There is this guy who works in my dept. who works out as well. He's not the biggest guy in the world, but it's evident that he trains seriously. A couple other guys have spoke of him before and told me he competes too, so i'm thinking cool, good to have another guy around who trains like that. Well I tried introducing myself to the guy once b4, and he just kind of shook my hand half assed and bounced. Well yesterday I see the dude again, and he looked alot smaller yet more defined than I saw him before, so I'm thinking he's close to show. So I approached him and asked him what show he was getting ready for. He responds very defensively "What makes you think I'm doing a show huh, why you think I'm doing shows? I said a couple guys told me you compete as well. He says "Yeah, I do them all over, I compete all over!!" He's like, I'm doing one this fall. I was like, "cool, which one?" He responds with the same show I'm training for. I was like "No shit, well I'll see ya' there then, I'm doing the same one" And then defensive as hell sounding once again, he's testing me saying "what day is then, what day is it" I tell him the day of the show and he goes quiet and doesnt speak to me. After a few min I was like "so your doing the same show, cool, are you a heavy or super heavy? He says nothing, ignores me. At this point I'm just thinking **** this stupid bitch. He's a decent sized guy, but he's got some ****ing bird legs, his back doesnt have shit on mine, it looks half my width. He's got decent forearms and biceps, good chest, but as far as anything else I've got this ****er smoked, and I hope he does show his arrogant ass up to the show, and I hope this legend in his own mind is in fact in my weight class!!! I'm going to show this boy what real bodybuilders look like, and his ass is going down!!!