Thanks bro. I dont mind at all but its a LONG story.
I guess my depression had several reasons. My dad is a alcoholic and has been all my life. A mean one aswell. He was never mean to me for some reason but always to my mom. My mom was pretty sic, bad rheumatoid arthritis so she could never defend herself. Most of my dads abuse against her was mental but sometimes physical and I always hated myself for never stepping betwen them to help mom. So I went through my life totaly shut of mentaly and emotionaly. Just faking beeing happy so good that I belived it myself. The worst moment was when my dad tried to choke my mom when I was 14 and I could hear her scream but I didnt dare to help her. After that mom was very withdrawn and cold and I just though she hated me now because I was such a coward.
When I was 15 my mom died, it left me with no chanse to ever know what mom feelt and if she hated me. Now my dad could only turn his anger and self loathing towards me and he started to realy break me down. When I was 18 I guess something in my mind just snapped and I fell down into the depression. Me and my dads last argument soon after I turned 18 almost ended with me beating him to death(I restrained myself after I had thrown him onto the floor, was holding him with one arm ready to start swinging with the other) but I managed to restrain myself because I knew if I did this I wouldnt stop. It was the first and last time I was ever physical towards him. before that moment I was just to afraid of him even though I was much bigger and stronger. He had managed to break me down so much mentaly.
So I got my own place and more or less shut away all my friends and just spent all my time loathing myself, trying to muster the guts to commit suicide and beeing consumed by how much I hate that son of a bitch. Soon after I finished high school and moved far far away to start university thinking it was what I needed. But that backfired on me because I had developed social anxiety and I just could not stand beeing around people anymore.
So I became more lonely then ever and more depressed than ever. I was just at rock bottom. To make things worse I totaly ****ed up my back aswell during that period so I was in constant pain, I had chronic insomnia and constant depression. I didnt go to class, I didnt do anything just sat at home and crying day in and day out. Cutting myself, smoking pot. I was just pathetic. For almost a year I didnt socialise with anyone outside of classes and even then I just keept to myself. I could go a entire week without even saying hello to anyone. I tried to hook up with a few chicks but I was such a wreck that I just got the classic "Just want to be friends" comment and that sure didnt help my depression.
At the end of my first year at uni my friends came to visit me in the spring, when they where about to head home to our hometown again I just could not stand the idea of beeing alone anymore so I quit university and went with them back to my hometown. I spent a few weeks there and later on in the summer I rented out my place and moved to my sisters place and lived there for a year. Didnt tell anyone how depressed I was though so all the time I struggled to hide how horrible I feelt. I spent alot of time on lone walks in the woods. Often brining a knife with me just to se if I could manage to end it.
But during spring 2005 something changed. I guess I was just sick and tired of beeing a trainwreck. I realised that the only way to make life worth living is if I ****ing struggle for it. SSRI's hadnt helped, counceling hadnt helped. It was me alone and no one else to relie on.
One thing that realy had a HUGE impact on me was the book "the art of happines" by Dalai Lama. That book changed me. I started to struggle to follow his advice. I forced myself to the se the positiv in everything no matter how hard it was. I started meditating to beat my insomnia and slowely I started to pull out of the depression. I started waking up in the morning with a positive attitude and not just loathing the day and wishing for sleep again. I stopped thinking about suicide and death. I started to realise how much joy there is in the small things in life again. I rediscovered my passion for physics and started to prepare to get back to uni. I just took controll of my life again. I guess a important thing was also that I stopped hating my dad. I just realised he is a phatetic son of a bitch and it isnt worth it to go around and hate him. If I do I will become like him.
I guess you could say I fully realised that how we feel is up to ourself and no one else. Even if bad things happen we are in controll of how it makes us feel. Its a descision to feel good and its a descision to be depressed. Even if it isnt a concsious descision we are in controll of it through our though patterns.
Negative thoughs breed more negative thoughs and after a while we get caught in a negative spiral and just makes us more and more depressed. But positive thoughs breed more positive thoughs and can create a positive spiral. It just takes ALOT of effort and the willingness to let go of shit. For 3 years I was depressed and for all my life I had thought myself to repress all my emotions.
I am not fully recovered. My self respect and self worth still isnt the best and I still have social anxiety but its controllable. I have alot of troubble showing and recognising my own emotions even now. Hiding everything is a hard habit to break.
It took my dad 18 years to break me so I guess it will take a couple of years to rebuild that. I still havent fully forgiven myself for not helping mom either. Thats something Im going to have to live with. Atleast I can look myself in the mirror and know that I was just a kid and I couldnt act like a hero.
Thats my story
long post. Anyway life now is perfect to me. I am truly happy for the first time in my life and I hope I will never sink down in a depression like that again. Nothing is worse than waking up each day and hating life. I would do everything I can to help people out of the shithole a depression is. No one deserves to be mentaly trapped in such a horrible place.