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Thread: computer use at work

  1. #1

    computer use at work

    ok if i'm using a company laptop but am going through a public wireless instead of the company firewall can the company still trace it...i know that my company doesn't use any keylogger or similar programs just the traces left behind on the server...also if there are multiple computers running through the firewall would they be able to single out which computer was doing what?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    R these guns registered?!
    Quote Originally Posted by tjs114
    ok if i'm using a company laptop but am going through a public wireless instead of the company firewall can the company still trace it...i know that my company doesn't use any keylogger or similar programs just the traces left behind on the server
    It is possible and easy if the wireless communication is not safe (there is no encryption) but I don't think they will do it.

    Quote Originally Posted by tjs114
    also if there are multiple computers running through the firewall would they be able to single out which computer was doing what?
    Yes, they can do that easily. When a set of PCs are connected to the Internet through firewall, every PC has a virtual IP address and the firewall maps every request made by every virtual IP address. All they need to do is to check the mapping table in the firewall and check what requests made by every virtual IP address.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Venice CA
    You might want to clear the cache and history of your browser. Or set it to not store that data.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex2
    It is possible and easy if the wireless communication is not safe (there is no encryption) but I don't think they will do it.
    With WEP, I can bust your stuff in about 5 min max and that would probablly include booting my laptop.

    With WPA its a little longer, maybe 20-25 min. Takes a few more packets to bust the key.

    WPA2 - a lot better, but can be busted also.

    Of course it depends on the security knowledge of your admins. I would have to agree, unless they know what you are doing or even care, likely they won't. They best thing you can do is clear your cache, cookies and history daily.

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