Here is my announcement, hopefully it won't get deleted with the new "management" team. It's simply an announcement:
I've decided to leave A.R. for the most part guys. I've deleted my signature, pictures, etc., and I told Brian I'd keep my "Hall of Fame" title simply because after all of the 25 THOUSAND plus posts of my work here, to be reduced to basically nothing was a slap in the face no one saw coming. I'd like to at least have that title, and feel deserving after all of the free time I devoted here, all the shit I took, the threats, death threats, flaming, imposters, etc. I feel I deserve at least that much. I was here DAILY for the last FOUR years, and now BOOM...............everything changes w/out any notice at all.
It's his board, his rules, and I'm not hatin' on his direction and such, it's just that as a board owner myself and knowing the history of A.R., I cannot see it being run any better than myself/Nark/etc. did for the last year or so. We were dubbed the "Dream Team" on many occassions, and now that Dream Team can't even take the court to play. It's like we all got cut from the team and no longer really exist.
It is what it is, just like to say good-bye to all those who I helped, those who helped me, those who gave me props for helpin' them out, etc. I'll be focusing on my fitness business and my new modeling site to be launched next month, so those of you who are cool w/me, make sure you visit me at either of those locations.
I will keep my title here for remeberance of what was, but since my help and assistance is no longer needed, I really don't see a reason to be around because there is nothing for me to do. This is not a bitch/whine post at all, I'm simply letting everyone know my plans so when you don't see me around, you'll know why as I've explained what my personal future entails.
Good luck to all of you, train hard, train smart, live long healthy lives!