Last edited by svarturer; 09-05-2011 at 11:33 AM.
Post pics of it..
The police are a bunch of pussies here. They always asking us to help them with there crap but we refuse. Why did they beat you up?
Do you think anyone got it on video? Sue the shit out of them!!
haha, you got beat up by Barney Feif
Sorry you got your shirt dirty.
Last edited by svarturer; 09-05-2011 at 11:38 AM.
At least you did not end up in jail with an assult charge.
lets see a face pic...i gotta see how bad it is
Yea, it looks like they just ran over your arm with a car tire.
They got you pretty good. I'd rather take a beating though, then to be charged with assult on a police officer.
Originally Posted by Ufa
WERD!Originally Posted by cfiler
Last edited by svarturer; 09-05-2011 at 11:38 AM.
damn that sucks balls. were you charged with anything?Originally Posted by svartur
which country was this? Im betting spanish police or german maybe
Last edited by svarturer; 09-05-2011 at 11:38 AM.
never drink alcohol AGAIN!Originally Posted by svartur
Last edited by svarturer; 09-05-2011 at 11:38 AM.
Damn bro. Sounds like another Rodney King story to me. That sucks though because the "law" is always right and the court will always believe cops over a civilian.Originally Posted by svartur
Last edited by svarturer; 09-05-2011 at 11:38 AM.
sounds like you deserved it.
lol, yep, you probly deserved it.
so what did you do. They did not beat your ass for no reson
you've gotta remember something? were you with anyone? what did they tell you happened? .... LX-1, we don't know the story so if he deserved it or not is a mute point right now.
I agree.. also MANY time police abuse their powerOriginally Posted by NCNPC29
No doubt... Just because someone is a cop doesn't mean they are actually going to uphold their duties and "serve" the people... I know cops with assault records...
Originally Posted by Liftnainez
I guess for some of the rockies i can see this. But for the most part they are just playing it safe. There job is to make it home safe to the families.
no, their job is to protect and serve (however, they rarely do either)- not making it home to their families is a risk that they assume by taking the job.Originally Posted by gsxxr
Yes in the 1900. Now it is to make money in the town and to maintain order.Originally Posted by Superhuman
Call this B.S if you like. But it is 100% true. So if that was you on the road and dealing with asshole you would protect your self first.
I think that if we had NO COPS we would be better off
Originally Posted by Superhuman
I will second that.
na, there are a lot of trigger happy cops out there. i had a friend who just went out side the bar to smoke a ciggy and he got his ass beat, head bashed on the side walk and taken to jail. but, alameda PD (california by oakland) are natorious for that shit
no way, i think if we all had guns we would be better off. i mean, whos gonna car jack someone or break into someones house if they knew the owners have a gun. would you walk into a bank and try to rob it knowin that everyone there has a gun? hell naw....Originally Posted by Superhuman
exactly.... no cops! then only the strong survive... it's only natural
Next time I tell you to stop posing in front of a store window all girly like....by god you'll stop it and move on!!!
Originally Posted by Superhuman
so true
Last edited by svarturer; 09-05-2011 at 11:39 AM.
HahaOriginally Posted by Teabagger
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