If you could rewind your life back to like high school or so and do all of life over again. What would you change??
If you could rewind your life back to like high school or so and do all of life over again. What would you change??
I would never get married and I would learn to save effectivly. Oh and I would have started juicing 20 years earlier :-)
1) I would have quit gymnastics earlier. It killed any chance I had of having a normal social life.
2) Never would have moved in with that cheating bastard. Wasted 7 years with him.
3) I would have started juicing 12 years earlier.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
I would have worked a lot harder (although im pretty much where i wna be anyway) and I would treat a lot of people rather better than I did.
I could sit here for hours talking about what i would have done different.
if i could go back to high school and rewind...... i would stay in school and learn something....
Not a single thing.. I have learned from every single success and failure i have had in life and i would not be the person i am today if anything in the past was different.
Mizfit...why you so smart...you took the words right outta my mouth...
if you go back and change things then you are not the person you are now, and if you are not the person you are now cause of the changes you would make, who are you????
also, i would go back under one condition, i know then what i know know...especially about bodybuilding and girls![]()
Originally Posted by WEBB
thats the pointOriginally Posted by WEBB
what would you change knowing what you know now
woulda done better in school and slacked off less and maybe gone to college..
I wouldn't let the one that got away get away
I wouldnt' have wasted so much money on trivial things
oh i get ya now, Johan....but even though i said i would go back if i knew then what i know now, i still do not think iwould change a thing...the mistakes and choices have given me the character i have now, and have made me the man i am today, and if i start thinking about the changing the mistakes i made then i am essentially changing the person i am now...and if you make those changes in the past that will effect the future and you might never be happy and it will be an endless circle of unhappiness...then waht...do you try and change back to the person you were?????...
I woulda slept with way more highschool hotties!!
Woulda started working out 6 years ealier!!!!!
I wouldnt even think about it, I love my life now no matter how fvcked up it may seem from the outside.
I LOVE all the mistakes I did, all the shit that happened to me, the accidents, fights, hosptial visits, failures and all the good things and times I had with my friends, myself all the things I did I really appreciate everything that happened and am glad everything went the way it did.
Without them I wouldnt be the person I am today
i would TOO!Originally Posted by Carlos_E
but that would make me like.. 13 LOL
Originally Posted by Carlos_E
Are you gay?
personally i wouldnt change a thing ive lived a good life so far and im happy with it,travelled the world,had nice cars,met nice people(and bad)ive also had my share of bad luck but thats just part of the journey the only thing is i wished id juiced years ago and enjoyed a fantastic physique at a younger age.
Are you cute?Originally Posted by skingusmc
Last edited by Carlos_E; 07-19-2006 at 08:59 AM.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
I would have looked at those preps in HS differently and instead of envy them, realize that are going to party themselves into their grave as I continued to stick with my own goals and end up way better off.
Originally Posted by skingusmc
Are you straight?Originally Posted by skingusmc
ROFL ><Originally Posted by Carlos_E
that'll make u think twice before asking a stupid question...
i think i know who would be the "MAN" in that relationship!
the list could go on forever......but mainly i wish i would have partyed less, concentrated more on school and my future, and i would have a spotless criminal record..
but the list could really go on forever if i could know then what i would know now. i need a genie to grant me three wishes damn it!
Carlos is da man!!!Originally Posted by taiboxa
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
i would probably go back and try to do very well in school. also start hitting the gym early too.
I would have started working out 5 years earlier and worked alot harder in HS
1) start jiu jitsu right then!
2) Start living a healthier life sooner
3) Be more social
4) stickit out through the bs college so i can get my peice of paper :P
I would go back to early childhood so i could re-structure my whole life.
I agree.. 100%Originally Posted by Mizfit
It's about wisdom me grasshoppa.![]()
Originally Posted by johan
I would change everything.....and I mean EVERYTHING.
Regret - only the things u haven't done..
I try to do everything i set my mind too, and only set goals for myself i know i can achieve.. 9doesn't mean they are easy, just means i know they can be attained)
i wouldnt change a thing, as like miz said, everything is a lesson. i may not be the person i am today without all the things that have shaped me. the one thing i would likely change is making one mistake last year, and am now suffering the legal repercussions. saying that, i had no clue how the justice system works, and now im learning alot, so i may not even change that. il let you know in 2 years lol
I would have stopped hiding what I am in school. I am and still is, the smartest person i know but i purposely slacked in school so i could be 'cool'. (It didn't work anyway) and now i really regret that move.
werdOriginally Posted by MastaAce
i regret a lot of things i have done... just because its made me who i am today doesn't mean i could've made myself better by making wiser/different decisions.Originally Posted by Mizfit
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." (Mark Twain)Originally Posted by USfighterFC
"I do not regret the things I've done, but those I did not do." (Rory Cochrane)
"Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable." (Sydney J. Harris)
Originally Posted by taiboxa
stupid question? hell how was i supposed to know
Wasted 7 years with him.Originally Posted by skingusmc
Was a clue.![]()
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
I wouldn't change a thing. We are all the products of our experiences, like it or not and that makes us who we are.
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