heard on stern this morning that neil armstrong said that he saw a ufo next to his craft during the apollo 11 moon landing. he was told to hush up about it by NASA higher ups......interesting to say the least.
heard on stern this morning that neil armstrong said that he saw a ufo next to his craft during the apollo 11 moon landing. he was told to hush up about it by NASA higher ups......interesting to say the least.
can anyone get a clip of that?
Stop scaring me.
interesting. what that howy saying taht or neil himself?
trying to find a link
Thank god we all know we haven't even been in space, otherwise this would be scary..............LMAO
interesting...but not hard to believe that there's other life forms...
this site has old info that was always disputed........kind of seems interesting now.....
I can tell this is going to be the mother of all threads.
here is another interesting link about something that almost doomed the mission.
read the fatty article..getting off stops one early..eating more fruit..yeahhh that will sure help a lot
I guess Riley Martin isn't so crazy after all....![]()
he is a little wacko
The twin towers were blown up by the U.S. gov't...oh wait, that's the other conspiracy thread, sorry!
The lizard men of the Draconisis system are at it again.
*Runs for tin foil hat*
dude I'm still convinced that the conspiracy theory about us never landing on the moon is true!!! I'LL explain detail later if u guys want...
There's no such thing as Aliens.
And the world is still flat.
It seems like all those articles were tabloid articles. I wont believe it until I see the supposed documentery where Niel Armstrong says that they saw other life forms up there.
If there really were aliens up there with a base, we would be able to see them with telescopes, and we would have know before landing there that we would run into other beings.
id love for to explain..Originally Posted by Undecided09
I'd like to read this......Originally Posted by Undecided09
Last edited by .45Caliber; 07-26-2006 at 06:22 PM.
well this sure puts a twist on the debate of wether or not we even went to the moon! Maybe they made this shit up to further convince us that we actually landed on the moon. So now it seems that if you are of the opinion that we are not alone, you also believe we landed on the moon.
I personally think the moon landing is bullshit. They made it on the first try........OH REALLY? Come on. Why haven't we been back? Don't tell me that you believe the story that we were warned off by aliens! Also, why do we STILL not have the capability to land on the moon? Why did Bush set a completion date for NASA to make a ship capable of landing on the moon? We should already have one if we've al;ready been there.
Well I mean I'm not going to get to complicated with all of this conspiracy shit, but from what I understand....
When we wen't to the moon it was during the SPace Race correct?? So basically it was during the cold war, a hostile time in American History, i time when we were trying to prove we were the best and that democracy ruled...So it was very important for us to beat the soviet Union there...So apparantly the government staged a moon landing to convince both the American People and the World that we had won that race...Some points that I know of are
1. There is so wind in space, so if you remember the clips of the flag, it is waving in the wind, how could that be???
2. Half of the moon is 300 degrees above faranheight and the other is 300 degrees below, we wouldn't have had the technology to accomodate such conditions...
3. Why haven't we gone back for study??? If its so routine, we would have gone back every year since???
There are more but i don't remmeber, you can easily look it up on line...
Originally Posted by shortie
He he he..
I have seen the movie.
All ´fake stuff...
But i belive that we have bin in speac.
It has been proven time and time again that it simply takes way too much energy to accelerate a spaceship or UFO up to a speed with which it is possible to travel between stars in reasonable amounts of time. Alas, although I am certainly fascinated by the UFO concept, I cannot accept it as being possible.
On the matter of whether or not we traveled to the moon, I believe that we probably did, although I would not be overly surprised if at some time it came out that it was a hoax by the US government. If a thing is theoretically and physically possible, it is only a matter of willpower and budget to make it happen. I do not doubt we have satellites in orbit around the earth. Neither do I doubt the reality of many of the probes we have sent to planets within our own solar system. It is certainly possible to send a manned spacecraft to the moon and return it again today with the technology currently available, and I believe it was possible in 1969 as well.
The flag was waving because NASA realised the flag would just hang limp on the moon. So they rigged it so that it would be straight. When the astronauts moved the flag pole to stick it down into the earth the movement of the pole caused ripples in the flag.Originally Posted by Undecided09
Yes we do. 150 degres celsius(Same as 300 F) below or above zero in vaccum isnt realy that big of a problem. You could even be trust into space without a suite and survive for a while because the only way you would lose heat is by thermal radiation and that is alot slower than if you have a medium like air to transfere the heat through. Think of the difference betwen a sauna if its dry or if it a steem sauna. Its the same thing there, the water vapor acts as a medium through which heat flows.Originally Posted by Undecided09
Also astronauts doing a space walk is facing the exact same problem btw. All our satelites to aswell.
It wasnt routine. It was the most expensive NASA project ever. The reason to go there was political not scientific so there was no real reason to go back after america had been there a few times. It was not economicaly justifiable.Originally Posted by Undecided09
Last edited by Kärnfysikern; 07-27-2006 at 02:38 AM.
btw another famous person that claims he has seen a UFO is Jimmy Carter.
I think some other famous astronaut except Niel has also come out and said he saw ufo's while beeing in space. But cant remember who.
Well there are several theoretical possibilities. Wormholes ect.Originally Posted by sofus99
If we could figure out a way to bend space around vehicle we would be able to move faster than light aswell because the only limit is that we can not move faster than light localy in space. But there is nothing that prevents space itself from moving faster than light.
Right not there is no way to know if those are just impossible theoretical ideas though or realistic with very advanced technology.
Another possibility is also that aliens might live alot longer than us and isnt bothered by moving slowely.
Even with the light speed limit it is also quite possible to travel betwen stars. With something like this
True, and it has been proven to be theoretically possible. Johan, have you read "The physics of Star Trek" by Lawrence Krauss? It is a great book, and a lot of the stuff you mention here is verified and excellently explained in the book.Originally Posted by johan
Nah I tend to stay away from popular science books until I have taken classes or read real textbooks in the subject so I dont get any bad influencesOriginally Posted by sofus99
sometimes pop science books twist the physics to much.
But that sounds like I book I would like since I am a star trek geek![]()
Interesting, I usually do it the other way around. Learn the basics of a subject through pop science books, then go into the details with the more heavy litterature. I find that I understand and remember more about the details of a subject if I have the general (although less detailed) base knowledge first.Originally Posted by johan
This is one of the most fascinating issues to me.Originally Posted by sofus99
How some people have the conception that because we don't know how to do something now, means that we won't ever be able to figure it out in the future.
This has to be one of THE largest blunders in thinking, or failure to think, whatever it is.
Back in the 1500's if you were to say that we would have a little object that could hear someones voice from the other side of the earth, that would be crazy, unheard of, impossible.
It's on the same level.
Just because we haven't discovered the physics for faster than light travel, doesn't mean it isn't possible....in fact probable.
The rate at which our technology is advancing.....and give us another 1000 years, let alone another 100,000 years, which in all matter of relativity is a small fraction of time for another evolving race to have on us somewhere out there.
This phenomenon has been recorded throughout history in all cultures, (Nefilim ring a bell, in the bible, those who came down and mated with the women of earth, etc.)
Caught on Radar.
Caught on film, photographs, credible eye witnesses(Presidents, Ministers of Defense, people from all walks of life, etc.)
The Disclosure Project (over 400 military personal have come forward and are willing to testify IN COURT on matters these matters)
Not to get to far off topic here but, one of the great mysteries seems to be, well if their here, why don't they just land on the Whitehouse lawn and get it over with.
I can think of a couple good reasons.
#1. Perhaps with intelligence, as in our own nature, it is one of Study and contact(outside interference) is to be minimal.
#2. Perhaps they are aware of our inherent weaknesses as a so called intelligent race. Meaning, they are able to see all of the fighting and wars that plague our Race.
We have problems getting along with other humans, our own next door neighbors, from an outside view, why would they want to get involved with a race that has so many problems?
I think it is important for us as a human race to be able to fix our own problems. I think it may be important for "them" to see if we can as well.
What real good is it if they come down and fix our problems.
The Human race is still in a state of early adolescence, of childlike development.
What good is it if you fight all of your childrens battles for them and took care of all their challenges?
What would they learn?....nothing of value.
You would be stripping them of the most valuable virtues, experience, wisdom and maturity.
Looking from the outside in, from a view in outer space, you would see us not as individuals, but as a race.
A race that fights among itself.
That fights with eachother, and with themselves.
I think that it is imperative that to evolve, it has to come from within, that our race has to figure it out for ourselves.
To stop hoping and waiting for some outside influnce, force, Govenrment or God to make things better, but to take responisbility for our own future as an Intelligent Civilization, as an Intelligent, strong and proud race.
Bit of a rant, I warned you.
anyways, time will tell....the masses any way.
Live long and Prosper![]()
Last edited by Moe-mentum; 07-27-2006 at 06:38 AM.
If there are alien visiting Im sure they are smart enough to realise that if they made themself known to us we would be doomed as a species.
Imagine waking up one day and knowing the greatest achivements of mankind is nothing compared to those aliens. That we are like ants to them. No thanks. Our sense of pride over our acomplishments would be sweept away instantly.
If they exist I hope they stay FAR away or very well hidden.
yeas there is its called solar wind,which contains ionized particles(hydrogen and helium)that leave the sun at hundreds of thousends of miles an hour.Originally Posted by Undecided09
however i dont go for ufo's and believe that if a civilization were to expend that amount of energy and time that space flight could use id bet they'd stay longer than a few moments.and im sure if an advanced civilization didnt want to be detected it wouldnt,the only thing that bothers me is that neil armstrong was never given to flights of fancy,its rare to see him even give interviews at all.
but i believe that there is life in the universe somewhere no matter how basic or advanced it is.
Originally Posted by johan
im very suprised to here you say that yohan!
our sense of arrogance dont you mean and so what if thay make contact we could do with a kick in the proverbials.for many of us it would mean we have brothers and sisters out their even if they are only amoebas,and if they are advanced maybe they'd set us a good example of how to live,develope and treat each other.ok so they could wipe us out but i believe any technologically advanced society that has had to deal with many of the things weve faced and are facing and survived to tell the tale should be benevolent,well lets hope so.
Well I want humanity to acomplish our scientific and technological feats for ourself. I dont want us to recieve any handouts from a advanced alien spieces.Originally Posted by helium3
I dont think they would be hostile. But the mere knoweledge that a much more advanced race is around would be the death sentance to our society. No matter how friendly they are. Why would anyone want to get into science knowing they will only acomplish what those aliens did 1000 years ago? Why would anyone want to invent things knowing those things are just mere toys to those aliens? All our acomplishments would look ridicilous compared to a space faring race and you know humans value everything by comparing it with other things.
Just look at history. Whenever a more advanced human culture has encountered a more primitive the more primitive has more or less disapered.
If there are aliens around I hope they wait to anounce themself until we are somewhat equal. Because I dont want humanity to forever live in the shadow of there acomplishments.![]()
Now imagine if they are not only truly superior technologicaly but FAR superior intellectualy aswell.
How would the scientific comunity react if the aliens have science that we cant even comprehend because we are to limited intelectualy, even when they try to teach it to us? That would be the death of human science.
Considering the age of the universe, and what we as a civilization have accomplished in the few years we have been awakened scientifically (the last 100 years or so) odds are certainly that most, if not all, civilizations out there are VASTLY superior to us. Imagine what our own planet will look like in perhaps 1000 years from now. Then imagine a civilization that has been around for perhaps millions of years, totally mindblowing...
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