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Thread: best friend passed away..

  1. #1

    best friend passed away..

    fuking sucks man..get woken up at 9am with repetetive phone calls. so finally i answer to my friend sobbing "did you hear what happend" so im like oh god no what happened he says "sit up" (i was laying in bed) and tells me my good friend died at immediatly i think im like dreaming and start to freak turns out he opened the car door he was in on his way home and started to skitch on a main highway(why..who knows) and the handle on the roof of the ceiling let go and fell off and he went with it going like 60mph+ and there was a car behind them and ran him over. the guy driving is a fukn mess cause not only 3 weeks ago they were riding and my other friend got into an accident with a bmw on his bike right in front of this kid(hes still alive) but so hes a mess...what sucks too is this kuid was the life of the party and was just getting his shit together, staying out of trouble, got a serious job, cleaned up his act and now wham its all over...its sad im just venting a little bit but he'll be missed say a prayer

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    in the gym
    You your friends and his family are in our prayers man keep your head up,sorry for your loss

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I'll keep you and him in my prayers

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    fuking sucks man..get woken up at 9am with repetetive phone calls. so finally i answer to my friend sobbing "did you hear what happend" so im like oh god no what happened he says "sit up" (i was laying in bed) and tells me my good friend died at immediatly i think im like dreaming and start to freak turns out he opened the car door he was in on his way home and started to skitch on a main highway(why..who knows) and the handle on the roof of the ceiling let go and fell off and he went with it going like 60mph+ and there was a car behind them and ran him over. the guy driving is a fukn mess cause not only 3 weeks ago they were riding and my other friend got into an accident with a bmw on his bike right in front of this kid(hes still alive) but so hes a mess...what sucks too is this kuid was the life of the party and was just getting his shit together, staying out of trouble, got a serious job, cleaned up his act and now wham its all over...its sad im just venting a little bit but he'll be missed say a prayer
    don't understand this word, he was hanging out the door but the roof flew off? don't understand.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    Sorry to hear that, my prayers are with you and him.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    I think he is talking about the oh shit handles. You know the handles that you hold on to when making a turn or something. He didn't say the roof fell off, he said the handle fell off that is attached to the roof.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by style74
    I think he is talking about the oh shit handles. You know the handles that you hold on to when making a turn or something. He didn't say the roof fell off, he said the handle fell off that is attached to the roof.
    I've reread it a few times and think I kind of get it, but how do you have a door open at 60mph, wouldn't the wind blow it shut?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    I know, something does not sound right.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    please, someone correct me if im wrong here, but goodcents, i believe the guy was messing around, opened the door, was holding on to the handles whilst hanging out of the open car door. if this is the case, then that is idiotic, but still, whatever the case, this situation must really suck. sorry for your loss, keep your chin up

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    please, someone correct me if im wrong here, but goodcents, i believe the guy was messing around, opened the door, was holding on to the handles whilst hanging out of the open car door. if this is the case, then that is idiotic, but still, whatever the case, this situation must really suck. sorry for your loss, keep your chin up
    I mean no disrespect for him, it's just I don't understand exactly what happened. Still don't see how you fall out of a car doing 60 & why would he be hanging on the handle even if he was drunk it's not a natural movement even intoxicated.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Sorry for your loss. Whatever may have happened it sounds like you have lost a great friend.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Canada eh
    Wow, Sorry bro! Stay strong, be there for family and friends, they will help encourage you too!!! And, try and learn from every experience in life, the good and bad

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    I feel sorry for the poor bastard that ran him over! Talk about being fuked up.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Lost 2 of my very best friends within months of each other due to car accidents.

    Your family and friends need to lean on each other thru this time to get you thru, there is no easy way about it. I will keep you in my prayers bro.

  15. #15
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    please, someone correct me if im wrong here, but goodcents, i believe the guy was messing around, opened the door, was holding on to the handles whilst hanging out of the open car door. if this is the case, then that is idiotic, but still, whatever the case, this situation must really suck. sorry for your loss, keep your chin up
    wow you're just a barrel full of tact.

    sorry about your loss adrenaline.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    New Joisey
    it happens bro..
    a lot of my friends have died by random freak accidents, some not so random. one of my old friends was stabbed to death in elizabeth a few months back, its crazy when you rerun all the shit they use to say about life, like how they want to do this and do that... than BAM!!! its all over and theres nothing you can do.

    this may or may not be comforting but A LOT of great people have lost thier lives for absolutely no reason. Just avoid that "whyd this happen?" loop in your head. i hate to say it but when i look back its like my friends deaths, as much as it sucked was like a nugget of gold for me. because it taught me to never take life for granted, and that we are not immortal, we are human, and another 100 years from now, ALL of us will be gone. just keep yourself occupied and try to be as postive as possible.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Stay strong in these times of hardship and pain.

    Remember everyday is a "Face of Death".

    Be happy to live each day and live it like it's your last. You never know when your time could be up.

    I lost a friend to suicide.

    He jumped off a bridge into the Missouri river. He was heavy into drugs though after getting out of the army.

    He was one of my best friends and only 23.
    Last edited by Smak; 08-03-2006 at 10:12 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    New Joisey
    Quote Originally Posted by Smak
    Stay strong in these times of hardship and pain.

    Remember everyday is a "Face of Death".

    Be happy to live each day and live it like it's your last. You never know when your time could be up.

    I lost a friend to suicide.

    He jumped off a bridge into the Missouri river. He was heavy into drugs though after getting out of the army.

    He was one of my best friends and only 23.
    i CANT stand suicide, breaks my heart more than anything.

    my brother tried and failed a long time ago, and how far ive seen him come since is nothing short of amazing, he loves his life now.

    thats why now im so much more perceptive to people who seem depressed. cause things change so much that to make a permanent decision like suicide just f**ks me up.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Don't know what to say bro.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    in your girls panties
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    i CANT stand suicide, breaks my heart more than anything.

    my brother tried and failed a long time ago, and how far ive seen him come since is nothing short of amazing, he loves his life now.

    thats why now im so much more perceptive to people who seem depressed. cause things change so much that to make a permanent decision like suicide just f**ks me up.

    very selfish decision, but some people just can't fathom life and feel this is their only way out.

    I don't know how people can do it without being high on some kind of drug.

    Everybody gets depressed, hell i've contemplated suicide many times in my life, but there's too many things I need to do first and life would have to get pretty bad before it ever got to that level.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Sorry to hear about your loss bro.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    don't understand this word, he was hanging out the door but the roof flew off? don't understand.
    this is 'skitching' but on a bike..basically on a car youd drag your feet and hold onto the door and 'oh shit handle' dumb yeah we all doo dumb shit..

  23. #23
    i appreciate everyones respect and me it makes me feel was a long day..kind've in shock tommorow is the wake i dont think im ready..but if any good came out of this its it taught all of my friends myself including how risky some shit we do is, and how fast it can all end and how it affects our family and was a rude awakening a 'good' wakeup call...we all toned it down from here on out..on the motorcycles tricks are for parking lots not in traffic, helmets, not hanging out of cars anymore...ect we have all learned from this and this im happy, but still at the cost of a good friend im not sure id like to pay for it...its like the cop said "you got 2 bags, a bag of luck and a bag of experience, you'd better hope that bag of experience fills up before the bag of luck runs out"

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    i appreciate everyones respect and me it makes me feel was a long day..kind've in shock tommorow is the wake i dont think im ready..but if any good came out of this its it taught all of my friends myself including how risky some shit we do is, and how fast it can all end and how it affects our family and was a rude awakening a 'good' wakeup call...we all toned it down from here on out..on the motorcycles tricks are for parking lots not in traffic, helmets, not hanging out of cars anymore...ect we have all learned from this and this im happy, but still at the cost of a good friend im not sure id like to pay for it...its like the cop said "you got 2 bags, a bag of luck and a bag of experience, you'd better hope that bag of experience fills up before the bag of luck runs out"
    wow thats a great quote. hope you and your friends, and everyone involved is coping as well as they can

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Sorry to hear that man, I lost my best frind in the whole world a few years ago, its hard to get over, there isnt a day that goes by I dont think of him

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    this is 'skitching' but on a bike..basically on a car youd drag your feet and hold onto the door and 'oh shit handle' dumb yeah we all doo dumb shit..
    I get it, you probably have feelings of anger towards him for doing this to you and the other people this has affected. Wow is all I can say. The kid that run over him needs alot of support to get through this. Their are only victims all around from this one lack of judgement. Was this skitching off some movie or something? I remember a few years ago when some movie showed kids laying in the highway for fun & like moths to a flame, kids were dying left & right

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    wow that's terrible - i don't understand why he would try to skitch going 60 miles an hour though

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    damn...sorry for the loss bro

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Sunshine State
    sorry about your prayers

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2005
    i went through this a month ago....its horrible and words wont help, only time heals the pain

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    UK, Lancashire
    Sorry to hear your loss.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    Sorry about your loss bro..that sucks.

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    The 50 States
    rest in peace

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    fuking sucks man..get woken up at 9am with repetetive phone calls. so finally i answer to my friend sobbing "did you hear what happend" so im like oh god no what happened he says "sit up" (i was laying in bed) and tells me my good friend died at immediatly i think im like dreaming and start to freak turns out he opened the car door he was in on his way home and started to skitch on a main highway(why..who knows) and the handle on the roof of the ceiling let go and fell off and he went with it going like 60mph+ and there was a car behind them and ran him over. the guy driving is a fukn mess cause not only 3 weeks ago they were riding and my other friend got into an accident with a bmw on his bike right in front of this kid(hes still alive) but so hes a mess...what sucks too is this kuid was the life of the party and was just getting his shit together, staying out of trouble, got a serious job, cleaned up his act and now wham its all over...its sad im just venting a little bit but he'll be missed say a prayer
    sorry for your loss mate, i lost my best mate too in febuary in iraq. shits hard to deal with man. just keep strong and look after his family.

    sorry , but what does skitch mean

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    oh' i just read the thread, i know now.
    pretty stupid thing to do hey?

  36. #36
    sounds like one of my best buddies a year ago. Was the life of the party just like what you were talking about. He was a real wild child bro, but he had just started to get his life straightened up. He got a great job, found a girl he was going to marry, and was laying off the alcohol and had himself really looking great. But he drove way too fast all the time, and he always had to try to race someone. One night last year he was probably racing but someone pulled out in front of him when he was going like 80 and he t boned the guy. He died, the guy he hit died, my buddies girl lived, and the other guys girl lived. The hardest night of my life was when I got the call to go see him in intensive care late that night. This strong kid that was larger than life was a vegetable, no brain waves...nothing. Machines running his body. The worst part was I came back the next day to pray over him bacause he was supposed to get the plug pulled late in the afternoon and I was hoping for a miracle, and I got to hospital just for them to tell me they pulled the plug on him earlier that day. That was hard on me for a while, but things will get easier for you bro. Death sucks, but It is a part of life. We cant take what we have here on earth for granted because we could lose it at any time. Hang tough bro, if you are religious do alot of praying, if not then just try to get yourself some closure.

    How old was he, my buddy was 22.

  37. #37
    just got back from the service..and ive never had more fun at a funeral in my life...we did exactly what he wanted us to do..hes said "yo if i die i was everyone wheeling and banshees behind the hurse" and we did just that i mean it was a half hour drive and we took up all 3 lanes of the highway and just quads, bikes rallying the highway..of course cops came and no1 stopped and also nobody got in trouble but they made a video of it ill post it when its finished its sick lmao...but im glad i can smile knowing he must be freaking out watching it laughing his ass off

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    just got back from the service..and ive never had more fun at a funeral in my life...we did exactly what he wanted us to do..hes said "yo if i die i was everyone wheeling and banshees behind the hurse" and we did just that i mean it was a half hour drive and we took up all 3 lanes of the highway and just quads, bikes rallying the highway..of course cops came and no1 stopped and also nobody got in trouble but they made a video of it ill post it when its finished its sick lmao...but im glad i can smile knowing he must be freaking out watching it laughing his ass off
    Tight shit bro, glad you could make light of your situation

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    just got back from the service..and ive never had more fun at a funeral in my life...we did exactly what he wanted us to do..hes said "yo if i die i was everyone wheeling and banshees behind the hurse" and we did just that i mean it was a half hour drive and we took up all 3 lanes of the highway and just quads, bikes rallying the highway..of course cops came and no1 stopped and also nobody got in trouble but they made a video of it ill post it when its finished its sick lmao...but im glad i can smile knowing he must be freaking out watching it laughing his ass off
    No disrespect, but did anyone learn anything from this. Sounds like everyone hasn't toned it down to me, but to each their own.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    No disrespect, but did anyone learn anything from this. Sounds like everyone hasn't toned it down to me, but to each their own.
    no disrespect, but you can keep your comments to was a wish he made so we showed loyalty...his parents were proud cause its exactly what he wanted so we gave him it...he wasnt the type to not go out with a bang so we showed him our love for him and he definatly went out the way he would've wanted too...and you know what it was the only funeral ive been to where at the cemetary even his parents were smiling cause they knew its what their son wanted...we all cryed but never once did a smile leave our faces..and for that we made him happy

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