ok i was eating a piece of chicken, and this is something i never noticed before. my dog will eat ANYTHING, and i know certain things can be fatal like ingesting a whole pack of sugarless gum. but ive never seen my dog reject any type of food like this. If i give her a piece of salad she just chews on it and spits it out because she doesnt know how to swallow it if its too leafy. But this is totally different. She literally ran away from the banana. Smelled it, did a 540 and jetted. I was like wtf?!??
So i chased after her and tryed the whole "mmmm good banana" shpeal as i ate it. than i put it next to her face and she literally ran away again. I was like this is awesome, but it makes no friggn sense. She freaks out. She'll eat grapefruits and lick a lemon and do the stupid licking thing for like 10 mins trying to get the taste out of her mouth, but i never saw her run away from food before.
So i googled it and all i found was an ancient martiniquais proverb that said
"A dog doesn't like bananas, but he can't bear to think that chickens eat them."
I have absolutely no clue what the hell the proverb means but if you have a dog try to give it a banana and see how it reacts. Im dying to know why dogs hate them, they have a sweet smell if anything. So yeh, im requesting people to go feed thier dogs bananas, that is the point of my thread.