propose Marriage.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    hmm meeting her after work - she will think yah wanna bang her - if that is all your interested in then go ahead, but if you want more don't follow his advice.

    If you wait two weeks she will forget about you.. i would...

    Thursday nite was last nite.. what i would do is not callh er today and don't stop by the bar - call her sat and tell her that you got caught up in something but that you hadnt forgotten about her and ask her if she has plans for a specific day.

    You won't look depserate because your showing you have a life but your still making an effort and showing an interest

    AND for the knobs.. who have offered advice i will hang you from your nuts..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    hmm meeting her after work - she will think yah wanna bang her - if that is all your interested in then go ahead, but if you want more don't follow his advice.

    If you wait two weeks she will forget about you.. i would...

    Thursday nite was last nite.. what i would do is not callh er today and don't stop by the bar - call her sat and tell her that you got caught up in something but that you hadnt forgotten about her and ask her if she has plans for a specific day.

    You won't look depserate because your showing you have a life but your still making an effort and showing an interest.

    AND for the knobs.. who have offered advice i will hang you from your nuts..
    listen to the woman!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks
    Walk into the bar naked and propose Marriage.
    thats what i would do. nakedness always makes an impression

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by helium3
    listen to the woman!
    lol you wont hear that advice very often!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks
    Walk into the bar naked and propose Marriage.

    Either that or ask her out for some dinner and sex. She'll be saying yes when you ask for dinner and by the time you've said sex she's already finished saying yes so now she's stuck man!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    ridin dirty
    haha, i like the responses guys, pretty comical. As for the two serious ones that i'm debating on......i like both ideas but i am leaning towards mizfit's cause shes a girl and probably knows what would make me look more desirable. And no, i'm not just tryin to bang her, it'd be fun, but i'm not really that kind of guy.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1badcamaro
    haha, i like the responses guys, pretty comical. As for the two serious ones that i'm debating on......i like both ideas but i am leaning towards mizfit's cause shes a girl and probably knows what would make me look more desirable. And no, i'm not just tryin to bang her, it'd be fun, but i'm not really that kind of guy.

    Yes their answers were fit for a real winner..

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    ridin dirty
    this is crazy, i feel like a little kid again. I was so nervous last night at the game cause i didn't wanna say anything stupid and ruin it. I think i got through the night ok enough to at least get me a second date......

    but mizfit.........not even a call today?

  17. #17
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    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by 1badcamaro
    this is crazy, i feel like a little kid again. I was so nervous last night at the game cause i didn't wanna say anything stupid and ruin it. I think i got through the night ok enough to at least get me a second date......

    but mizfit.........not even a call today?
    u just went out with her.. sat is only tommrrow hun...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Dating is STUPID and i hate DIETING ><

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    You Call her and tell her u had a good time last time, and u take her out on another date, u plan 3 or 4 days ahead...

    Dont go to the bar.
    Don't let her set the stage, too much potential for turning into a nightmare, plus she'll be busy at work.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1badcamaro
    ok, broke up a couple months ago with my girl of 2 years and thursday night was my first date with a new girl. i met her last week, she is a shotgirl at a bar i went to. So anyway, we had a great time, went to a baseball game and then just talked for like an hour afterwards. I'm pretty sure she was into me, cause she gave me her work # for her other job and told me to call during the day, and then to come see her at the bar tonight(friday)

    my question: what do i do, i don't wanna seem to into it or desperate just i call, or not? Do i go to the bar or not? I NEED HELP with how to play it, i haven't done this in forever!?!?

    it kinda depends on the girl. its likley that if you start playing games with her, then shel do the same thing to you.

    if you like her, then id say go ahead and call her. but pay attention to how she reacts. if she sounds disapointed when you talk to her, then try backing off a little. girls always want what they cant have anyway

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
    oh and keep good eye contact, and never look away first. make sure she looks away first.

    good call shnouzed

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
    oh and keep good eye contact, and never look away first. make sure she looks away first.

    uhhh, why is that?

  23. #23
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    hmm meeting her after work - she will think yah wanna bang her - if that is all your interested in then go ahead, but if you want more don't follow his advice.

    If you wait two weeks she will forget about you.. i would...

    Thursday nite was last nite.. what i would do is not callh er today and don't stop by the bar - call her sat and tell her that you got caught up in something but that you hadnt forgotten about her and ask her if she has plans for a specific day.

    You won't look depserate because your showing you have a life but your still making an effort and showing an interest.

    AND for the knobs.. who have offered advice i will hang you from your nuts..
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  24. #24
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Send her 4 dozen roses and tell her she looks just like your dead grand mother. And you can't wait to introducer her to the rest of your family when you visit them at the institution.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Send her 4 dozen roses and tell her she looks just like your dead grand mother. And you can't wait to introducer her to the rest of your family when you visit them at the institution.

    haha yea, or take her on a hunting date. woman love killing animals with high powered firearms

  26. #26
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    The most important thing you can do is really listen to her when she talks. Everyone can talk endlessly about themselves, but if you can listen, she will appreciate that as much as any other quality you can offer.

  27. #27
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    uhhh, why is that?

    lookin away first is a sign of weakness.

  28. #28
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    So I take it you go around staring at people?
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    So I take it you go around staring at people?

    umm no

  30. #30
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
    umm no
    Then you are weak!
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    So I take it you go around staring at people?

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    roll into the bar with your whole crew. it would help if you brought other (hot) girls with you. dont have them on your arms, but make sure she sees that you have lots of friends and know hot women. just don't have the girls be all over you, it might make her too jealous and if shes insecure in the least then you'll scare her away

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