Ok guys, anyone with any first hand or second hand info that can possibly support me, help me, or just get me through this would be very helpful.
Age:19 1 month
Lifting History: 1 1/2 years serious training with 1 year of serious diet behind it
Military Press:155x12
Basic recap of everything that has been going on with me in the past couple of months. As I got more and more into lifting I noticed something wasnt right. No matter how much more strength I gained, how spot on my diet was I was still not losing fat around the troublesome areas and my muscle mass did not reflect my strength. I went to the doctor and what do you know she found out I had low testosterone levels and got refferred to an Endocrinoloigist.
Part II
Today I visited to endocrinologist. She went over my previous bloodwork and told me that it wasnt enough to go by. I need more tests done but i could have Hypogondism primary or secondary. It can either have something to do with my pituatary gland or something else, not too sure. Most likely I will be going through TRT Testosterone Replacement Therapy, but its very tough for me to accept. I just kinda wish something wasnt wrong, but everything that this disorder reflects kinda describes me. One possibly downside is it can cause infertility which I dont know if I want to risk that. It just sucks to know Ive been battling the bulge handicapped my entire life.
So basically im asking guys is any input you have. Something you make know that can benefit me, discourage me or possibly be dangerous for me regarding this. Im just nervous about this whole thing that is going to be happening to me. Most likely im going to change as a person a bit, my moods, physcial features(for the better).