kick her in the vagina. KICK HER IN THE VAGINAAAAA!
kick her in the vagina. KICK HER IN THE VAGINAAAAA!
Originally Posted by Timm1704
You know you could go get a restraining order for her, then she can't be where you are.
I'm not gonna play her game. I'm just gonna put her out of my life for good.
Good man.Originally Posted by bulldawg_28
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
I wish I had some profound advice for you but honestly you felt for her and it will just take a while before you get over it. I felt that way for a year and a half before I met someone else and now I just wonder what is she doing these days.
Not throwing fuel on the fire, but duhh, no guy is "best friends" with a girl he's not banging.Originally Posted by bulldawg_28
Us guys are predators always looking for more or better tail
I'm proud to be honest. Go bang her best friend really good and take plenty of pictures in case you want to show them to her one day
She is banging this guy really good, why should you be the one to suffer over some hoe
If it makes you feel better I have had plenty of "drama" chics just like yours and fell for their shlt many times. This will hurt but she "really" likes this other fool and not you or she would still be seeing you. Not trying to be a dick, but someone who has been there, best of luck (you must still be young from what I can tell from your post) you will go through many hoes (I mean chics
Good saying for you to get over this hoe: kick a man when he is down, if he gets up, he's a man, if not, fuk himhelped me many times.
kinda creeps me out the thought of her fvcking some dude who is 'like a brother to her' lol.
Hell he was not like a brother to her, he was just waiting to bang her nextOriginally Posted by Timm1704
Sorry bro, but this will only make you stronger to hear the truth about your ex (talking about the original poster, not Timm1704)As soon as you start hitting another girl, you will cast her out like the "meat" she is (kind of gives you an insight into my way of thinking huh
dont wrry man, follow the advice on ignoring her. thn if she's stupid enough to say shit about u, spreading rumours and stuff thn she'll look like an idiot. for example, say u see her on campus, she turns to the person next to her and says "there's tht ****in stalker!", thn u walk right by w/o even acknowledging her presence, and she looks like she's lost her mind or somethin.Originally Posted by bulldawg_28
Update. She showed up outside the weight room today wanting to talk. I slammed the door in her face. She called me a bunch of times saying that If I had some balls I would go talk to her. **** that. Another chick that I'm pretty good friends with called me and asked me to meet with her. Not doing that either. I know it's something about her.
just tell everybody she gave you crabs
Her bf called here. My mom picked up, he basically said to quit talking about her because she's tired of hearing it from other people.
Originally Posted by bulldawg_28
Ignore it. She's just mad because you didn't fall for her drama so she's talking shit. It takes two people to argue. Don't give in and give her what she wants.Originally Posted by bulldawg_28
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
shard of glass.. go in kidney...
Tell her bf to go fvck himself. He has some balls callin your house like that, if anyone involved my family it would be a battle.
I'm not starting up any more drama. I'm tired of this shit. They both don't exist to me. What we had together doesn't exist to me anymore.
Right, better to just leave it alone, the more you ignore it the faster it will go away.
hopefully you can find some more of her shit and clothes etc. throw them in the streeet
also, its possible the new boyfriend manipulated/brainwashed her into getting that r order
Blackmail always works. Im sure you can dig up some stuff that she would not want the world to know. Just in case...
Until then: you dont even know who she is.
Originally Posted by kdawg21
i like that idea....good thinking
If I still had some stuff of my ex's, that sh*t would be going to donation. If she didn't try to get it back, she obviously didn't need it very badly.
Ignore her. It won't be long untill she losses interest, and pesters someone else. She's a drama queen. Plain and simple. All she wants is the attention. She want's to know that she can get anything she wants, even you. By ignoring her, you show her that things are over, and that she can not get back together with you. That would piss her off worse, then giving her any attention.
Good job at avoiding her so far. Don't worry about it so much. I go to school with my ex. University is pretty big, and I have only seen my ex there 3 times over the past few years.
If all else fails, then like said above... kick her in the vagina.
I quit contacting my ex-fiance because of the fact I dont want it to lead to a restraining order or anything ridiculous like that, atleast not until I decide what I want to do about my "friend" who interfered. You wouldnt believe the sh!t I've been thru bro...I mean I didnt hit complete detail at all in my post about it, but look at the bright side - you didnt lose your home! I did.
Anyway here is a little about my dilemna - same scenario, dont know if she cheated, but its obvious this guy was in the picture by the way everything went down.
Keep your chin up bro!
if they do try and give u a order.. its best to fight it.. and just tell them the story.. im sure most normal perants wouldnt let her take a restraining order for petty shit like that... even if she lies perants can see thru little drama queens like glass windows... u need to lower her at college and get ur rep up by embaressing her.. i know its rude and it will be hard.. but it will be better then people saying ur a stalker... or u just might clearly look totally normal and people will be like girly are u serious? this guy dosnt give a shit about u... but theres 1 opion and i know ur going to like it.. burn her house down!!! we dont need no water let the mutha fahhhh burn!! burn mm....Originally Posted by bulldawg_28
This will be my last update. I met up with her after I calmed down. She bitched me out about me having no right to diss her and her bf in front of her sister. But as for me, it was like talking to brick wall. I couldn't get it through her head to switch the scenario around, and put me in a position where I would blow her off to spend time with another girl. I understand her side, but she didn't understand mine. So that's that. One love down, more to come. I hope this shit doesn't happen again, but it will.
exactly!!! mail her a great big steaming pile of dog shit - that will solve the problem!Originally Posted by Carlos_E
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