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Thread: ***Attention AR!! New Changes are taking place!***

  1. #41
    Join Date
    May 2006
    good luck Swole with everything you do. you and your advice will definetly be missed.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUYistheman
    i beleieve they took his MOD powers away... he's not gonna stick around as an ARSnitch(scout)... its about principle..

    GUY, why do you keep stressing on the word "snitch"? We ALL have that power and ALL need to help keep this board safe. If snitching on scammers and threats to the board is a bad thing, then GREAT i will be the Number one snitch cause I want this board to stay open and the members NOT to get scammed by slimbags

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    GUY, why do you keep stressing on the word "snitch"? We ALL have that power and ALL need to help keep this board safe. If snitching on scammers and threats to the board is a bad thing, then GREAT i will be the Number one snitch cause I want this board to stay open and the members NOT to get scammed by slimbags
    There was no rational or reason given for the decisions and drastic changes.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinions.

    Because of this decision, people who had worth that could not be measured are considering leaving.

    In the grand scheme of things it might not matter, but to posters who have made AR a staple of their internet postings, it will make a difference and might ultimately reflect where they chose to spend their free time on the net. Especially if the quality of information and knowledge available is affected.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUYistheman
    i beleieve they took his MOD powers away... he's not gonna stick around as an ARSnitch(scout)... its about principle..
    That's absurd to have "power" one day and 24 hours have it taken away. At the very least they could have informed the mods before hand.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The downfall of AR, another wave of quality members will exodus now. Great job Brian, truly a kick ass board you got over here.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    GUY, why do you keep stressing on the word "snitch"? We ALL have that power and ALL need to help keep this board safe. If snitching on scammers and threats to the board is a bad thing, then GREAT i will be the Number one snitch cause I want this board to stay open and the members NOT to get scammed by slimbags

    People are understandably pissed right now because all the cool people are getting ass raped w/no jelly. At this point I wouldnt push it.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    People are understandably pissed right now because all the cool people are getting ass raped w/no jelly. At this point I wouldnt push it.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    You will also notice that there are a few more “Admin” on the site than normal. These admin are PAID employees of AR. They will be the ones to enforce the rules at all times. These Admin are unbiased as to who is breaking rules or creating a disturbance.
    Is he implying that the mods were prejudice and or unfair? Why else would he decide to make the change?

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    as long as the the board is still not imposing membership fees, i am cool with however the owner(s) decide to run it. Business is all about money anyways therefore there is no surprise on how thing took the turn.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    weird, so who are the new mods?

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    weird, so who are the new mods?
    There are no more Mods, they are called Admins and we dont yet know who they are

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Sage
    as long as the the board is still not imposing membership fees, i am cool with however the owner(s) decide to run it. Business is all about money anyways therefore there is no surprise on how thing took the turn.
    That's nonsense bro because the new blueprint costs more than the prior scenario. Before Nark, Swolecat and others were working for free and now the owner is looking to pay new administrators to oversee the board.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    There are no more Mods, they are called Admins and we dont yet know who they are
    like they arent regular posters or someone like yourself could just be an admin in disguise?

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    like they arent regular posters or someone like yourself could just be an admin in disguise?
    I have no idea. And what would be the point of having an Admin in disguise ?

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    And why not just give the mods paychecks?

    Weird stuff but its none of my buisness

  16. #56
    this is sad. wasted time here now, but as a owner of over 150 sites i understand what u gotta do for $$$

    this is my last post not as it matters ive only been here a few years.

    gl everyone!

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    What does these Hall of Famers even do? Seems like we are just for show.

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building
    this site is a business. the point of a business is to make money. getting money in the wallet comes as first priority, members concerns and opinions come second...thats the way it is and way it always will be unless u wanna join some charity board or something to that effect

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDfromGC
    this site is a business. the point of a business is to make money. getting money in the wallet comes as first priority, members concerns and opinions come second...thats the way it is and way it always will be unless u wanna join some charity board or something to that effect

    The members are the board bro.

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    That’s the 2nd person to say the decision was based on money. Can somebody elaborate on this? I don’t know how you reached that conclusion.

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    It has nothing to do with MONEY! It has to do with the MEMBERS. It is costing me 10000000000 times what it cost me before to have admin.

    The titles that are now given were given to show respect and give recognition to the knowlege and hard work put in here. What exactly did a mod title do differently than the new title? There is only one thing in my mind that is different... the power to edit and ban a member. I would not see your title as being any less than it was before. The members still know that you guys are the shit. If im wrong, please help me understand.

  22. #62
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    UK, Lancashire
    Its very sad to see SC go. Good luck in the future bro. You will be missed.

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Also, the Vets of AR have NEVER had powers. They respect their positions here... why would the mods take it as DISRESPECT?

    CarlosE has been here for YEARS and has never had power, yet he is just as respected as the mods.

    I dont understand the uproar.

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    I think if you let the mods have the 'powers' they used to have, and keep the admins as well, you're golden, and there would ne no uproar

  25. #65
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    It has nothing to do with MONEY! It has to do with the MEMBERS. It is costing me 10000000000 times what it cost me before to have admin.
    Fair enough... Then why not:
    1. Leave it the way it was
    2. Pay the moderators

    What's the benefit to the new plan and new admin?

  26. #66
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Vegas, bitches!!!
    I'm very new to this site, all I can say is that I hope these changes don't turn this board into another s t e r o i d o l o g!!!

  27. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    It has nothing to do with MONEY! It has to do with the MEMBERS. It is costing me 10000000000 times what it cost me before to have admin.

    If im wrong, please help me understand.
    Ok, then if it use to cost you 1 dollar it now is costing you ten billion? ok how about if it was one cent now it is costing you $10,000,00?

  28. #68
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Here is my announcement, hopefully it won't get deleted with the new "management" team. It's simply an announcement:

    I've decided to leave A.R. for the most part guys. I've deleted my signature, pictures, etc., and I told Brian I'd keep my "Hall of Fame" title simply because after all of the 25 THOUSAND plus posts of my work here, to be reduced to basically nothing was a slap in the face no one saw coming. I'd like to at least have that title, and feel deserving after all of the free time I devoted here, all the shit I took, the threats, death threats, flaming, imposters, etc. I feel I deserve at least that much. I was here DAILY for the last FOUR years, and now BOOM...............everything changes w/out any notice at all.

    It's his board, his rules, and I'm not hatin' on his direction and such, it's just that as a board owner myself and knowing the history of A.R., I cannot see it being run any better than myself/Nark/etc. did for the last year or so. We were dubbed the "Dream Team" on many occassions, and now that Dream Team can't even take the court to play. It's like we all got cut from the team and no longer really exist.

    It is what it is, just like to say good-bye to all those who I helped, those who helped me, those who gave me props for helpin' them out, etc. I'll be focusing on my fitness business and my new modeling site to be launched next month, so those of you who are cool w/me, make sure you visit me at either of those locations.

    I will keep my title here for remeberance of what was, but since my help and assistance is no longer needed, I really don't see a reason to be around because there is nothing for me to do. This is not a bitch/whine post at all, I'm simply letting everyone know my plans so when you don't see me around, you'll know why as I've explained what my personal future entails.

    Good luck to all of you, train hard, train smart, live long healthy lives!

    Good luck with everything swole.

    Your post where incredibly helpfull to me when I was a newbie. Wont forget that, that is for sure.

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Brian to me we are nothing but a blue name. I think you have to understand that just because the admins "do not have a name or face" that members breaking the rules will not stop. Mods had personal relationships with members and knew exactly who to deal with and how to deal with them accordingly. In the Fighting forum I think I asked for ONE person to be banned because of just a slew of insults. Other than that I dealt with people my way and IT WORKED. That forum was as peaceful as could be. The other Mods did this as well and it worked fine. You're always going to get the members that have to be banned. If you have Admins who know nothing about the topic then they will not be part of any interaction with members and now members REALLY have to fear getting banned over something very small because it was against board rules. The way people rip each other up in the lounge in pure jest all of the time is all against board rules but we as Mods knew which members always intended it as a joke and which did not and we were right better than 90% of the time. People will always try to tear down an authority figure, it's always been that way since the beginning of time. Just because a person does not have a name and a face doesn't mean it's going to stop in any way.

    Now I look at it that you have to fear an AR ghost of sorts. Many Mods knew a lot of knowledge from me to the martial arts, swole to dieting, Mudman and Gear to AAS Jayhova, Nark etc. Now you have admins who do not know anything about AAS. It's like you're putting a plumber as CEO of Microsoft. I guarantee you that the job we did is going to be better than your Admins you've hired. I know your response will be something along the lines of "This is why I hope you all stay so you can continue to share your knowledge." With all due respect but if a cop is working for 5 years and does a good job you just dont take his gun, badge, and ALL authority away from him and tell him good job, now get back out there and keep up the good work but this new guy will be taking your place and you can run to him like he's your mommy is anything goes wrong. Do you see my point?

  30. #70
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building
    overall bad decision imo

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    Brian to me we are nothing but a blue name. I think you have to understand that just because the admins "do not have a name or face" that members breaking the rules will not stop. Mods had personal relationships with members and knew exactly who to deal with and how to deal with them accordingly. In the Fighting forum I think I asked for ONE person to be banned because of just a slew of insults. Other than that I dealt with people my way and IT WORKED. That forum was as peaceful as could be. The other Mods did this as well and it worked fine. You're always going to get the members that have to be banned. If you have Admins who know nothing about the topic then they will not be part of any interaction with members and now members REALLY have to fear getting banned over something very small because it was against board rules. The way people rip each other up in the lounge in pure jest all of the time is all against board rules but we as Mods knew which members always intended it as a joke and which did not and we were right better than 90% of the time. People will always try to tear down an authority figure, it's always been that way since the beginning of time. Just because a person does not have a name and a face doesn't mean it's going to stop in any way.

    Now I look at it that you have to fear an AR ghost of sorts. Many Mods knew a lot of knowledge from me to the martial arts, swole to dieting, Mudman and Gear to AAS Jayhova, Nark etc. Now you have admins who do not know anything about AAS. It's like you're putting a plumber as CEO of Microsoft. I guarantee you that the job we did is going to be better than your Admins you've hired. I know your response will be something along the lines of "This is why I hope you all stay so you can continue to share your knowledge." With all due respect but if a cop is working for 5 years and does a good job you just dont take his gun, badge, and ALL authority away from him and tell him good job, now get back out there and keep up the good work but this new guy will be taking your place and you can run to him like he's your mommy is anything goes wrong. Do you see my point?

    I was going to write something kind of similar to this but you put it much better. So I fully second this.

    Mods had a duty to this board that we loved. Taking care of this board was like taking care of our house. It was something that made us more active and participating. Its not some kind of power trip and we are all whining because we lost the power.
    Its more like we can no longer clean our own place, instead have to wait for cleaners to do it. But the cleaners dont know where we like our stuff, what should be thrown out and what should be keept.

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    A cop didnt give knowlege. I cops only job was to enforce the rules.

    A better way of saying what you said would be like taking your mouths from you.. not your gun. If the mods have so much knowlege, which i know they do, then why must you have a gun? Your not fighting anyone. Your offering help and wisdom.


  33. #73
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    I fully realise though that this isnt our place, its your place. But when some of us has been around for 4-5 years it feels like our place.

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    Brian to me we are nothing but a blue name. I think you have to understand that just because the admins "do not have a name or face" that members breaking the rules will not stop. Mods had personal relationships with members and knew exactly who to deal with and how to deal with them accordingly. In the Fighting forum I think I asked for ONE person to be banned because of just a slew of insults. Other than that I dealt with people my way and IT WORKED. That forum was as peaceful as could be. The other Mods did this as well and it worked fine. You're always going to get the members that have to be banned. If you have Admins who know nothing about the topic then they will not be part of any interaction with members and now members REALLY have to fear getting banned over something very small because it was against board rules. The way people rip each other up in the lounge in pure jest all of the time is all against board rules but we as Mods knew which members always intended it as a joke and which did not and we were right better than 90% of the time. People will always try to tear down an authority figure, it's always been that way since the beginning of time. Just because a person does not have a name and a face doesn't mean it's going to stop in any way.

    Now I look at it that you have to fear an AR ghost of sorts. Many Mods knew a lot of knowledge from me to the martial arts, swole to dieting, Mudman and Gear to AAS Jayhova, Nark etc. Now you have admins who do not know anything about AAS. It's like you're putting a plumber as CEO of Microsoft. I guarantee you that the job we did is going to be better than your Admins you've hired. I know your response will be something along the lines of "This is why I hope you all stay so you can continue to share your knowledge." With all due respect but if a cop is working for 5 years and does a good job you just dont take his gun, badge, and ALL authority away from him and tell him good job, now get back out there and keep up the good work but this new guy will be taking your place and you can run to him like he's your mommy is anything goes wrong. Do you see my point?
    i agree. i dont think an admin will know character traits that members have. Id hate to see someone being banned for something they said in jest that they always used to say because of a faceless admin.

  35. #75
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I would like to point out to the members that do not know the behind the scenes Admin.... THAT out of the 20+ moderators we had, only a VERY small handful actually MODERATED. I wouldnt expect many of you to understand the inner workings of this site (and that is not meant ugly in any way) but there is much more that goes on than one would think.


  36. #76
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    A cop didnt give knowlege. I cops only job was to enforce the rules.

    A better way of saying what you said would be like taking your mouths from you.. not your gun. If the mods have so much knowlege, which i know they do, then why must you have a gun? Your not fighting anyone. Your offering help and wisdom.


    No don't misunderstand yourself, you made the Mod position not us. The mod position was to help enforce the rules and keep everything civil on AR while offering our help and advice. I never said anything about fighting with members in the mod(cop) position that was a mere anology. Of course every Mod is going to get in some type of argument from time to time even you're not immune to this.

  37. #77
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    How did i take away "your place" Johan? You are stil here and recognized for your efforts.

  38. #78
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    How did i take away "your place" Johan? You are stil here and recognized for your efforts.
    Yes but we can no longer look out for it. Not in the same way.

  39. #79
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    CarlosE has been here for YEARS and has never had power, yet he is just as respected as the mods.

    I dont understand the uproar.
    Please don't put my name into this. I was told the reason why I was never made a mod and if this was the real world it would be grounds for a law suite. I thought it was very silly.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Please don't put my name into this. I was told the reason why I was never made a mod and if this was the real world it would be grounds for a law suite. I thought it was very silly.

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