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Thread: new car

  1. #1

    Exclamation new car

    ok, i used to have a 97 pontiak grand prix gt. it was a good car, and ran well, but with gas going so high, i need something that gets more mpg's. the grand prix only got around 17, sometimes up to 19, but thats it. im looking for something pretty small, or at least on the smaller size. the grand prix would be good for somebody with a family,it has alot of space in it, a big trunk. but for me, not so good. so what cars should i start looking at on carsoup or autotrader? id like to have something thats small, gets good mpg's and still has a sporty kinda look. it doesent even need to have a trunk, just a good little car. and, no, not a geo metro

    well, i should have put the price. anything around $2,000 - $3500 i got the grand prix for $2800. it already had over 180,000 miles on it. and yeah, it has alot of stuff wrong with it, the gas gaudge doesent work, the horn doesent work, the inside is very dirty, and smells like puke, the engine skips, the back wheel is lose, and you can hear it clunking when your driving it, the tires are bad, part of the roof on the inside is tore up. and thats just off the top of my head. so, grand prix's are good cars, but i need something else. to me, i think a grand prix is more for somebody with a family, its a fairly big car, has alot of room, and its just a good all around family car. im looking for a car, thats smaller then a grand prix, gets decent, or good mpg's. there was a car i seen the other day, and i forgot what it was, but it was a small car, that was white, had a racing phin thing on the back, and it looked perfect for me. well, now you know my price range, keep in mind im buying used. so what cars come to mind, that you think i should check out? thanks a ton.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Staten Island/Tampa
    Anything Honda man is all I can suggest to you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Honda Civic, Toyota Corrolla, Mazda 323/protege, are all good reliable vehicles.

    You could proably pick up a domestic with desent millage for $3000. Ford Escort, or maybe Focus. Chev Cavalier, Dodge Neon.

    Maybe look at getting an older Chrysler, Lincoln, or Caddy that was owned by a senior. All the old people near me, have mint 80's LeBarrons, and such, with like 60,000 miles on them. All taken care of, and only driven to church on sundays.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    all up in yo' buttho'
    try to get a last generation audi a4 (yeah with quattro!)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Get a Saturn bro. I just bought one for the same reason. I have an SUV that get 13mpg and i drive alot. I just bought a 99 Saturn for a second car. They are the cheapest car in the country to insure. New they got 28mpg city and 40 hwy. According to all the on-line car sites the used ones are reliable.

    A Honda and Toyota you are going to pay alot more for.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    in that price range...try to get a foreign car...they last longer for sure. saturn is a good thought too but most domestics in that range are gonna be total pieces of crap.

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